Monday – Funday

NBC News has a great comprehensive list for Cyber Monday deals and they have broken it out into different categories, such as clothing, home goods, tech, etc. Here is the link below:

I felt a little stressed over the weekend, with friends texting pictures of their beautiful Christmas decorations and sharing ideas of how to make your house smell like a pine scented forest, for the holidays. My husband and I weren’t up for decorating for Christmas yet, thus my dozens of glass pumpkins are still scattered around the house and wafts of my Pumpkin Spice wallflowers still permeate the air in our home. I read something on the internet that supposedly, in Ireland, it is technically illegal to do any kind of Christmas decorating, shopping or celebrating, until December 8th. I’m not sure if this is true, but this year my Celtic roots must be coming strongly to the surface. Either that, or my inner Grinch needs to be squelched and the pumpkins need to be squashed in order to make room for some fragrant wreaths and cheery mistletoe.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Wicked, Part 4

****See previous Octobers for all of the other parts of Wicked . . . .

Hilda: Zelda, what in bat’s hell is going on with you? Did I accidentally turn you into a frog or are you on Ozempic?

Zelda: Oh, Hilda! You kill me! Say, who’s the new guy?

Hilda: His name is Merlin. Seems like an airhead to me. He’s got nothing between the ears.

Zelda: Oh Hilda, you just don’t get it. Try, try, try to understand, he’s a magic man.

Zelda: Hey, hey, hey Merlin, do you have a ghoulfriend? Do you want to hear a wizard joke?? Who did the wizard call from the witch hotel?

Hilda: Ugh!! Zelda, how corny can you be?

Zelda: He called Broom Service!!! (cackle cackle cackle) One more! One more! What was the Wizard’s favorite Beach Boys Song?

Zelda: Help Me Wand-A!

Hilda: Help me . . . anybody.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Pumpkin, It’s Friday

Hello!! Happy Friday!! On Fridays, I keep it on the surface and I discuss the stuff that I like. Fridays on the blog are all about my favorites. Please add your own favorites to my Comments. We all love the joy of finding new favorite things to help us to enjoy life on an everyday basis! It’s all about the little things, isn’t it?

Sadly, we don’t have a Trader Joe’s close to us, but we were visiting my daughter at her university last weekend and she and I could not resist a visit to one of our favorite shops. True to the season, Trader Joe’s is not immune to the pumpkin craze. There was pumpkin everything, everywhere you looked. So, my daughter and I loaded up the cart with pumpkin stuff (and even an actual, real pumpkin for her balcony). My favorite out of this lot (and my daughter’s, too) is Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Body Butter. Surprisingly, this body butter does not smell like pumpkin. In fact, it has very little scent. The secret ingredient, however is the pumpkin seed oil, on top of coconut oil and shea butter. These ingredients combined make this cream easily absorbable, long lasting, and particularly emollient. As usual when it comes to Trader Joe’s, this big jar is a bargain at only $4.99!

Have a great weekend! See you tomorrow!!

Credit: Courtney W. May, Pinterest

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Monday-Funday (Wicked, Part 3)

Hilda: Zelda, I have told you time and time again to stay away from those Boos Cruises. They dish out some potent potions.

Zelda (muffled): Silly Hildy, I’m just playing “hide and ghost seek.” Cackle Cackle Cackle


Zelda (muffled): Hildy, one more, one more, “What do you call a witch who is pretty and friendly??”

Hilda: A failure.

Zelda: How did you know that one?

Hilda: (flatly) A lucky guess. Zelda, I have a confession. I accidentally sat on your pet owl.

Zelda: Oh, Screech will be alright. We just need to puff up his feathers. Hildy, that reminds me of another joke. What you get if you cross an owl with a witch??

Zelda: A bird that doesn’t give a hoot!!! Cackle Cackle Cackle

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Wicked, the Following Year

Hilda: Well, here we are again. Two snowbirds in Florida, baking in the sun. I see you joined me in gaining some pandemic pounds, Zelda.

Zelda: Oh Hildy, focus on the positive. Our spray tans are divine!

Hilda: Well, I’m thinking of getting a little work done, ya know? A little carving out, here and there.

Zelda: Oh Hilda, you are hauntingly lovely, just the way you are . . . by the way, did I tell you I got a Zoomsla, ya know, an electric broom. In ten Halloweens, we are all going to be flying electric. And all of my new potions are gluten and cruelty free.

Hilda: Cruelty free?!? What’s the fun in being a witch, then?!?

Zelda: Hilda, what do you call witches, like us, who live at the beach?

Hilda: Groan.

Zelda: Sand-witches! (Cackle! Cackle! Cackle!)

Hilda: Zelda, don’t make me fly off the handle with your stupid jokes. You drive me batty!

Zelda: Honestly, Hilda, I wouldn’t know the difference. You have the same expression all of the time: Resting Witch Face.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Monday – Funday


(credit: scootergonscoot Twitter)

I think that there is no other time of year than around Halloween, that you see everyone’s creativity come out more vividly than ever. Fall is certainly a colorful time of year, isn’t it? I love it! Here’s hoping for a fun and wonderful and easy-going week for all of us!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.