+ For some reason, this particular post that I wrote four years ago, has been trending a lot lately (and since I have been asked by more than one person – unfortunately the bougainvillea and the house pictured is a stock photo and not actually mine.) It’s not a bad post, if I do say so myself. (and this is when my late grandmother would say, “Don’t break your arm patting yourself on the back.”)
The Bougainvillea
+ A friend once told me that her marriage counselor said that in long relationships, it’s like being married to eight different people at different times, and so some people are capable of handling this, and some are not. I’m not sure that I agree with this statement completely. I do believe that we mature and we grow and we change (all of us) as life goes on, but I also believe that certain traits and values are pretty hardwired to go the distance with us, throughout our lives (even the ones that we wish we could change). What are your thoughts on this? I am reminded of the wise old adage that says, “Women go into marriage hoping to change the man, and men go into the marriage hoping that the woman never changes.” As a mother of two engaged sons, who have been with their sweethearts for many years, I ponder these things more. I have high hopes for my sons’ beautiful love stories which I am so grateful to witness them, as they gently unfold.
+ A quote I saw recently, I found deeply motivating, and as a person with many decades of life behind me, I have experienced this as fact many times in my own life, and I have often witnessed it happening in the lives of others, too. Know this: “Everything you want, wants you even more.” (just remember that “what you want” is most likely the feeling that you think “what you want” is going to get you. Explore why you want that feeling. And then realize that there are many ways to achieve that feeling that you think that you will get from “what you want”, more than just the far off, highly detailed, specific way you think you have to go about, in order to achieve the feeling. If happiness is what you want, it wants you even more. It is here for the taking. Explore.)
+ If you follow astrology at all, we are in a period of a lot of planets in “retrograde.” Some people believe that this means that people and places and things from our past, will often come around again, to make sure that what we needed to learn and to grow from these particular experiences, has actually happened. If you are experiencing an ex (romantic or otherwise) coming back into your life, Nate Postlethwait has written an excellent guide to “the roadmap to reconciliation.” It’s wise to ponder this roadmap, before jumping right back in. I’ve simplified and paraphrased it here:
- Has the other person fully owned their behavior which lead them to becoming an ex in the first place?
- Has the other person done “the work” (i.e. sought help from therapy, or groups like AA or self-help, etc.) to fully understand and empathize with the impact of their behavior on you?
- Has the other person sincerely apologized for their behavior (showing true empathy and understanding for why you are upset)? A good question to ask here is, “How do you think that made me feel?” People who are incapable of true empathy will struggle with this question.
- Has the other person been held accountable for the abusive things that they have done? Have they worked to make amends?
- Has the other person stepped out of the victim role, and stopped blaming others for what has happened? Have other people stopped enabling this person to continue their abusive behavior and scapegoating and gaslighting, as well?
- Has the other person expressed that they have created peace and healing in their own life, whether you reconcile with them or not? (this shows that they are not just pretending to “change” with the ulterior motive/manipulation of just getting you back into their lives. It shows a true motivation to heal the unhealthy parts of themselves, for themselves, to lead a better life with more fulfilling relationships going forward.)
*****Until these things have happened, it’s probably not safe to bring something or somebody back into your life (at least not intimately), unless you want to experience more of the same abuse. It’s okay to love people from afar. Self-care is healthy and important. Being able to trust yourself, to protect yourself, is absolutely vital.
+ Finally, for those of you who have been wondering – yes, our son got a residency on Match Day in radiology at a major university hospital in our state! We are so thrilled and excited. This is the last year that all four of our babies will be in their twenties. I feel old just writing that, but more so, I feel incredibly thankful and blessed. The best is yet to come . . . . (believe it!)
Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.