Tuesday’s Tidbits

It’s fascinating to me how the focus in our lives change, even if the circumstances don’t change that much. Something in our life grabs our attention like a project, or a trip, or a goal, or a crisis, or a pain, or a sickness, etc. and that situation takes the spotlight, even though everything else is happening pretty much like it would every other day. Right now, my focus is on my stuffed up head, and so everything else that was either bothering me or interesting me, has gone into the background. But soon this annoying sinus infection will pass, and I will be on to new irritations and intrigues. Such is the way of life. This is what is meant by, “This too shall pass . . .”

Here are some gems that I found in some of my inspiration notebooks that I thought that I would pass on for today (None of these are my own. I’m sorry for those quotes which are lacking credit. I’ve kept these notebooks for years, namely for myself, and shamefully, I was often lapse about writing down the source.):

+ “This is your permission to stop looking to be liked by people who don’t even like themselves.” – Nicole LaPera

+ “The shortest answer to your question: What would someone who loved him or herself do?” – Alan Cohen

+ “What comes at you, comes from you.” – Bert Winn

+ “A toxic situation is more likely to change you than you are to change it. Get out.”

+ “Honesty without kindness is cruelty. But kindness without honesty is manipulation.”

+ “You don’t get to pick the consequences of your actions.”

+ “Sometimes when you are invited, you’re still not welcomed. Know the difference.” – Wise Connector, X

+ “There are four natural sanctuaries: silence, solitude, stillness and simplicity.” – Brianna Wiest

+ “The light heart lives long.”

+ “Not what we have, but what we enjoy constitutes our abundance.” – Jean Antoine Petit-Senn

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

2220. Which foreign language did you have to learn at school?

2 thoughts on “Tuesday’s Tidbits”

  1. Kelly,
    Thank you for those words….
    I wrote down this one:

    The 4 Natural Sanctuaries

    I was just listening to something from Dr Arthur Brooks and it is perfect alignment with what I read this morning.
    The message I need to hear!

    And thank you!

    Hope you feel better!

    And to answer your question…
    In high school, I took a class about French culture, but way back then, we weren’t required to ‘take a language’….however I am learning Spanish now, through Duolingo. I’m enjoying it…(and a side note…developed from professors at CMU. I thought that was a fun fact to enjoy as a Pittsburgher!!)

    1. Oh, I love that Duolingo was created a CMU! It’s good to be from the ‘Burgh! I’m happy to be the “messenger” of what you needed to hear, Joan. <3

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