Monday – Funday

Credit: @woofknight, X

Kidding. Kidding. I am about 85% done. But that 15% that’s left is the toughest, and it’s all gifts that I need for men. I think that men are the hardest people to buy presents for, don’t you? Probably the grocery store is my best bet.

At my birthday bequest, my husband, daughter and I hunkered down on the couch (while a tropical storm whirled around outside) and watched Pixar’s Elemental. And of course I found a “keeper quote” in the movie. Here it is:

Wade Ripple: “Sometimes, when I lose my temper, I think it’s just me trying to tell me something I’m not ready to hear.

The kids’ movies really know how to pack a punch and say it like it is, don’t they? A wise person once told me that during bouts of grief, anger sits right on top of depression. Anger is really a form of sadness with more energy. The next time that you get really angry, explore it for some sadness and for some truths which you may not be wanting to face. Our emotions are always our guideposts to ourselves and our thoughts and beliefs.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

The Next Note

Hi friends. It’s been a crazy morning here. I like this quote. Mistakes happen. We all make them. It’s a matter of learning from them. If you learn from your mistakes, they can be some of your greatest strengths and blessings. Mistakes can create the best next notes you have ever played.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Monday Fun-Day


(credit: Rex Masters, Twitter)

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

The older I get, the harder it is for me to bounce back from trips and vacations. I feel like I am walking around in a perpetual fog. I have spurts of getting things done, but then a lot of downtime of staring into space. It’s amazing how quickly you forget about the particulars of your daily routine, when you skip it for just a week.

I saw a quote from the American author of A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine L’Engle that I really liked, so naturally I looked her up and I found quite a lot of quotes of hers which completely resonated with me. I think that you will like them, too:

“Inspiration usually comes during work, rather than before it.”

“We can’t take credit for our talents. It’s how we use them that counts.”

“Just because we don’t understand, doesn’t mean that the explanation doesn’t exist.”

“The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all of the other ages you’ve been.”

“Truth is eternal, knowledge is changeable. It is disastrous to confuse them.”

A Bag of Fortunes

I’m preparing for a nice afternoon, out on a boat, with my family. My mind seas are a little choppy today. I’m having a hard time finding the calm in my emotional and mental waters, from which place I typically write my blog. (perhaps too much excitement and/or coffee) Therefore, I am going to list a few quotes that I found on the internet or on inspirational signs, the last few weeks, which I have jotted down in one of my “Things to Ponder” notebooks. I hope that you find them as interesting and thought provoking as I did. Have a wonderful start to your week. Here are some things to think about to get the wheels churning this morning:

“Learn the difference between being patient and wasting your time.”

“The wrapping is lovely, but the box is empty.”

“You can’t see your reflection in boiling water. Similarly, you can’t see the truth in a state of anger.”

“Energy flows, where your attention goes.”

“How they treat you is what they think of you. What you allow is what you think of yourself.”

“Everyone deserves a second chance, but not for the same mistake.”

“Not every friend request is a friend request. Some are just surveillance cameras.”

“When is a problem, gift, responsibility, relationship yours? When you claim it.”

“Everyone loves an honest person until the honest person strikes a chord with a truth they weren’t ready to receive.”

“Your life is your story. Write well, write often. Edit freely.”

What She Said

Here are some interesting quotes of the week:

“Please scream inside your heart.” – As advised at a Japanese theme park, so people wouldn’t scream out loud which would make it easier for the coronavirus to infect other people

I thought to myself, “Who hasn’t screamed inside of their heart, at least once, throughout this pandemic?!?” I have managed to scream inside of my heart and outside of my heart, on more than a few occasions, during this event-filled year. And I haven’t ridden on one physical roller coaster this entire year, but I have ridden on plenty of “proverbial roller coasters” throughout this pandemic. This has been one hell of a roller coaster year, so far, hasn’t it? I just hope that we are already past the major highs and lows, and are we coming to calmer, slower part of the ride, in order to get us safely back to the station. But who knows? Keep your seat belts fastened.

“We Ride Together. We Die Together. Bad Marriage For Life”. —- Will & Jada Smith, a joint quote they put out, after publicly explaining Jada’s relationship with another man, during a rough patch in their long marriage

Hmmm. I think sometimes people assume that all long marriages are happy marriages. Sadly, I think there are quite a few people who have committed to “Bad Marriage for Life.” Like all things in life, if you are going to commit to it, shouldn’t the goal be to commit to something good? As the wise Maya Angelou once said, “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”

And finally this:


I saw this sign posted on Twitter. Locally, I have seen signs posted in stores, that more so just plead with their patrons, “Please be Kind. Wear a mask.” Why do we have to beg each other to care about each other? It’s not an argument worth getting into, though. On our local Nextdoor social media, I have noticed that the longest thread, with the most messages, is a back and forth argument between the adamant Masks vs. No Masks camps. And all of that fruitless energy, could be much better spent towards personal peace and boosting our own individual immune systems, which is really the best shield against this scourge. I think that quote below says it best. Simple, but not easy. Below is an evolving process that lasts a lifetime, it seems:

40 Quotes for Coping with Things You Can't Control