Soul Sunday

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Good morning, readers. Today is poetry day on the blog. It’s always fun to play with words and that is what poetry is – just playing with words. When our children are little, and they are trying to communicate, we often say to them, “Use your words.” Today I say, “Play with your words.” Here is what came out of my own word play today (Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!! Stay in the moment and savor it all.):

When you were my baby girl, I fondly gazed at your tiny toes,

And when you were a little girl, I dressed you up in bows.

When you were in middle school, I soothed your highs and lows,

And when you were in high school, we loved shopping for your clothes,

Watching you graduate yesterday, my face glows and my heart grows,

You are a golden girl who will have a wonderful life, this your mother knows.

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