Monday Fun-Day


Happy Monday! Happy Fun-day from Florida, the capital of lawn flamingoes!! Now before getting on with your day, and on with your week, think of 3-5 things which you are grateful for, right in this moment. Next, think about why you are so thankful for these things, people, happenings, pets, etc., and feel how good you feel. Pause and bask in it. This is the good, warm fuzzy feeling that you are aiming for all week. You are meant to feel this good, all of the time. This good feeling is what being aligned with the Universe is all about. Any time you start getting frazzled or angry or sad, use this activity to get back on track. Have a great week!!

2 thoughts on “Monday Fun-Day”

  1. Thank you! I love the idea of having Monday be a fun day and I love that cartoon. Thank you for the chuckle.
    Here are just 5 things that make me happy, warm inside and for which I’m grateful for:
    1) Sitting or walking outside with the warm sun basking on me
    2) Hearing the birds chirp and light sounds of chimes as a warm breeze blows
    3) Seeing owls, bald eagles, cardinals, and butterflies fly or perched in the trees around my house
    4) Reading a good book nestled in a big comfy chair in quiet serenity
    5) Being with or chatting with you and my other 3 best friends who I cherish so much

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