Happy Halloween! This week I was reminded of a beautiful quote by Ram Dass: “We are all just walking each other home.” This 2020 part of the walk has been rather scary. This 2020 part of the path has been reminiscent of the Haunted Forest in the Wizard of Oz. But we have each other. We are walking with each other and I believe that supernatural forces walk with us, too (and often carry us when needed). And so, with the love of the people walking with us, and the love surrounding us from our Higher Power while we trudge on, as scary as the path seems sometimes, we know that we will make it. We will make it home, to pure light and love and peace and we know this, because we each carry a small, but powerful glimmer of home in our hearts. This glimmering light, which shimmers in our beating hearts, is a guidance system or a compass, that shows us the way home. Always. So, as we travel, we must just Keep Calm and Carry On, as the English like to say.
And now, for some Halloween fun: Do you believe in ghosts? I do. I believe that I saw one, only one time in my life, when I was still a teen. But that story, my friends, will be a delicious, interesting story for another blog. If you have seen a ghost yourself, please share your story in my Comments section.
Have a hauntingly good and yet safe time, this Halloween night, under this stunning Full Blue Moon. I am closing this post with pictures that I took last night, in the same spot, within seconds of each other. One picture was of the sunset by the beach, and the other one, right across the causeway, was of the almost full moon. These were beautiful, natural instances, occurring at the very same time. Last night, this struck me as an awesome reminder that as the sun sets on one side of our journeys, on the other side, there lies a beautiful, ethereal light which leads us on to mysterious and intriguing new adventures, as we walk on, together.