This is Friday

In honor of all of my awesome James Madison University Alpha Sigma Alpha sisters (shout out) who have been so supportive of my published essay in The Fine Line magazine, I have written down this little “ode to Friday” with you in mind:

We love you Friday, oh yes we do!

We love you Friday, this much is true.

When you’re not with us, we’re blue.

Oh, Friday, we love you!!!

New readers, on Fridays I keep it superficial.  That’s just how I roll into the weekend.  I list three products/services/ideas that I really like and that have kept me hummin’ over the years.  I would be thrilled to see more recommendations in my Comments section from my readers.  Hint. Hint.  We could turn this into to something really useful and fun if everyone shared the love!!  Please feel free to check out previous Fridays for earlier recommendations.  So far, I’m not rescinding any of them.  No recalls.

Here we go:

Graptopetalum Pentandrum Superbum Flat Succulent – So I was trying to find the nickname of this beautiful plant on the internet and all that I could find is that it is in the subspecies “Superbum.”  Enough said.  I love all succulents but this one is queen of them all.  I discovered this gorgeous, drape-y, purple, impossible to kill succulent at a garage sale.  It is in that moment that I fell in love hard with succulent plants.  I have created probably 18 pots (I’m not a minimalist) of this succulent from the one little plant that I fell in love with at a garage sale. I even offered to pay full price for it. The neatest thing about the “drape-y grape-y” (my nickname for it) is that water beads up on it, so it looks like it is adorned in diamonds after it rains.  If you haven’t fallen on to the succulent bandwagon yet, this is the plant you want to start with and then don’t blame me for the obsession that happens next.

Sky Map app – My middle son “blinded me with science” with this awesome recommendation.  This app for your phone will tell you the name of every twinkly dot you see in the sky.  All you have to do is hold the phone up to the sky and you will know where Mars, Venus, the constellations and even the moon (being silly) is in accordance to where you are standing and looking up at the sky.  All you have to do is shake your phone to calibrate it.  Seriously.  I love this app!  It even works through your car windshield, although that is not how I would recommend using it for safety reasons.  Trust me on this.

Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo –  Anything with tea tree oil is invigorating.  In my twenties, I discovered tea tree shampoo when I found my head tingling in a great way after a shampoo from an “ahead of its time” beauty salon.  We used tea tree shampoo for a few years after that and then unfortunately, I got distracted by something on sale probably and forgot about it.  My boys were little guys at the time that we used it and they loved the zingy feel of it on their heads so much that it was a great bribe to get them into a bath tub.  I am so happy to have rediscovered this!  Honestly, sometimes I rub down my limbs with it because the sensation is so exhilarating!  It’s like cleaning your hair and your body with a York Peppermint Patty.  Seriously.

Okay, I cannot wait to see the Comments today!!  I’ll end with the Friday quote of the week:

“Music always sounds better on Friday.” – Lou Brutus

Have a great weekend!  I appreciate you reading my blog!  Big love and thanks!!

3 thoughts on “This is Friday”

  1. Here’a a shout back from a JMU ASA sister! Music IS ALWAYS better on Fridays!
    New favorite song “Broken” by LovelytheBand
    And to share a new favorite product – Elta MD Skincare Facial Sunscreen (UV Clear Broad-Spectrum) SPF 46 recommended to me by my dermatologist.

      1. Follow up. Just listened to the song. It is awesome! It is going on my playlist. And Betsey has gorgeous skin, so take her recommendation seriously.

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