Blip or More?

I read a really good tip offered up by the author and psychologist, Ramani Durvasula. She said that when she was in graduate school for psychology, they learned a really good tip for figuring out how to decide your own discernment about people, places and things. Say you meet a new person, or you visit a new store or restaurant, or you try a new product, and something less than savory happens. (nothing over-the top, or clearly dangerous or toxic – when this occurs, these things should be considered to be “one and done”) The first time this unpleasant experience occurs you can consider this experience to possibly be just a “blip.” Everyone has their bad days. The second time you experience this same type of occurence, it could be a “coincidence” but your ears should be perked. Your spidey senses should be tingling. The third time you experience this same type of frustration with the same person, place or thing, you are witnessing a “pattern” , and this pattern should become your expectation of this person, place or thing, going forward. You can then decide whether you really want this pattern to be part of your own experience and what kind of boundaries you can put around this pattern. In short, the first mishap is a blip, the second same mishap could be a coincidence, and finally, the third mishap is a PATTERN. This discernment tip gives you one extra bonus chance from the often stated, Randall Terry quote: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

711. How impulsive are you and what are you most impulsive with?


“Perhaps the reason you so desperately want an apology and for this person to acknowledge that they’ve wronged you in some way is because it will be just the thing you need to give them another chance to prove to you that they can be the person you believe them to be.” – The Blunt Reader (Twitter)

When I read this the other day, it socked me in the gut. I wasn’t the only one. Over 36,000 people seem to appreciate what this tweet has to say. It is hard to accept the truth that the people in our lives are often times projections of what we want them to be. What I am to you, is entirely different than what I am to my three sons, and I am an entirely different entity to each of my sons. We always bring a part of ourselves and our own needs to each relationship that we have in our lives. And sometimes we blatantly lie to ourselves, in order for relationships to be what we want them to be, in order for these relationships to fit into the lives we want to believe that we live.

If you are in a detrimental relationship with anyone which you have been lying to yourself about, in order to make your life “look like” exactly what you want it to be, sometimes the hurtful, unacceptable things that people do and say, without true remorse and change, can be the biggest favor that they ever did for you. These actions can jar you into reality, and wake you into acceptance of “what is”. These actions can help open up a space for you to find better people and to experience better situations which leads to living a more authentic, joyful, peaceful and fulfilling life. These painful experiences with people who have harmed you, can help you to learn to love yourself, respect yourself and treat yourself better. These terrible, blatant actions and lack of regret on the part of people who have hurt you, ironically may be the kindest, most honest thing that they ever did for you, in your entire relationship.

In my life’s experience, the people who have done and said the things that have hurt me the most deeply, have never been able to make sincere, honest, heartfelt apologies, nor have they been able to show amends for their actions. And for the longest time, I pined for “the apology.” I pined for the “on their knees, begging for forgiveness.” I pined for their true understanding of my pain, and a demonstration of their deepest regret. It took me a long time to understand that it is usually only the most damaged people in our lives who can do, and who can say the most terrible things to us, in the first place. And it isn’t personal. These people tend to leave wreckage in every relationship that they have in their lives. Hurt people hurt people. These people were never the people who I believed and wanted them to be.

It is painful to work on self-awareness. It is painful to accept that we play a part in allowing people to hurt us, by lying to ourselves about our relationships and our situations. But when we do get real with ourselves, and we take steps to protect and to care for ourselves, ironically, the apologies no longer matter nearly as much. If fact, sometimes we realize we might be better off without the apology and the conflict in our heart that the apology would bring. When we are showing ourselves love and respect and care, we no longer feel such a gaping neediness, trying to get love and kindness and protection from others. We get healthy. We make strong boundaries and we protect these boundaries. We grieve our losses, we hope for the best for everyone involved, and we move on. We only allow healthy people into our inner circle, people who love themselves and love others in healthy, confident ways, without utilizing manipulation, neediness and cruelty. When we come into our own authenticity, the pretend world is no longer something that we need nor want. The pretend world doesn’t interest us, because it is shallow, fake, flimsy and hollow. When we assuredly accept things as they are, not as we want them to be, we allow ourselves to take the first steps to create an enthralling, true life experience that we can thrive and grow in, to become the best true version of our own selves.

Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got.” – Robert Brault

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Narcissism Ad Nauseum

There is so much attention on the personality disorder called narcissism these days. It’s almost overwhelming the amount of information and so-called experts that there are on the subject of narcissism, in books, in social media, on TV, and in podcasts. Many of us have become armchair psychologists, doling out diagnoses of narcissism to the people in our own lives, whom we dislike, and whom we find distasteful. Many times I have experienced two people who I know, who were once a romantic couple, or who were once extremely close friends, all of the sudden, after the breakdown of the relationship, each triumphantly calling the other a narcissist, sometimes with fancy adjectives like “malignant”, “sociopathic” or “covert” added to the title, for flourish and for emphasis. Believe it or not, though, not every self-absorbed, self-impressed person who takes too many selfies, is actually a narcissist. A true, clinically diagnosed narcissist, is probably more rare than snow in south Florida, because most narcissists will never, ever get near to a psychologist’s office for self-reflection, and/or diagnosis. Self-reflection is not at all possible for a true narcissist. A true narcissist blames all of his or her own problems, on all other people, and on institutions that have somehow personally persecuted him or her, in his or her own mind. A true narcissist believes that they are never at fault for anything. A true narcissist is a perpetual victim. A true narcissist will never find reasons to change themselves, in order to create any kind of lasting, meaningful, positive adjustments, in their lives and in their relationships. A true narcissist might do chameleon-like, manipulative acts, here and there, to get you to do what they want you to do for them immediately, but in the long term, a true narcissist will always revert back to their insidious, controlling, image conscious, conniving, self-interested behavior, in all of their relationships. (This happens in their professional and their personal relationships, and even in their casual relationships). A true narcissist does not feel any empathy for anyone. He or she only sees others as objects. Narcissists see others as objects and tools who are for nothing more than to get the narcissist, whatever he or she wants. If others do not comply with the narcissist’s bullying, angry outbursts, and manipulations, then the narcissist plays the poor, abandoned victim, and then quickly moves on to their next target.

When you have experienced a relationship with a person who meets the actual diagnosed criteria for narcissistic personality disorder, you will never have to question what the word “toxic” means again. The level of emotional abuse, confusion, cruelty, hurt, “walking on eggshells”, targeted rage, bewilderment, anxiety, sadness, dramatic highs/lows, and self questioning that goes along with being in a relationship with this type of personality disordered person, is overwhelming, damaging, and traumatic. I don’t choose to get into the details right now, but I will say that I learned what the word “narcissist” meant, long before their were millions of resources out there, describing this disorder. I learned what the word “narcissist” meant before there was even a fully functioning internet. And at that time, I was so incredibly relieved to have a name and a description, for what was going on in some of my closest relationships. I felt so gratified and validated to finally understand that my perceptions and my intuitions were correct. This is why part of me is extremely happy that these resources are so readily available now, for confused and bewildered people who are in relationships with narcissists and other toxic, personality-disordered people. To feel the kind of validation that I felt, is so gratifying and awakening, and I want that consoling feeling for anybody.

That being said, there is another part of me who sees that the terminology around narcissism is getting somewhat watered down, and the term “narcissist” is becoming so mainstream, that it sometimes casts doubts on people who truly have suffered in toxic relationships, with these extremely disordered and damaged narcissists. And honestly, a lot of people who we casually disparage as “narcissists” might not actually be diagnosed as such, if they were to undergo the clinical testing that factually determines people’s psychological disorders. But here’s the thing, none of this matters. If the behavior that any one person is exhibiting to you, is painful to you, that is all that you need to know.

When healing from toxic relationships, there is a stage that everyone goes through, where it is so comforting to plow through all of the resources to help explain and to confirm, what was just experienced, in an unhealthy relationship. Unfortunately, though, this stage is a stage where a lot of people get stuck. A lot of us become unofficial Ph.Ds. in psychology, relationships, addictions, personality disorders, etc. at this awakening stage. While it feels good to have a “definition” and proof of one’s undeserved victimization, what really feels good is growing strong enough and wise enough, to gain enough self-love and enough self-confidence and enough self-awareness, that you are highly unlikely to fall prey to any of these toxic, painful, user-types in your own life, ever again.

Most narcissists don’t fall for other narcissists. Most healthy people, with healthy boundaries and expectations, are not narcissists’ main attractions either. Narcissists tend to be magnets for people with low self-esteem, above average empathy and sensitivity, and porous or non-existent boundaries. The reality is that most narcissists and other toxic individuals, developed their personality disorders from abusive people and situations in their own lives, and codependent-type people, with a lot of empathy, often think that with just enough patience and stamina and love, they can help, or change, or heal the narcissists in their lives. (Unfortunately, a healed narcissist is among one of the rarest things in life, even more rare than snow in South Florida. When you are not capable of self introspection, all hopes of healing, end right there. And, like any other infliction, others can support you and guide you, but only you can heal yourself, and that firstly, takes a strong personal desire for change, and for help. It takes an honest and earnest ability to take personal responsibility for your own life. A true, clinical narcissist really isn’t capable of this action, short of a miracle.) Bottom line, if you find yourself in a lot of relationships that feel toxic and uneven and painful, instead of trying to find the correct label for that toxic person or people in your life, and then staying mired in those definitions and in “the whys” that particular person or persons became so damaged and hurt you, and then spending even more time trying to figure out how you can “fix” them, your energy is much better served focusing on YOU, and on your life going forward. Instead of staying stuck in righteous indignation for all the ways that a person “did you dirty”, make your list of their wrongdoings, burn it, and then make a devout promise to yourself that you will practice tools, to keep your precious self, protected and deeply loved, from here on out. It doesn’t matter, really, if the person who you had an unhealthy experience with is a narcissist, or a sociopath, or Lucifer, himself, or maybe just Oscar the Grouch. What matters is, that you recognize that you deserve more. What matters is, that you stand up for yourself. What matters is, that you protect yourself. What matters is, that you honor your own intuition and feelings and boundaries, and make that your highest goal for yourself, for the rest of your life. If you have trouble doing any of that for yourself, choose someone wonderful, who you love more than anyone or anything on this earth, perhaps your child, or a dear friend, or a healthy partner, or your beloved pet, etc. and any time that you have to make a decision for yourself, ask yourself what you would want for that particular loved one, and you do that for yourself.

When you get to this level of self-respect, self-care, self-sufficiency, you’re a badass. You’re practically bullet-proof. And toxic people like much easier targets than bullet-proof badasses. It doesn’t matter if all of the world calls someone who hurt you a jerk, or a victim, or a sweetheart, or a malignant narcissist. What matters is that you trust yourself, to accept what you want for your life, and you accept nothing less. When you are bubbling over, full of life and love itself, you won’t go wandering around looking for others to fill you up, whether it be with their acceptance, or their attention, or their approval. When you trust yourself to honor yourself and your own needs, you will attract other healthy people into your life, who are doing the exact same thing. That’s inspiring. That’s enlivening. And don’t forget, the old adage is true: Living well is the best revenge.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Makes So Much Sense

“This is one of the marks of a truly safe person: they are confrontable.” – Dr. Henry Cloud

Dr. Cloud has written many good books mostly focused on the subject of boundaries. There seems to be a whole lot of attention on narcissism and toxic people, these days. Back when I first learned the term “narcissism” there wasn’t much of anything about it at all on the then sparse internet. There were very few books on the subject, but it was such a relief to finally have a term and some understanding about why some of the toxic people in my life, at that time, behaved the way that they did. Now there is a plethora of information out there about these topics, some good, some not so good, but Henry Cloud knows what he’s talking about. We only have control of our own thoughts, behaviors, decisions, actions and reactions, and we are responsible for the consequences of all of these things. Healthy boundaries that we create are an important part of our overall health. There are all sorts of articles out there, talking about how to spot an unhealthy person. I think the above quote is as about as solid and telling as it gets. No one likes to confront and no one likes to be confronted, but healthy people, even if nervous and upset, can handle confrontation and work through it to a mutually agreeable solution. Trying to confront an unhealthy person, is like walking into a hurricane or a room with a ticking time bomb. The energy swirling around is scary, unpredictable and has the healthy people “walking on eggshells.” I like when someone “states the obvious”, yet what is said is so refreshingly clear that it feels like something that we have known all along, deep inside, suddenly comes to the surface and makes all of the sense in the world.

Front Row Seats

On an aside, before I get to what’s really on my mind today, last night, I went to bed belly laughing with my husband. My second eldest son used a “Face App” to age himself and his siblings to an age, older than even his parents, and he sent the pictures to the family chat. It is kind of disturbing to see pictures of your kids at ages, even older than yourselves. I got a glimpse of who will be coming to visit me in the nursing home. Their responses were even more hilarious. “Scary.” “Terrifying.” “Brutal.” I said to my husband, “I wonder back when we were their ages (currently spanning ages 15-23), if we had that app and saw pictures of what we looked like today, would we find the startling pictures to be scary, terrifying and brutal?” Thankfully, aging is a slower process than an instant application, so our response to aging is not quite as harsh as that, except on really bad days.

Another concept that I kept pondering a lot yesterday was self-care/self-love. Yesterday, was kind of a “bad” day in some ways, but like all bad days, it had a silver lining. The people whom I love most – my husband, my kids, some extended family and some really good friends and even my dogs, bolstered me, nurtured me, cared for me, validated me and made me feel quite loved and understood. I’m lucky to have such good, solid people in my life. I hope that I am as good at nurturing them in return, for all that they do for me. I think we all, especially we women, spend a lot of time nurturing and caring for others. Sometimes we even get a lot of our own “self-worth” from what we do for others. But the question that kept popping into my head yesterday, is the wondering to myself, if I would put my own self into the category of the best carers/nurturers, in my own life.

At this stage of the game, in this second half of our adult lives, most of us have experienced the painful process of having to extricate toxic people from our lives. Even if we still love the damaging person(s), we realize that for our own sanity, the toxicity and the drama and the upsets that these people’s actions create, no longer deserve a place, in the front row of our lives. Even if we don’t do the extrication process in order to protect ourselves, we often finally do it, for our families’ best interests and health and sanity. So, the question kept popping up in my mind, what category would I put myself into, in my own life? Would I be in the loving/caring/nurturing category or would I often be in the toxic person category? When I talk to myself, am I kind, considerate, understanding and patient with myself, or am I judging, condescending and harsh? When I care for myself, do I encourage good nutrition, extra sleep and healthy exercise or do I look for the “quick fix” from unhealthy options? When I give myself advice do I do it in a positive light or is it spiraled in negativity? Do I give myself the sound advice that I would give to the people I love the most, and want for them, only the best? In short, do I treat myself how the best nurturers in my life treat me, or am I in the toxic person category? Do I treat myself as a loved, valued and respected member of the group of people who I care for the most? Do I nurture myself in the ways that I hope to nurture my spouse, my children, my family, my pets and my best friends? I came to the conclusion yesterday, that self-care is not just an occasional splurge on a massage or allowing myself to spend some hours just reading a good book. Self-care is making sure that I am in the circle of people who I trust the most, the people who I know have my best interests at heart – the people who are rooting for me. Self-care is making sure that I, myself, am not in that circle of people who have proven to be too negative and hurtful to be a big part of my life any longer. Like it is often said, we can’t do our best job loving and caring for others, if we don’t do it for ourselves first. For some reason that statement became more clear to me yesterday. Do you treat yourself like a person who deserves a front row seat in your life? I think that it is a good thing to ponder, from time to time.