
The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. —Stephen Hawking

I think that this is the big crossroads of aging versus staying youthful. If we grow into our age believing that we know everything and that we have everything all figured out, our mind becomes old and decrepit. There is no elasticity there. Our mind is stuck in its own judgmental closed capsule of fluids that are turning a decaying yellow. When we stay curmudgeonly stuck in the process of aging, we choose only to focus on things that emphasize and validate to us, what we smugly think that we already know.

A youthful mind can’t get enough. A youthful mind is curious, imaginative, creative, and full of wonder and innocence. A youthful mind constantly gets replenished in gargantuan waterfalls of inspiration and refreshed in the pools of hope and possibility.

And below is just for fun because it is Monday – Funday (and its a good reminder to remain youthful) Bugles are so underrated:

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.