Wicked, the Following Year

Hilda: Well, here we are again. Two snowbirds in Florida, baking in the sun. I see you joined me in gaining some pandemic pounds, Zelda.

Zelda: Oh Hildy, focus on the positive. Our spray tans are divine!

Hilda: Well, I’m thinking of getting a little work done, ya know? A little carving out, here and there.

Zelda: Oh Hilda, you are hauntingly lovely, just the way you are . . . by the way, did I tell you I got a Zoomsla, ya know, an electric broom. In ten Halloweens, we are all going to be flying electric. And all of my new potions are gluten and cruelty free.

Hilda: Cruelty free?!? What’s the fun in being a witch, then?!?

Zelda: Hilda, what do you call witches, like us, who live at the beach?

Hilda: Groan.

Zelda: Sand-witches! (Cackle! Cackle! Cackle!)

Hilda: Zelda, don’t make me fly off the handle with your stupid jokes. You drive me batty!

Zelda: Honestly, Hilda, I wouldn’t know the difference. You have the same expression all of the time: Resting Witch Face.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.