

credit: @andymewborn, Twitter

I think that the above meme has become particularly more applicable to me as I have gotten older. It really does stress me to have more than one important thing to do on any particular day. I have the tendency to over-exaggerate the importance and the relevance on any “big, BIG, BIG” event on any one specific day. Interestingly, my twenty-something sons and I are complete polar opposites in this regard. My sons try to pack in as much other stuff that they possibly can before “The Appointment” and then to come screeching into “The Appointment” huffing and puffing, breaking speed limits, with no seconds to spare, all of the while trying to pull off an air of complete badass nonchalance. It makes for a really fun family dynamic amongst us at times. If this sensation were a perfume it would be called, “Tension in Ze Aire.”

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Really Funday-Monday

My husband and my daughter both have off today, so we’re going out to breakfast! This is my favorite kind of Monday.

disappointment funny vegan and food memes very veganish - Very Veganish

Interesting quote to think about today:

“Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo.” – H.G. Wells

I can cringe thinking about a few times in my my own life when feeling jealous of someone’s ability to feel absolutely free to be themselves and to do what they want to do, led me to “hide” this fact behind a cloud of moral superiority and judgment. I think that we have seen a lot of this going on in these years of coronavirus, and extremely divisive politics.

But I have eggs and bacon waiting for me, so I’ll let you finish that thought . . .

Have a great day, if you want to . . . !

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.


Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Friends, please don’t take today too seriously. Check your expectations at the door. Use today to get comfortable with expressing your love – your love for your loved ones, for your pets, for your life, for yourself. Use today to say “I love you” to someone who really needs to hear it (even if it is the person staring right back at you in the mirror). Readers, I loved you yesterday, I love you today and I will love you tomorrow. Love is.

“You will be happier when you do things from love, not for love.” -@Motivation___Qu___ (Twitter)

“Never let anyone treat you like regular glue. You’re glitter glue.” – YourTango

Monday – Funday

credit: @Daryl_Elliott (Twitter)

I thought that I would help out my fellow writers this morning. This one made me giggle and yet also made me be a little in awe of its cleverness at the same time. Maybe that’s the true mark of excellent writing.

Have a great week!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.



credit: Rex Masters, Twitter

The truth is, we did actually reclaim our middle sons’ bedroom this weekend and it feels incredible. A place that I used to avoid like the coronavirus, is now a place that I run to, to just sit in, and to bask in its simplicity, order, and peacefulness. Of course, it will always be our boys’ room, and they are welcome to be in it at any time, but since their busy lives have taken them elsewhere for most of the time, it feels so good to have a place of stillness and tidiness, in what has been, for most of my adulthood, a rather chaotic, often sloppy household. (a four kids and three dogs family lends itself towards a little bit of disorder) My husband said that the boys’ room is like a physical manifestation of our new stage in life. I can see that I am going to appreciate some aspects of this new stage, for sure. (Although, in fairness, on Saturday, as we were giddily buying up accent pieces in a store, and proudly telling the clerk that we were reclaiming our kids’ room, one nosy, snarky shopper pointedly interrupted us to say, “You know that they come back, don’t you?!? Prepare yourself.”)

The responses from my sons, to the pictures I texted to them:

“Yo, is that for real our room?”

“I can’t believe that was our room.”

“Wow, that looks so much better.”

The one thing about empty nests, is that they sure are easier to keep clean and well-kept. I imagine that I will feel winsome for the chaotic mess, at times, but for now, I am going to go back into their bedroom, smile a little, and just breathe.

25 Funny Parenting Quotes - Hilarious Quotes About Being a Parent

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Monday Fun-Day

Credit: Rex Masters, Twitter

It’s been nice and cool here the last couple of days. (70s is cold weather here) I’m loving it. The sun is smiling sweetly on us, instead of scorching us with the deathrays of Florida summers. It’s honestly like a switch has been flipped. I want to put a proverbial piece of masking tape over that switch with “Do Not Touch” sharpied on the tape. I am feeling hopeful this Monday. I wish the same for you.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Monday Fun-Day


“I’ve already lost touch with a couple of people I used to be.” – Joan Didion

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do, are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Don’t compare yourself to people who pretend to have it all together.” – Turtlebreezee

“Self care should be a daily practice, not an emergency procedure.” – love yourself (Twitter)

I find Mondays to be good “listening days.” I just put my head down, keep it simple and reflect on how I would like for my week to go. Mondays, tend to be good “find myself and center myself” days. When I go full bore, and I try to get all of my weekly chores done on a Monday, that always ends up being a lesson in frustration and futility. Mondays can be “fun days”, if we keep our expectations in check and our equilibriums finely tuned. May today be an excellent Monday!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Monday Fun-Day


This feels like the story of my life, lately. The mystery of why I came into the kitchen (well, I might as well get a snack, while I’m in here) . . . . why am I looking at my calendar? Am I sure that I even wrote on my calendar, whatever it is that I am searching for? . . . . Oh no! Something smells mildew-y. I forgot to put the clothes in the dryer! . . . . Where are my glasses and phone? Oh, they’re on top of my head and next to my ear (frightening true story) . . . Did I already take my vitamins? . . .

Funny quote for people who grew up in the 80's, especially those who are  forgetful or have mom brain. #quotes #funnyquo… | Funny quotes,  Inspirational quotes, Words

Pin by ???????? on Funny! | Funny quotes, Real life quotes, Just  for laughs

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Monday Fun-Day


I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I was reflecting on one of those “coming into my age” moments. Last week, I was having a Zoom meeting with my mentee, who is in the 4th grade. She made a reference comparing me to her grandparents.

“Oh,” I said, trying to hide the horror and shock I was feeling, in my voice. “So, you think that I’m about the age of your grandparents?” I looked off to the side, trying to look casual and only mildly interested.

“Oh, no, no,” she said, not so convincingly.

But then I thought about it more. Her mother is in her twenties. I have a son who is 24 years old. If her grandmother also had her mother in her young twenties, there is even a chance that her grandparents are younger than I am. Things That Make You Go, Hmmmmm.