Monday – Funday

I’m in one of those “Would you rather be right or be happy?” moments. This is a lesson that comes up to me a lot in my life. I guess that I am sort of a righteous person. (ugh) One day, this lesson will sink in, and this lesson will stop landing at my front door. What lessons come to you all of the time? Look at regular patterns in your life which frustrate you. The failed lessons will keep coming back and around again, until you get it “right.” Then, you’ll be happy. Imagine that, being in a state of “right” and happy. Ha! Honestly, it’s probably best to just breathe. Just breathe.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Monday – Funday

Mondays seem to be a good day to talk about apologies for messing up. All of my horoscopes today seem to be warning me to be careful with what I say, and how I say it. (I’m a Sag – this should be a daily, flashing red light warning for me.) I saw this quote in a store the other day:

Apologize for your mistakes, not your feelings.

Make sure that when you apologize, you have actually done something wrong, or hurtful. You never should apologize for just being you (and that includes having and experiencing your feelings). And for when you do make mistakes, remember this:

“Go get a plate and throw it to the ground.

Did it break? Yes.

Now say sorry to it. Sorry.

Did it go back to the way it was before? No.

Do you understand now?” – Mindset for Quote

I think that this is a good reminder that apologies don’t fix everything. That being said, I think that an apology is the first step towards amends. You can either leave the plate lying on the floor, broken to pieces, or you can express your deepest apologies, and do your best to glue it back together. Will it be the same as before? No. But, if the plate is gingerly cared for, and shown that it is worth being glued back together, perhaps what comes of it, may be even more beautiful and precious than it ever was before. I wrote about this years ago, when I talked about the Japanese process of Kintsugi:

Beauty in Brokenness

Have a great week!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Monday – Funday

credit: Side Hustle Approved, Twitter

Writing and Empowering on Twitter asked her followers this question: “Have you ever complimented a complete stranger?”

I thought that this was a ridiculous question. I do it all of the time. A lot of people answered the question the same way that I do, although men seem more reticent to give compliments to others, in fear of being considered “creepy.” And many women stated that they are hesitant to compliment men, because many men usually take compliments as direct flirting. I have experienced that unfortunate phenomenon. Still, I always err on the side complimenting. I have never understood why people are so stingy with compliments. Compliments are free, they are kind, and they show people that they are being noticed and appreciated. I never give false compliments. I only compliment things that I truly do like. Compliments never deplete you of anything by giving them away. Honestly, by looking for things to compliment about people, it forces me to look at all of the good surrounding me wherever I go. And the surprised, pleased responses to my compliments given away, always fill me with joy. What an easy, wonderful way to uplift someone else and yourself all at the same time!! Compliment a stranger today. It will improve your Monday tenfold.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Monday – Funday

credit: Murphy’s Law, Twitter

We have a fancy bowl filled with stuff like this. We add to it about weekly. Unfortunately, I can’t write a long post this morning. I have to get my son and his girlfriend to the airport. Sob. So much good happened over this weekend which I haven’t had the time and solitude to process. I have savored every moment (that flew by so fast), but that’s the fun of reflecting on, and processing major moments in your life – you get to savor them all over again.


Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.


credit: Julius Kim, Twitter

This was my favorite quote from my readings this weekend:

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” – A. Redmoon

That’s all I have for today. Be courageous this week. Listen to what makes you want to overcome your fears. That will tell you all that you need to know about what is truly important to you.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Monday – Funday

Monday Memes - 50+ Funny Memes To Start Your Week

We had a nice weekend. I read two interesting books, and my husband took two long bike rides on his favorite trails, and we planted a couple of new flowers in our garden and did some mulching together, among other things. One of the books that I read this weekend was about the Japanese concept of “ikigai”, which roughly means living in the flow, with a sense of passion and purpose. We lived a lot of our own “ikigai” this weekend, and I hope to put even more of my ikigai, into the week ahead.

❤️ What is Ikigai & How to Redefine Purpose | Management 3.0

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.


Happy Monday Y'all - Here Are The Best Memes to Start Off the Week With |  Morning quotes funny, Monday humor, Funny quotes

I saw this quote over the weekend and it kind of made me giggle:

“Introverts technically don’t make new friends, they just get adopted by extroverts.” – WiseConnector (Twitter)

It’s true isn’t, it? From grade school on, in every group of friends which I have belonged to, there is always one or two extremely extroverted ring leaders, with a posse of adoring introverts whom they have collected along the way. For a group of friends to work out the best, you definitely need a mix of both extroverted and introverted people.

May this week bring out your most fun, excited extroverted side and your most thoughtful, introspective introverted side. If you get your energy stores from being around a lot of activity and people, may your week be full of plans and crowds and invitations. If you get your energy stores from quiet time by yourself, may your week be full of peace, quiet and solitude. No matter what, may this week be a perfect fit for you!!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.


credit: Quotesworks

Good morning. I have to give a shoutout to my wonderful husband. Happy Birthday, love of my life!! Sorry that it fell on a Monday this year. 😉

I am having one of those rare, really fun Mondays, so I will just keep it to the meme for today. Have a great week, friends!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.



credit: @Ugandan_Marz (Twitter)

I rarely watch awards shows. They’re just not my thing. But my husband was watching a pre-recorded bike race (which is also not my thing) and my daughter convinced me that I should sit on the couch with her, and watch the Academy Awards last night. Wow. Just wow. And of course this moment shown above occurred soon after Regina Hall fondled a bunch of good-looking male Hollywood stars in a fake COVID probe skit. That’s when my 18-year-old daughter turned to me and said, “Wow, can you imagine if the roles were reversed and a guy presenter was fondling female stars?!?” Hollywood, I’ve got to hand it to you. You never cease to entertain. And you love to throw judgment out there, but clearly, you need to focus on cleaning up your own house, a little bit. I think that Denzel Washington came out with the best line of the night and it is a good reminder for all:

“Be careful. At your highest moment, that’s when the devil comes for you.”

Have a great week!!!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.



credit: @CynicalMother, Twitter

That’ll wake your brain up on a Monday.

Yesterday, my husband and I had a late lunch at a lovely local farm market, designed for people to sit and stay for a while. There are front porch rockers, and a playground for the children, and a stage for local talent to provide enjoyable background music. There was a breeze in the air, children were playing and pretending to drive a stationary tractor, and dogs were calmly sitting at their people’s feet. People would bike up, park their bikes in the stand and grab a water and a handful of sunflower seeds before heading off on their biking adventures again. The overall scene was so peaceful and beautiful and calming and lovely. I thought to myself that this is all that anyone ever really wants and deserves. Everyone wants their untroubled, easy place under the sun to laugh, and to smile, and to be nourished. A place to drink in all the natural beauty and to admire it and to enjoy the company of others sharing the same appreciation of the goodness and the wholesomeness of life. And that’s why it hurts so bad when we read the hard stories in the news. We are heartbroken to hear that people are being robbed of their harmonious time in the sun. It’s just so senseless. The sun, and the earth, and the waters are natural, abundant, powerful nurturers and providers. They want to be utilized for their loving energy and not pointlessly scorched, and ruined, and bled on and wasted in pain.

Yesterday, in that beautiful moment of clarity, and of beauty and of harmony, I thought of so many other incredible places on this earth that I have visited and where I have felt that same kind of relaxing, soothing energy that I was so acutely experiencing and enjoying and soaking in. And I prayed that someday this would be the only kind of place everyone in this world will ever know. The very scene felt born out of our collective, peace-loving hearts. It was wonderful. It was real. And it should be available to all, all of the time. The sun, and the earth, and the skies and the waters eagerly agree.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.