

credit: @Ugandan_Marz (Twitter)

I rarely watch awards shows. They’re just not my thing. But my husband was watching a pre-recorded bike race (which is also not my thing) and my daughter convinced me that I should sit on the couch with her, and watch the Academy Awards last night. Wow. Just wow. And of course this moment shown above occurred soon after Regina Hall fondled a bunch of good-looking male Hollywood stars in a fake COVID probe skit. That’s when my 18-year-old daughter turned to me and said, “Wow, can you imagine if the roles were reversed and a guy presenter was fondling female stars?!?” Hollywood, I’ve got to hand it to you. You never cease to entertain. And you love to throw judgment out there, but clearly, you need to focus on cleaning up your own house, a little bit. I think that Denzel Washington came out with the best line of the night and it is a good reminder for all:

“Be careful. At your highest moment, that’s when the devil comes for you.”

Have a great week!!!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Make Your Soul Grow

Fortune for the day – “In all things, give thanks.” – Apostle Paul

I didn’t watch the Academy Awards last night. I typically don’t watch the awards shows. I always figure that I can find out who the winners were and look at the beautiful fashions worn by the celebrities, the next day. Instead, my husband and my daughter and I, actually watched the movie, Joker, for the first time. I think that Joaquin Phoenix justly won the award for best actor. That was one intense movie.

I’m very excited to watch Parasite tonight, the Korean film that became the first foreign film ever to win an academy award for Best Motion Picture. I haven’t heard much about the film, which I think is the most delicious way to go into any film, or any kind of experience, for that matter. No expectations, no pre-formed opinions, no suppositions made by someone else’s judgment and assessment, is the best way to go into just about anything, I think. Then, the most fun, is afterwards, comparing each others’ reactions to an experience, in order to see what insights were matched and what observations might have been missed.

In reading about the Academy Awards this morning, I was particularly impressed with the fact that supposedly the writer and creator of Parasite, Bong Joon Ho, spent most of his speech talking about everyone else who had inspired him in his film making career. He said this in his speech:

‘. . . .there was a saying that I carved deep into my heart, which is that “The most personal is the most creative.”

Boon Joon Ho credited that saying to famed director and screen writer, Martin Scorsese. What an eloquent, succinct way to describe the truth. When we are fully and purely our deepest selves, we are our most creative. When we are willing to share our personal creations, they become part of this world. Our creations become part of this inner-connected Life – this Life which we are all in the process of co-creating.

I also listened to my most dutiful, practical self this morning and I stuck to my routine of exercising before reading and writing. While I was planking to SNL videos, I enjoyed some sketches featuring Ru Paul, the world’s most famous drag queen. I later watched some footage of Ru Paul being interviewed about his many Emmy wins for his long standing TV show and spin-offs. He said this:

“I didn’t choose the game, the game chose me.”

I think when we let the game choose us, in the most personal surrender possible, that is when our most pure, fabulous creativity outpours from our deepest, innerconnected reservoirs. How amazing this world would be, if we all gave ourselves permission to be truly and fully, our own personal selves and shared that most personal creation with the world around us.

positive quotes, To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.