Dessert Menu Please

The other day, my husband and I got our calendars together to try to figure out and schedule fun “empty nest” plans – events, weekends away, etc. It was then that I noticed that our weekends in September were already filled up with plans with one or more of our grown kids. (Plans our kids came up with – not us.) If you are at all worried about loneliness in your soon-to-be upcoming empty nest, don’t be. My friends and family who have grandchildren (and yes, I’m so jealous) always say that having grandchildren is THE BEST. They always say that it is like getting the “dessert” part of raising kids. It’s so sweet and delightful and fun and easy and breezy. With grandchildren, you don’t have the worries, the everyday mundane stuff, the constant responsibilities, and when you are exhausted, the grandkids go back home. Everything that happens with grandkids is easy to laugh off as adorable, lovable, and easily solvable (by somebody else). Interestingly, I’ve been noticing lately that the empty nest also seems to give you the “dessert” part of your own kids, now that they are grown adults, with their own separate lives. It’s a lot of fun. It’s easy and breezy. The worries and the mood swings and having to juggle everyone’s crazy schedules are no longer on my everyday plate. And when we all start to get on each other’s nerves, we all head back to our own homes, to make our own meals, and to do our own laundry. Once you get past the “wow, that whole raising a family bit, it really went by so fast” existential shock of it all, empty nest is truly lovely. And the hatchlings still fly by the nest for visits, here and there, and sometimes even more often than you would think. And that’s when you get to savor being with the “dessert versions” of your own children, and they, too, get to experience the sweetest part of you.

“Desserts are the fairy tales of the kitchen – a happily-ever-after to supper.” – Terri Guillemets

“Dessert is a necessity of life.” – Adrienne Posey

“Work is the meat of life, pleasure the dessert.” – B. C. Forbes

“I love dessert. I can’t be guilty about it because I have to taste everything. I experiment.” – Martha Stewart

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Soul Sunday

Good morning. This weekend has been me, a little frazzled, trying to keep up with the energy-filled, used to late nights, pulsating, youthful city Jones. I’m happily satiated and depleted all at once. As my regular readers know, Sundays are dedicated to poetry on the blog. Here is the poem I wrote for today (What poem are you going to write today?)

The Grandmothers

Last night we laughed and we both beamed with pride,

Watching and gazing at our beautiful children,

Both of us mothers of two determined, compassionate companions.

I looked at you with new eyes last night,

Secretly supposing that one day,

It is quite possible that both of us will gaze at a precious, beloved child,

Who will lovingly look back at us, and know us both as adoring grandmothers.

And that’s when I felt a connection to you like I never had before.

How beautiful the web of love is, which quietly holds us all together.

Quietly spinning in the background, the future stories of entwined lives.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!! I am sneaking on here to wish my beloved readers all of the best that the day has to offer. That’s the beauty of having older children. The festivities start well after sunrise, when the kids grow up. Although those of you with young grandchildren may be having a different experience right now. You’re sleepy and smiley and lucky and giddy right now, aren’t you?!!

Whatever feelings arise today, just feel ’em and then free ’em. Today can be a complicated day. There are no “shoulds”. Just try to savor the gift of a lifetime that you’re always unwrapping, every single day – the gift of experiencing a lifetime on Earth. It’s an interesting ride, isn’t it?

I appreciate you all. Your audience is what makes this a blog and not just another one of my personal journals, lying around, cluttering things up. You’re a vital part of Adulting – Second Half. I love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

The 100 Best Christmas Memes For Friends And Family – Yellow Blogtopus

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

No Grandchildren

“God has no grandchildren.” – Proverb

I read the above proverb yesterday in one of my meditations. I love it. I find it comforting. Currently the oldest person alive is a man in Germany who is 113 years old. Probably, as I sit here writing, there is at least one baby being born somewhere. So the Universe’s earth family has children in the age range of just being born to 113 years old. It would make for a beautiful family portrait.

I have four children who I love deeply with all of my heart. My oldest has eight years more experience in this world than my youngest child, but I am their Mom. Nothing has changed about me. I am not a different “Mom.” They are my children and I love them infinitely.

That’s how it goes with God/Creation/All-Loving Presence. Some of His/Her children are clergy. Some of His/Her children are outlaws. Some of the children of Earth are still learning to walk, and some are using walkers. The same God loves us all, infinitely. You cannot divide infinite love to see who is loved more. It is not possible. We are all God’s children and we are all loved infinitely.

The Same God loves us all. Clergy do not get a different, wiser, stronger God than the desperate, homeless, addict roaming the streets. The connection is there to all of us. The love is freely given in pure grace. We are all God’s children and we are all loved infinitely.