Warm >

I didn’t feel like watching TV last night, so the quotes below are what I ended up taking screenshots of, while I was scrolling through Twitter, while cuddling on the couch with my husband and our Boykin spaniel, Trip. We had just gotten back from our nightly walk, and it was humid as could be (summer in Florida, need I say more?), and I felt so hot and grimy and sticky. Trip was also panting heavily from walking in the heat, but that overheated feeling never stops Trip from cuddling. With Trip, snuggling beats staying cool, Every. Single. Time. Therefore, I happily welcomed hot dog fur on my leg, and equally hot air being panted on to my skin, as we both felt utterly refreshed by our restoring mutual love and appreciation. Trip is absolutely right, Snuggling > Cool and Aloof, every day, all of the time.

The first story which I clicked on, from my Twitter feed, was a tweet from one of my all time favorites, The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, which is a sanctuary located in Kenya, Africa. The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust rehabilitates orphaned elephant babies and other orphaned species, until they are ready to be on their own in the wild. The stories that The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust typically sends links to on Twitter, are usually stories about how the various orphans were rescued, and came to be at the sanctuary. Last night’s story was about baby Vaarti (which means “luck” in the local dialect). Most of the babies at the sanctuary are found out in the wild, by searchers who fly over the land, or by reports from locals who see babies, desperately trying to survive out in the wild, who have sadly lost their mothers, usually to poachers or due to drought and other natural disasters. Typically, these babies are brought to the sanctuary by rescue missions utilizing trucks, and planes and helicopters. However, Vaarti was actually delivered right up to the stockades by a young, wild female elephant, who was too young herself to be Vaarti’s mother, but who recognized that he needed help. This precious, young elephant had the innate sense to deliver Vaarti right up to the gates of the sanctuary. Once that she saw that Vaarti was in the hands of safekeeping at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, she disappeared back into the bush, and was never seen again. Angels on Earth, come in so many different beautiful forms, don’t they? Big Hearts > Cold hearts, every day, all of the time.

This next little tweet is super sweet, and also quite heartwarming:

“This kid probably 8/10 years old asked politely if he could pet my dog, I said yes. After he pet her, he hopped on his bike, popped a wheelie and said, “that was for you, thanks for letting me pet your dog.” Highlight of my day, to be honest.” (maryxwetzel, Twitter)

This tweet has a 154,000 likes from a Twitter account that has about 5,000 followers. It seems to me that we are all pretty hungry, for the good, little heartwarming stories wherever we can find them, these days. Heartwarming little stuff, such as stories about pop wheelies > Cold hard facts, every day, all of the time.

And this last tweet, just cracked me up. As a middle-aged woman about to release her youngest little baby out into the wilds of college in a few weeks, my mood meter has, admittedly, been all over the map:

“I had a mood ring once. It died of confusion.” – (Anais Ninja, Twitter)

If I personally were wearing a mood ring lately, it most likely would explode and make a mess all over my hand. Giggles are great for mood regulation. Self deprecating, warm-hearted humor, and downhome funny > Cold and aloof and serious, every day, all of the time.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Overthinking and Overthinking

My youngest son is taking a stress management course this summer which is required for his business degree. He was telling me that in these early days of the course they are going over the facts of just how bad stress is for your health – physical and mental. As someone who has had many different kinds of pets over the years, it is always the common mantra in animal wellness, that the animal must avoid stress in order to remain happy and healthy. Stressed birds pluck out their feathers. Stressed fish sink to the bottom of the tank in despair. (And remember, we are animals, too.) While the stress/health connection is an obvious truth, the idea of how just how bad stress is for one’s health, honestly, just has the tendency to stress me even more.

A big component to stress is overthinking. So, you know, don’t overthink. Ha! Don’t think about elephants. Don’t think about lemons in your mouth. Are your lips puckered? I am an overthinker. If you are one of my regular readers, you probably have already gotten that sense about me. But overthinking is not good nor helpful. It is a major component in fueling stress. So, how do we stop overthinking?

As with any problem in life, the only way to get a hold of overthinking, is to become aware of it to begin with. That’s when our feelings and sensations come in handy. If you are feeling stressed, why are you feeling stressed? Chances are, if you aren’t right in the middle of a stressful crisis that actually requires action on your part, and yet, you are still feeling stressed, you are overthinking about it. Get curious about yourself. Become aware. Awareness is the first step to any meaningful change in your life. If you become a highly aware person, you will feel more control in your life, and more control equals less stress.

Once you notice your own stressful rumination, lead that rumination and overthinking to problem solving. If it turns out that you are stressed about a problem that you have no control over, then lead yourself to think about how you can take steps to change your attitude about the problem. Challenge the thoughts that are popping into, and swirling around your mind about the problem. We have a tendency to be dramatic and to use black/white thinking when we are stressed. We have a tendency to use absolutes like “Life will NEVER get better!” when we are overthinking. Look at your statements from a detached point of view. Laugh at yourself. Tell yourself how over-the-top and ridiculous that you are sounding, like you would say to a good friend if they were saying some of the theatrical statements that are dancing around in your head, out loud. Roll your eyes at yourself. Keep it all in perspective.

Many people have success with giving themselves a certain time period of the day, when they will allow themselves to ruminate. They give themselves an “overthinking block of time.” The key here is to put an absolute time limit on this overthinking period. What often happens is that when you give yourself the “comfort” of having a time block when you will allow yourself to overthink and ruminate, by the time that you actually get to that said period in the day, you no longer feel the urge nor the need to do it any longer. Sometimes, by that time, the problem has already been solved.

Finally, to avoid the stress of overthinking, deploy mindfulness techniques, like focusing on your breathing patterns, or distract yourself with activities like the alphabet of gratitude. I am grateful for Apples, Breakfast, Candy (hmmm, I am noticing a theme here. If you can’t concentrate on simple one-word things, while going through the alphabet of gratitude, go into more detail for each item that you are thankful for, such as, “I am grateful for fabulous Breakfast Buffets that include things like savory bacon and chocolate muffins and eggs however I want them cooked, with delightful spicy sauces to put on anything and everything” . . . you get the picture.)

Stress is an unavoidable fact of life, but overthinking about your stress is avoidable and curable. Overthinking does nothing to alleviate stress. In fact, overthinking exacerbates stress. Don’t worry about how much you stress. Don’t overthink about how much stress that you have in your life. Uh oh. Right now might be the time to play the elaborate alphabet of gratitude game. A, B, C . . . . .

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Monday – Funday

credit: Murphy’s Law, Twitter

We have a fancy bowl filled with stuff like this. We add to it about weekly. Unfortunately, I can’t write a long post this morning. I have to get my son and his girlfriend to the airport. Sob. So much good happened over this weekend which I haven’t had the time and solitude to process. I have savored every moment (that flew by so fast), but that’s the fun of reflecting on, and processing major moments in your life – you get to savor them all over again.


Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

What’s Left?

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Sometimes I come to this blog and I think, what is there left to say? Haven’t I already written it all down? Aren’t I just constantly saying the same thing, just in different ways? And who am I saying it to – myself, my readers, the Universe?? Why do I have such an urgent need to write my thoughts down, constantly and everywhere? Then I look at one of my treasure troves of quotes from my readings, in one of my many inspirational notebooks and I think to myself, “Wow, everything that moves me generally falls into the same themes.” And then the quote that comes to my mind, from “The Boss” himself, in the words of Bruce Springsteen, “I’m just so tired and bored with myself.”

Besides the blog, (Okay here’s an interjection. I had to look up whether it is “beside” or “besides” and The Grammar Guru said this: “People sometimes confuse the correct usage of “beside” and “besides.” “Beside” is a preposition that means “close to” or “next to.” “Besides” is also a preposition that means “in addition to” or “apart from.” It’s can also serve as an adverb that means “furthermore” or “another thing.” I am so grateful for Google and the Internet. I rely on it so much. I think that is why I didn’t seriously start writing a lot until middle age. I needed the instant gratification of Dr. Siri, the English professor, to keep me on track. I also use the online thesaurus a lot, as a writer. Other writers, are there any online tools which I’m missing out on??) I also write a brief daily journal which I have kept for years, and last night I purchased yet another journal. (this is starting to make me seem narcissistic. I just can’t get enough of myself. Puke.) The journal I purchased last night is called Mom’s Bedtime Journal. The daily prompts are this: Today’s Highs and Lows. We used to do this at the dinner table when my kids were younger. We called it High Point/Low Point. Sometimes this exercise was funny and interesting. Sometimes it was boring and long and drawn out. Sometimes it was dramatic and ridiculous. It was always amusing, and we always tried to end on a “High Point.” The next prompt in Mom’s Bedtime Journal is One Thing I Did For Myself Today. That’s a good one. It works as a good reminder. Yesterday, I went on a nice, long, refreshing bike ride. And I wrote it down on the lines after this prompt. Next prompt: Something Funny or Cute My Kids Did/Said. Hmmmm. This is something that I wish I had done when my kids were little. Write the cuteness down! We have a few family favorite cute stories that we recycle and rehash constantly in our family lore, but I wish I could remember all of them. I’ll try to do more of this recording of cuteness when I have grandchildren who do and say cute things, before they grow up and get snarky and less adorable. Final prompt: Today’s Small Wins. I like that focus. A bunch of small wins add up to the big wins in life, right? Somedays, even taking a shower can be a small win. The journal pages end each night with “. . . Sweet Dreams“. Awww. That’s so nice.

One time a friend of mine said that my blog reminds her of having a daily phone call with a good friend. And if this were a phone call, this is about the time that you have listened enough to my ridiculous, meandering, “where is she going with this?” thoughts. This is the time for you to say, “Oh no! Someone’s at the door! I’m going to have to say good-bye. Why don’t you go take a shower?”

Sick Day


credit: Rex Masters, Twitter

I think that I have rabies. No, I’m kidding. I don’t have rabies. (sorry to be insensitive to those who have, or who have had rabies. The shot in the stomach sounds terrifying. Is that stomach shot thing true or is that just an urban myth?) I am just having one of those weeks where it is truly astounding to me that it is only Wednesday morning. I am exhausted. My body is barking at me. My mind is melting, and my spirit is a little spent. Nothing truly bad has happened to me, there’s just a lot happening in my world, all at once, and my overall essence is rebelling. So, friends, today, I am calling in sick from the blog before I become incredibly annoying. See you tomorrow!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Herd It’s Friday

Oh yeah its friday quotes friday happy friday friday quotes hello friday |  Its friday quotes, Hello friday, Happy friday

Good morning! Welcome to the lightest, airiest, “okay, now you can breathe out” day of the week! I LOVE Fridays! On Fridays, I list one, or sometimes even a few, of my favorite things. The things in life are what make life interesting, and material, and a tactile, sensory experience. Before I get to my favorite thing for today, I have a little personal story about sea anemone earrings. A while ago, I purchased perhaps the least expensive thing you could ever buy from Scully & Scully, a longstanding, staid, high-end store in New York City, that’s been around since 1934. I think I purchased probably a small set of coasters, or perhaps maybe even just one coaster, but ever since then, I get their catalogs and their online store pops up on my feed. For instance today, some offerings popped up on my Google, showing me a beautiful Meissen tureen for the bargain price of $125,000. (but does it come with free shipping?) Anyway, it’s a fun store to “window shop.” (If you like Herend figurines, they carry the entire line, and some.) The other day, as I was perusing the internet, and Scully & Scully popped up once again, suggesting that I might be interested in a pair of lovely $12,000 sea anemone earrings. They were gorgeous! And so unique! But sea anemone earrings are not what you call everyday wear, and I have two kids in college, and “good earrings” make me nervous because if I lose one, I’ll be sick about it for months, and I am not Kris Kardashian – I don’t have $12,000 to blow on sea anemone earrings, nor would I ever spend $12,000 on sea anemone earrings, because even if I were filthy rich, my ingrained midwestern sensibilities, practicalities and self judgments would intercede firmly and fiercely. But, man oh man, did I want me a pair of sea anemone earrings!! So guess what? I went to eBay, and Mercari, and the like, and I started feverously scrolling for sea anemone earrings and I found a really cute lime green pair made by Betsey Johnson for around $20, and I love them! And if I only wear them three times in my whole life before I lose one, I can live with that fact. And the point of my long winded story?! Go after what you want. Don’t get fixated on “THE one and only particular solution” to anything in life (i.e. job, person, house, college, vacation spot etc.) There are all sorts of “sea anemone earrings” out there, that will please you, and that will suit your particular needs and wants. Be open to what the Universe has to serve! Explore and enjoy!

On that note, I even have another bonus favorite for today, before I get to my real favorite. This is a favorite household tip. (insert my husband and children guffawing – housekeeping has never been my strong suit). If you have a clothes washer that tends to get smelly (ours is one of those. Years of washing six active, sweaty people’s clothes on a daily basis lends to pure stanky smelliness), pour a bottle of Listerine in it and run a cycle. The Listerine kills the bacteria that makes the washer smelly and the smell goes away instantly and you have a fresh, clean washer. I bought a drugstore brand version of mouthwash for $4, ran it in my washer, and it did the trick, after years of wasting money on “magic formulas” made specifically to clean washers which never worked. I found this household tip on one of my days of getting a little lost in clickbait (instead of doing laundry), and it turns out, the tip is a gamechanger. Enjoy!

Finally, here’s my real favorite of the day. I am fortunate to have a wonderful herd of elephants in my life. Actually, I am fortunate enough to have a few herds whom I rely on, when I lose my way. Do you? This is from the website that describes what these beautiful elephant ornaments really mean:

In the wild, female elephants are known as fierce protectors. They literally form a circle around sisters who are hurting or grieving. And often, they will kick dirt up around her to mask the scent of suffering…in turn, keeping her safe from predators.

And yet, we are the same. This is what we do. This is who we are. And this is who we are meant to be for each other. We all have elephants in our lives. Sometimes we are the ones in the middle, and sometimes we’re on the outside kicking up dirt with fierce, fierce love. But the circle remains.

The ornaments are as lovely as their sentiments. You can buy your herds some here as a way of letting them know how much you love and appreciate them:

Stainless "Friendship/Sisterhood" Elephant Ornament

And that is it for this Friday! Thank you for being one of my herds, dear readers! I hope that I have helped you in times that I have not been hurting and grieving, but feeling strong and positive. You have always surrounded me in times that I need it, and for that I am forever grateful. Have a wonderful weekend!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Monday – Funday


credit: @Baseball_Fan_34 (Twitter)

I’m back!!! I hope that you had a “wonderful” weekend with whatever “wonderful” looks and feels like to you.

Over the weekend, I read an article about a therapist, who is transgender herself, who is concerned that young children and teens are making the choice to change their gender, too early, and not as thoughtfully and carefully as she thinks is healthy, having done the change herself. She is concerned that “transgender” is currently becoming a little “trendy”. She said that constantly she says to her patients, “When in doubt, doubt.

I like that statement: “When in doubt, doubt.” It’s a good reminder to get quiet and listen to that still small voice inside that speaks to us, if we are willing to hear it. When in you are in a quandary, doing nothing is doing something, and doing nothing might be the wisest choice for the moment in question. Trust yourself. Trust your instincts. Trust that still small voice.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.


Happy Monday Y'all - Here Are The Best Memes to Start Off the Week With |  Morning quotes funny, Monday humor, Funny quotes

I saw this quote over the weekend and it kind of made me giggle:

“Introverts technically don’t make new friends, they just get adopted by extroverts.” – WiseConnector (Twitter)

It’s true isn’t, it? From grade school on, in every group of friends which I have belonged to, there is always one or two extremely extroverted ring leaders, with a posse of adoring introverts whom they have collected along the way. For a group of friends to work out the best, you definitely need a mix of both extroverted and introverted people.

May this week bring out your most fun, excited extroverted side and your most thoughtful, introspective introverted side. If you get your energy stores from being around a lot of activity and people, may your week be full of plans and crowds and invitations. If you get your energy stores from quiet time by yourself, may your week be full of peace, quiet and solitude. No matter what, may this week be a perfect fit for you!!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.


credit: Quotesworks

Good morning. I have to give a shoutout to my wonderful husband. Happy Birthday, love of my life!! Sorry that it fell on a Monday this year. 😉

I am having one of those rare, really fun Mondays, so I will just keep it to the meme for today. Have a great week, friends!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Real Simple

Good morning, friends. If you didn’t get a chance to read Thursday’s blog post, “The Lifeboat” or even if you did, please go back and read my wonderful, and loyal reader Kelly’s response to that post. It is beautiful, poignant and real. And (the other) Kelly is truly an excellent writer.

This is a “Gorge Season” in my family. Every family has them. We have three birthdays in a matter of a couple of weeks, and usually Easter falls right in the mix, as well. Yesterday, for my daughter’s birthday, we started with an onslaught of doughnuts, went to a very generous Japanese steakhouse for dinner, and ended up with my daughter’s favorite chocolate volcano cake and ice cream right before bedtime. My husband mentioned more than once that he had the worst night’s sleep of his life, last night. And we are just out of the starting gate on this year’s early Gorge Season. It gets harder every year, as we age, but somehow we manage to go at our spring Gorge Season with great gusto.

Before my daughter’s best friend arrived to our home to join us for dinner last night, I was thumbing through “Real Simple” magazine (the March issue). I have subscribed to this magazine for years. It’s a good one. One of my favorite features is the Modern Manners advice column by Catherine Newman. If I had to summarize almost every answer that she gives to her readers about various issues that they are in a huff about, I would say it is something like this: “Take a chill pill. Is this really a hill you want to die on? Life is too short. Don’t get your panties in a twist.”

In this issue, one person was upset with how her guests didn’t leave her borrowed RV the way she felt they “should have” done it. This is the finishing line of Catherine Newman’s answer to the reader: ” ‘Read my mind’ is an unrewarding approach to just about everything; if there are invisible strings attached, people tend to get tangled up in them.”

Another reader noticed some expensive antique silver decanter labels were missing after a few dinner parties she held for friends. She was concerned that they may have been stolen and she asked Newman if she should bring it up with her friends. Newman reminded her of the great possibility of finding the misplaced labels (this kind of thing has happened to me before, and then my high-and-mighty, outraged, suspicious mind immediately turns to shamed, chagrined mind. Has this happened to you? Not fun.) Newman’s finishing line to her answer to this reader: “Things are just things. Assume you lost them, and let them go.”

The final reader’s question was about her father constantly giving her unsolicited advice via articles that make her feel belittled and insulted. She wanted to know how to handle asking him to stop this behavior. A few of Newman’s final lines on this one were excellent: “You could also remind him that you’re on the same page. As my own son has said to me, ‘I promise I want me to be happy and successful too.’ ”

That one hit home with a little sting of “ouch”. Why do we parents have the tendency to forget that our adult children and our dearest friends and family, all likely share the same goals that we do? “I promise I want me to be happy and successful too.” And why do we all think we have the secret formula for everyone’s happiness and success??? In 2022, the self-improvement industry is projected to be worth around $13 billion dollars. If we all had the easy formula, there would be no 13 billion dollar industry to support. And further, everyone’s idea of happiness and success is different. My extremely extroverted and social friend was telling me that with my soon-to-be empty nest right around the corner, I probably should start to join a lot of clubs, find some social events, and fill up my calendar with lots of stuff in order to stave off the loss of my regular routine. I know that she meant well, and that she was trying to take care of me with love, so I didn’t have the heart to say, “That sounds like pure hell to me.” Her idea of happiness and fulfillment, is my idea of hell.

What I like best about the overall theme of “Real Simple” magazine, and that includes Catherine Newman’s Modern Manners column, is that it reminds me not to overcomplicate things. It reminds me that very few things in life are worth torrents of emotional angst and loads of hand wringing. It reminds me that life can be as simple or as complicated as I choose to make it. The older that I get, real simple feels real good. Maybe being happy and successful comes down to just experiencing the experience. The older that I get, the more plausible this seems. It really could be as simple as that – experience the experience, and then let it all go.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.