No Explanation Needed

I’m so sorry that I didn’t do my usual “Favorite Things Friday” post yesterday.  My equilibrium is completely off with all of the hubbub we’ve had going on around here.  This is the first major holiday season that I have blogged through and I don’t think I prepared myself adequately for what that would mean to be there for my readers, but also for my family, my guests and quite frankly, also for myself.  We also had an emergency with my elderly collie, Lacey.  She has stabilized, thank goodness, but she put us through quite a scare and a long visit at the emergency vet, right in the middle of everything.  So if you sensed that my writing is a little “off”, the truth is I’m a little “off” right now and my writing is definitely an extension of “me.”

I was flipping through my notebook and I was looking for quotes that talked about equilibrium, but instead I found this:

“Life is so much simpler when you stop explaining yourself to people and just do what works for you.” – unknown

By middle age, I would love to have already figured this out.  But I haven’t.  Here I am, explaining myself to my readers.  I also like this one:

“Tension is who you think you should be.  Relaxation is who you are.” – unknown

Honestly, the last week, I have been vacillating between tension and relaxation.  As wonderful as it has been to reconnect with those I love, I am eager to get back to our normal schedule and to have some quiet time to myself, to digest my thoughts and experiences.

“I’m sorry I have not been myself.  I’m busy working on my new self.” – unknown