Intentional Summer

We’ve unofficially entered through the glorious gateway to another summer of our lives. I know that summer technically starts later in June, but from a calendar/nostalgia sense, we walked through the gates, into another delicious summer this past weekend. Summer is a time of experience, isn’t it? We often plan trips and reunions and outings and adventures in summer. We do yard projects and picnics and beach days.

I read something this morning written by Esther Hicks that suggested that before you give something your attention, make sure that you actually want to experience that person, place or thing which is the focus of your attention. You don’t have to give your attention to everything that is going on, all around you. In fact, you couldn’t give your attention to everything that exists, even if you tried. You can read or watch the news, but you don’t have to do it. You can get as involved or not involved with someone else’s drama, as much as you choose to do so. You don’t have to attend everything you have been invited to attend. You can ruminate on situations that happened in the past, or you can worry about situations that might happen in the future, but none of this is necessary. Remember, whatever you give your attention to, becomes part of your overall experience. There is so much out there in the world that we can spend our attention on (available at the click of a button), that we might as well become really, really choosy about where we spend our attention. Why not spend our attention on things that we truly enjoy and value experiencing? Why not spend our attention on things that truly enhance our own experience of living a life? Why not take these initial steps out of the gateway, into summer, with the idea that this will be The Most Present and Intentional Summer of Our Lives?

Vow to only spend your attention on things that you actually want to be part of your overall life’s experience. Be choosy. There are summer berries galore in the garden. Strawberries will still exist for others, if you choose to only eat blueberries. Strawberries will most likely be available to you, if you later choose to focus on eating them. Choose carefully. Choose wisely. Your attention is the most precious gift that you give to anyone or anything, including yourself. Give this gift mindfully this summer, and you will most likely experience the most gratifying and resonating summer of your life.

“And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer. There is an almost religious ‘rebirth’ that comes with the end of winter.” – from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

659. What are you really intense about?

Tuesday – Museday

+ I hope that this child never changes. What is better than a person who carries emergency confetti, because they are always anticipating something to celebrate? May this sweet child need tons and tons of brightly colored, glittery confetti throughout their entire lives, in order to have it for everything that they feel the need to celebrate.

+ My husband and I have been watching the True Detective series. We are currently in the middle of season 2. Vince Vaughn plays a gangster character named Frank Semyon who says this to a young boy who has just experienced the death of his father:

 “Sometimes, a thing happens, splits your life. There’s a before and after. I got like five of them at this point. And this is your first. But if you use it right, the bad thing, you use it right, and it makes you better. Stronger. It give you something most people don’t have. Bad as this is, wrong as it is, this hurt, it can make you a better man. That’s what pain does. It shows you what was on the inside. And inside of you, is pure gold. And I know that. Your father knew that, too.”

(On an aside, the main writer of the True Detective series is Nic Pizzolatto. He is an incredible writer. The True Detective series is gritty and dark, but the character development and the quotes from the series are also ‘pure gold’. I love a show or a movie that makes me think long after I have watched it. Even if the series is too uncomfortably dark for you to watch, read some of the quotes from the series, especially Season 1. It will get your brain whirling.)

The “split your life phenomenon” is something that I have heard before. It is usually said after an enormous, untimely tragedy. But the Frank Semyon character gets it right. By the time we are fortunate enough to reach middle age and beyond, we all usually have at least one event that has happened in our lives that splits our lives into before and after. And as much as we would have preferred not to experience this said event, it does make us stronger. The grievous event makes us more compassionate. These types of events tend to awaken us and to jar us into understanding what is most meaningful to us going forward. And the silver linings can be alchemized into “pure gold” if we let the process happen.

+ “So many people need you to behave in a certain way for them to feel good. They condemn you for your selfishness. ‘How dare you be so selfish as to follow what makes you feel good. You should follow what makes us feel good.” – Esther Hicks

This is a good one for the holiday season. Are you expecting others to make your holiday season wonderful, by expecting them to do your bidding? If this is the case, are they the selfish ones, or are you? Why would you let something as important as your own well-being rest in the hands of others and their actions? Why would you give away control of your own peace of mind? Are you trying to make others feel good by walking on eggshells, doing their bidding, spending the holiday season on “shoulds” and traditions of others, only to feel resentful that no one is doing the same for you? This holiday season make your own peace of mind of utmost importance. Only do things that feel good. (and yes, that can often mean doing things for others, but only doing them because it feels good to do them, not with some kind of expectation that they will respond accordingly) I assure you that the best gift that you can give your loved ones this year is an inner peace that permeates all around you. They will feel it. They will rest in it. They will emulate it. Only do things that add to your own inner peace. Don’t allow anyone to steal your peace. Don’t give others control of your peace. Don’t expect peace to come from anywhere, or from anyone else, than your own inner wellspring. That’s where your peace lies, eternally.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

The Life Of Luna (don’t worry)

Yesterday, at my daughter’s tennis match, I spotted an extraordinary and beautiful luna moth. It is an exceptional occurrence to see a luna moth because, like most butterfly types, the moths only live 7-10 days, and they are mostly nocturnal and rarely seen during the day. In case you are having trouble seeing my lovely moth in that brown pile of leaves, I outlined her for you, here:

Some sources believe that there is a spiritual meaning behind seeing a luna moth, representing rebirth and the renewal of body and spirit.

“The Luna Moth presents as a reminder that many of the battles we face are not even our own. Be sure to clean and clear your surroundings and be sure you’re not absorbing the energy and karma of others. The Luna Moth is a symbolic message of blossoming in adversity, empowerment, enlightenment and epiphany. Release all outdated concerns.” – Sacred Spirit Shaman

The above quote is the perfect segue to what I had intended to write about all along today, before even witnessing my beautiful luna moth, especially the last line: Release all outdated concerns. I took calendar notes yesterday morning, to remind myself that I wanted to write about “worry.” It all started with a quote that I saw recently, from Esther Hicks:

“Don’t worry about this world; it is not broken. And don’t worry about others. You worry more about them than they do. There are people waging war; there are people on the battlefield who are more alive than they’ve ever been before. Don’t try to protect people from life; just let them have their experience while you focus on your own experience.”

I admit that I am a terrible worrier. Taking an informal survey among people I know, I find that many of us mothers, are particularly practiced worriers. I worry about one of my children, and then I feel guilty that I am not spreading the worry evenly, so I start worrying about my other children, in equal measure. I do the same thing with my friends, and my dogs, and all of the other people whom I care about in my life. I am very calculated in how I spread out my worry and concerns among my loved ones, mostly because I have found in my life, that most of the stuff that I worry about never, ever happens. Instead, I often get blindsided by the things which I never worry about. So, knowing this about myself, I try to cover all of my bases by worrying about as much stuff as I possibly can. Yesterday, when I read the quote above, I guiltily, started worrying about how much I worry about everybody. The quote was a firm and sharp reminder to me, that “worry” is not equal to “love”. In fact, it is quite the opposite. “Worry” has its roots in fear and control and avoidance of dealing with one’s own “stuff”, in one’s own precious life. Worry says, “I don’t trust you, my loved one, to live your life the way I think you should, to keep me safe from my fears of losing you.” Ouch, sounds kind of selfish, doesn’t it? Worry says, “I don’t trust you, God/Universe/Creation/Spirit, nor Your plans for ALL and EVERYTHING that You, Yourself have lovingly brought into existence.” Ouch, sounds kind of blasphemous, doesn’t it? Fear and control and projection do not equal love. Love is rooted in faith and enthusiasm and respect for individuals to live their lives on their own terms. Most importantly, worry is fruitless and pointless. It doesn’t stop or control anything. Worry is a destroyer (a wolf in sheep’s clothing). Worry destroys health, peace, relationships and our personal connection to our Higher Source. Perhaps I should use this particular luna moth sighting, as a reminder to let go of all of my worries and worrying. It would be a wonderful tribute to her short, luminous, mysterious, beautiful life, lived on her own unique terms, and according to the mysterious Master Plan.

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Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.