Yes, It’s This Weekend

Credit: @woofknight, X

I just read the unfortunate news that we lose an hour of sleep this weekend. This is always the time of year in which I could use an extra hour of sleep, not an hour less. Why do we still play these stupid games with the clocks???

I saw this yesterday in a store. The absolute truth:

Just for today, find the magic. It’s everywhere. Open your eyes and see it.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

548. Are you any good at burlap sack races?

Monday Fun-day

Raise your hand if you are grumpy. It comes with the territory of the Monday after the clocks spring forward. Both hands raised here.

My favorite story of the weekend involved “the mystery letter” addressed, in neat, pretty handwriting, to my daughter. It came in a fancy envelope and the return address belonged to a woman whose name I had never heard. I brought the letter to my daughter. She didn’t recognize the name on the return address stamp, either. It made me feel curious, yet also kind of suspicious and protective, too. Handwritten letters are such a rare thing these days. It turns out that it was a thank you note, coming from a teacher. My daughter had volunteered to help pre-cut some craft items for our local elementary school. In all honesty, my daughter did the activity, in order to fulfill her required community volunteering hours, required by some of her clubs and honor societies. Still, my daughter likes to do crafty things, and she did a really nice job with the project, in a timely manner.

The teacher wrote a very sincere thank you note, making it clear how much time my daughter had saved her, so that she could focus her attention on other important activities going on in her classroom. My daughter beamed. I beamed. I am one of those moms who has always insisted on my children writing handwritten thank you notes for gifts and experiences. I think that my daughter finally fully understood why I have always required this act of kindness and respect. My daughter felt appreciated. It feels good to feel appreciated. Thank you, dear teacher, for giving us this very “teachable” moment. Teachers are amazing.

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Soul Sunday

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Good morning, soulmates. Welcome to Soul Sunday, when our precious little thought museum called Adulting – Second Half, turns towards the emotional conclusion of the week, with our poetry workshop, well into session. What poetry are you going to make with your life today? What stories are you going to add to the rhythm, and to the flair, and to the details of your most incredible, personal creation – the story of your very own, precious life?

My regular readers know that I make reference to “my thought museum” a lot when posting writings on my blog. I would love to have more of your exhibits on loan here. I know that I have quite a few creative, artsy types here, quietly reading. You’ve shown me some delightful glimpses of yourselves, here and there. I feel your presence. And I want you to know that I appreciate it. I appreciate you. Your presence inspires me. You inspire me. I love our warm connection. I love Adulting – Second Half. It is one of my most favorite places on Earth. So in extension, I love you. Please post your poems in my Comments section. Or show us your artwork. I would love to see an artistic rendition of what our shared thought museum looks like visually, or by having it described in words, or in music. Please share. Your outpours are safe here. We have good security guards. (they have white wings) If your ideas are still privately percolating, get them out somewhere, even if it is just in your own personal journals. Your creations deserve some space in this world. Your creations want to come to life. Bring them into the light.

Here’s my poem for today:

Good Riddance

I lost an hour today.

What can I do without an hour of today?

What does wasted time look like? Consider it.

Wasted time looks like a dusty little pile of pointless panderings,

Ruminations of the nasty, negative variety,

Often dwelling in the corners of the angry past,

Or in the entangled cobwebs of the fearful future,

Or in fruitless gossip and judgment, guises of my own insecurities.

I don’t have time for an hour of that dreadful dialog in my head.

I lost an hour today.

Good riddance.

Soul Sunday

Good morning, friends and readers. My regular readers know that I devote Sundays to poetry. I consider Sundays to be a poetry workshop of sorts. I share a poem that I have written or someone else has written, and I strongly encourage you to share your poems in my Comments section. On an aside, last night, during Halloween, we put our candy bowl out on a table, at the end of the driveway, but my husband and I sat up in chairs by our garage doors. We love to see the kids in costumes. I overheard one little boy say, “Wow, why are so many people giving out the big candy bars this year?” That warmed my heart. People are mostly kind-hearted, and we all want the best for each other. Most particularly, we want the best for our little children, the future of humanity. That collective desire for these children to grow up in a beautiful, thriving world is what makes me know that no matter what befalls us, we are all going to be okay. That collective desire and vision and hope for the future generations is an incredibly vital and strong force. It won’t be stopped. Here is my poem for today:

Just an Hour

Preparing and cooking an excellent, nourishing meal.

Giddily getting ready for a night out on the town.

A much anticipated episode of a favorite television show.

An invigorating, healing exercise class.

Staying in bed and sleeping in, with the comfort of pillows and peace.

A hopeful church service or a long, peaceful meditation.

A fun, relaxing lunch break from strenuous, meticulous work.

A long, luxurious massage and facial treatment.

A couple of chapters read in an excellent book.

A hearty walk with our beloved dogs, tiring everyone out.

A long phone call, catching each other up on our individual lives’ events.

All of these things take about an hour of time.

The gift of an extra hour in the day is magnificent.

It is truly striking what an hour of life can contain.

Do we realize it?