
This meme cracks me up. Interestingly, it was my youngest self who was the surest that she knew everything. Now, I am just grateful that my ever constant guardian angel, kept me alive.

Life is a constant growing process and it never stops until our ending day. It is strange to be in my mid-fifties, and to be able to reflect on, and to laugh at my many, many younger selves (that sweet little girl, that deeply insecure teenager who came off as so full of herself, that naive twenties lady who was pregnant and tired a lot, that slightly rebellious thirties woman who seemed to be trying to relive her teen years, that female in her forties who had to unlearn everything that she thought she already knew.) I wonder what my sixties self will think about my fifties version? I think that “idiot” is a bit harsh. I think that it is best to look at all versions of ourselves with love, and compassion and understanding, but also to be humble enough to know that we are in an ever-evolving state of growth. If we do this, we walk hand-in-hand with our guardian angels, as we journey onward into the days of our lives.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

2070. Have you ever slept outdoors?

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