Monday – Funday

Credit – @woofknight, X

Years ago (probably even a decade ago), my husband made the horrible, dastardly mistake of eating the rest of an orange cream cupcake which our daughter had left in the refrigerator. The outcome of that act wasn’t pretty. (hysterical, hormonal preteen women are almost as lethal as hysterical, hormonal menopausal women – and I’m allowed to say this because I have been both) I don’t think that my daughter has ever completely forgiven my husband for that act. This whole ordeal was recently rehashed (yet, once again) because our local grocery store, Publix, had released a limited edition orange cream pop bar cake and yes, my husband and I devoured it within two days and bragged to the kids about it. I told my husband that I hope he had really enjoyed this delicacy because for our health’s sake, I can never purchase another one again. And then, over the weekend, I got an email from Club Publix celebrating my “half birthday” and offering up a free bar cake to commemorate this “big” event. Well, as the comedian Jim Gaffigan would say, “I don’t want to lose money on this deal.” I hope they haven’t run out of those orange cream cakes. My mouth is watering already.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

686. Do you like scary movies? (Me, NO. Absolutely NO.)

2 thoughts on “Monday – Funday”

  1. Oh, girlie, I am right there with you on both counts: I LOVE orange cream anything, and I wholeheartedly despise scary movies. I can’t even remember the last scary movie I viewed. Life is scary enough already, isn’t it?!

    On a completely unrelated note – today I received a 5-star review for the memoir I completed last year. I’ve entered it in a bunch of contests, and it’s actually doing fairly well. Ironically, the same book was rejected on the same day by another contest. I guess that shows that you can’t please all of the people all of the time, right? Now, if the client would get off his butt and give me permission to find a publisher (he self-published) I would be thrilled!

  2. Congratulations, Kelly!! Our art is subjective and also subjected to the “soup du jour” of what is popular in the moment. Keep on keeping on. You are an excellent writer!!

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