Intentional Summer

We’ve unofficially entered through the glorious gateway to another summer of our lives. I know that summer technically starts later in June, but from a calendar/nostalgia sense, we walked through the gates, into another delicious summer this past weekend. Summer is a time of experience, isn’t it? We often plan trips and reunions and outings and adventures in summer. We do yard projects and picnics and beach days.

I read something this morning written by Esther Hicks that suggested that before you give something your attention, make sure that you actually want to experience that person, place or thing which is the focus of your attention. You don’t have to give your attention to everything that is going on, all around you. In fact, you couldn’t give your attention to everything that exists, even if you tried. You can read or watch the news, but you don’t have to do it. You can get as involved or not involved with someone else’s drama, as much as you choose to do so. You don’t have to attend everything you have been invited to attend. You can ruminate on situations that happened in the past, or you can worry about situations that might happen in the future, but none of this is necessary. Remember, whatever you give your attention to, becomes part of your overall experience. There is so much out there in the world that we can spend our attention on (available at the click of a button), that we might as well become really, really choosy about where we spend our attention. Why not spend our attention on things that we truly enjoy and value experiencing? Why not spend our attention on things that truly enhance our own experience of living a life? Why not take these initial steps out of the gateway, into summer, with the idea that this will be The Most Present and Intentional Summer of Our Lives?

Vow to only spend your attention on things that you actually want to be part of your overall life’s experience. Be choosy. There are summer berries galore in the garden. Strawberries will still exist for others, if you choose to only eat blueberries. Strawberries will most likely be available to you, if you later choose to focus on eating them. Choose carefully. Choose wisely. Your attention is the most precious gift that you give to anyone or anything, including yourself. Give this gift mindfully this summer, and you will most likely experience the most gratifying and resonating summer of your life.

“And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer. There is an almost religious ‘rebirth’ that comes with the end of winter.” – from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

659. What are you really intense about?