It’s Me, Friday

Happy Friday!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! I’m not going to be writing much today, because I am going to a matinee with my favorite daughter (yes, she’s my only daughter), doing one of my favorite things (going to the movies), and seeing a movie based on one of my favorite books of all time. (Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret by Judy Blume) I’m so happy that they finally made a movie out of this great book. I love all things book related. Not only are books my favorite, but so are bookstores, and libraries, and those little free libraries that look like bird houses, and bookmarks and book covers . . . . . .

Today’s favorite has nothing to do with books, however. Today, my favorite is a hairspray that the kind, informed clerks recommended to me, when I was at Sally Beauty Supply the other day. (Remember, I live in humid Florida. Humidity is not kind to hairstyles.) When Sally clerks first recommended their best selling hairspray to me with the selling feature of “it works, but you can still comb through it” in my mind, I automatically turned that statement into, “Oh okay, so it doesn’t work.” But I took the professionals’ advice anyway, and it turns out, this hairspray is good stuff. It works! Professional Sebastian Shaper Plus Hairspray is the best that I’ve tried yet in my long life with my fine and stubborn hair.

Now, I’m going to go use a little bit of this liquid gold in a bottle on my hair, as I prepare to see my movie with my best girl. Have a great Friday!! See you tomorrow!!!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

6 thoughts on “It’s Me, Friday”

  1. Lucky!!!
    Hope you have a fun time with your daughter!

    Here is my favorite thing for Friday!
    My very good friend just launched her Kindness Care Card Program and I am so excited to share it with everyone and anyone who likes to send or receive cards.

    If any of your blog readers are interested in making a difference in sending out cards…here is an opportunity…just click on the link below.

    (My friend and I have talked about this for a long while & it launched today…I’m so excited for her. This is our passion, she has put the work in & is now seeing it through….)

    All the details can be found on her website:

    Thank you!

    1. Joan, that looks like an amazing program. I am going to spend some more time on that lovely website later. What a wonderful idea coming into fruition!!

  2. Hi Joan,
    Thank you for sharing your favorite thing for Friday. I absolutely love it, and am going to sign up. 😊 We need more things like that in today’s world. Great things come when you follow your passion. Thank you to you and your friend for creating a wonderful way to give and receive.

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