What Are We Doing?

credit: @LouAye, Twitter

I did a Google search of when the last time we did a major gun law reform law in the United States. It was in 2008 and I couldn’t even really decipher what the law even really meant. The Sandy Hook tragedy happened in 2012. The Parkland school tragedy happened in 2018. Just in this month, in a matter of days, here in the United States in 2022, we have had the Buffalo, New York mass shooting tragedy, a Taiwanese church in California attacked by a shooter, and now 19 elementary school students and two adults were killed in Texas yesterday. People will argue that it is people who kill people, and not guns, but have we given strong gun control laws a fair try?? Have we tried solid gun control laws at all, to see if this might actually make a difference?!? We all know that inanimate objects (and access to inanimate objects) are far easier to control than it is to control people. We all know that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing again and again, and to expect different results. Recently I have said, more than once, even before yesterday’s horrific tragedy, that I was so relieved that all of my four children made it through their primary schooling without a school shooting incident. How pathetic is that?!?

“It takes a monster to kill children. But to watch monsters kill children again and again and do nothing isn’t just insanity—it’s inhumanity.” -@TheAmandaGorman

2 thoughts on “What Are We Doing?”

  1. Hi Kelly. Your post was the first one I read this morning because I knew you’d have something thoughtful to say. I’m heartsick for the children of our country and the trauma that they must be feeling. How could they ever want to go back to a school? And if they did, how could they concentrate? How could they learn? How could they play? I don’t know what the answer is, but I know that what this country is currently doing is not enough. Amanda Gorman is right: We are monsters to watch this happen–again and again–and not do anything.

    1. Amen, Gail! We may not know the right answer to this problem yet, but we DO know that the status quo is NOT the answer.

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