

Credit: @Emsrsue (Twitter)

This meme is truly not fair to my husband. I think there are times when he would have liked to have been more involved in the gift buying, but my alter-ego, “Karen Controlfreak” would not allow it. Still, this picture reminds me of every man I ever knew growing up. And I mean this fondly. These men worked their asses off for their families, and they always had a smile on their face wondering what their hard work was providing for others. Selfless, in many ways, really.

Here are some other tweets that captured my fancy, this morning:

One day I woke up and realized I am the dragon, not the princess. -@_desert_bones

Your confidence needs to be built from within. If it is built on compliments, it will shatter with criticism.- @WakeupPeopIe

Learn the difference between your intuition guiding you and your trauma misleading you. -@Positive_Call

Me: Ok, I’m wearing a nice outfit, I did my hair and makeup. I guess I look pretty ok! Camera: Bitch, you thought. -@momsense_ensues

Well before I agree to 2022 I need to see the terms and conditions -@frenziedlanes

Have a great week, my beloved readers!! See you tomorrow!!

****Friends, as I was wrapping up today’s post, this appeared in my backyard. Santa came early!!! There’s magic everywhere, all throughout the year. Notice it. It’s there.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.