Epilepsy Awareness Month

Credit: Epilepsy Foundation

My regular readers know that our youngest son suffers from a seizure disorder called epilepsy. I won’t be writing much today, because we are headed to yet another appointment with his neurologist, where my son will be getting yet another EEG test (his third EEG in just the last two months). This experience is the hardest situation that our son (and our family) has to live with, and to manage day in and day out, with the knowledge and empathy for the many other people and families, who also have to live with, and manage this devastating disorder. Here are some truths about epilepsy taken from the Epilepsy Foundation’s website:

1 in 10 people will have a seizure and 1 in 26 will develop epilepsy during their lifetime. We need more people to learn seizure first aid to help save a life.

There are 470,000 children in the U.S. living with epilepsy. Kids can change the world by educating those around them.

Epilepsy receives 10 times less funding than other brain disorders. We need to raise funds for care, advocacy, research and education.

This is a link to an excellent resource to best understand how to help a person who is having a seizure:


The Epilepsy Foundation and CURE Epilepsy are two outstanding organizations working to find cures, and treatments, and funding research, so that people who have epilepsy, have a better chance at living normal, healthy lives. Please consider giving to these organizations when you are making your charity choices. Also please peruse their websites to learn more about, and to understand what people who live with epilepsy go through, while dealing with this deeply frustrating, and debilitating, and sometimes even deadly disorder. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.