A Bag of Fortunes

I’m preparing for a nice afternoon, out on a boat, with my family. My mind seas are a little choppy today. I’m having a hard time finding the calm in my emotional and mental waters, from which place I typically write my blog. (perhaps too much excitement and/or coffee) Therefore, I am going to list a few quotes that I found on the internet or on inspirational signs, the last few weeks, which I have jotted down in one of my “Things to Ponder” notebooks. I hope that you find them as interesting and thought provoking as I did. Have a wonderful start to your week. Here are some things to think about to get the wheels churning this morning:

“Learn the difference between being patient and wasting your time.”

“The wrapping is lovely, but the box is empty.”

“You can’t see your reflection in boiling water. Similarly, you can’t see the truth in a state of anger.”

“Energy flows, where your attention goes.”

“How they treat you is what they think of you. What you allow is what you think of yourself.”

“Everyone deserves a second chance, but not for the same mistake.”

“Not every friend request is a friend request. Some are just surveillance cameras.”

“When is a problem, gift, responsibility, relationship yours? When you claim it.”

“Everyone loves an honest person until the honest person strikes a chord with a truth they weren’t ready to receive.”

“Your life is your story. Write well, write often. Edit freely.”

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