Sunday Soul

This year is different

I’m trying to put a definition on something that has never been.

I am trying to fit the new

into old, worn out, torn boxes.

How do you live outside of a long experienced paradigm


Elon Musk and his triangle truck


Readers, I have decided to turn Sundays into “Sunday Soul” and to play around with poetry on my Sunday posts. It feels strange to me because it is not something I have spent a lot of time doing. Trying to write poetry, when you never really have, is kind of like going to your first pottery or painting classes. I don’t have my footing. I don’t really know what I am doing, but I am enjoying the experience. It feels lonely up here in the blogspot. I sure wish you guys would play around with some poetry in the Comments section. It can be our own neat little virtual coffee house poetry reading, every Sunday.

So, I hope you don’t mind the format change. Unless I have something truly pressing on my mind that must come out in prose form, Sundays here are Adulting – Second Half are dedicated to poetry. I hope the rest of your day flows rhythmically, and softly, peacefully and profoundly and poetically . . . . .

5 thoughts on “Sunday Soul”

  1. I like writing haiku at times. I was going to do a whole series “Haiku to My Closet” about favorite garments, which hasn’t progressed very far, but never too late to take it up again!
    A recent poetry moment was in the final session of a year-long mending workshop: we were asked to sum up our activities as a short haiku-like poem since our prior meeting. It was a fun challenge!
    So I introduce myself as a haiku:

    Anne M Bray, artist.
    Serene road trip art, wild style,
    Body as canvas.

  2. Here’s a poem I wrote recently on the topic “Inspiration”. It won second place in a contest. Which is ironic, because like you, poetry is NOT my usual thing! Enjoy.

    When Inspiration Visits

    When Inspiration visits
    I am rarely prepared.

    Standing in the shower,
    With ideas cascading down upon my head.
    Inspiration peeks around the curtain,
    Mocking my helplessness to capture them.

    During yoga practice,
    Holding a downward dog.
    Heels straining toward the floor,
    I hear Inspiration barking in my ear.

    Taking my son to school,
    Navigating the knot of distracted drivers.
    Suddenly the passenger seat is occupied,
    And Inspiration dares me to pay attention.

    Sitting at my keyboard,
    Feverishly working toward a deadline.
    My awareness is tugged in another direction;
    Inspiration is making a house call.

    But this time I am agile,
    Fingers poised above a blank page.
    Inspiration tries to evade my grasp,
    But I tug his tail and reel him in.

    This time when Inspiration visits,
    I feel the spirit moving through me.
    Time is suspended as I dance with the muse,
    Nothing exists apart from the flow.

    It is a fragile partnership,
    Requiring me to obey.
    If I attempt to exert control,
    Inspiration is rendered mute.

    I submit to his demands;
    Inspiration rewards me.
    A masterpiece in the making,
    Causing me to wonder –

    Why, when Inspiration visits,
    Am I rarely prepared?

    1. Kelly, I can SOOOOOO relate this this! No wonder why it won a prize! I love it. I have found myself running out of the shower, naked (and afraid lol), wet, desperate to find a pad and a pencil to write an inspiration down. You are right, they seldom seem to come, when we are ready and prepared.
      Thank you for sharing!

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