Morning People

“The hardest part about mornings is encountering morning people.” – someecards

Apparently, New Mexico and New Hampshire have more self-reported “morning people” than any other states. Also, people over the age of 60 are much more likely to identify as “morning people” than younger people. There have been studies done that suggest that whether you are night owl or a morning person, might have a lot to do with your genes that are tied to circadian rhythms. Don’t ask me to go into detail with this explanation – I am not a morning person. And I don’t even come close to being a morning person on Monday mornings.

Image result for funny quotes about morning people

8 thoughts on “Morning People”

  1. This is the first time I visit a blog for a person, and I find it nice… Morning in general is nice… But now isn’t it morning already in new mexico? 🙂

    1. I think it is around 5:30 or 6:30 in the morning in New Mexico right now. So, that place is a-buzz with happy people!!! Thanks for reading my blog! 🙂

  2. I’ve always been a morning person
    I’ve often attributed it to time of birth, so I did a personal survey and asked everyone I knew what time were you born and are you a morning person or not. Inconclusive but an interesting thought. There was about a 60,% correlation

    1. That is fascinating, Sandra. I fit your hypothesis. I was born at 3 pm in the afternoon.

  3. My husband is from New Hampshire and his whole family are Morning people. However, I am not!

    1. Maybe it is a genetic thing or related to birth times, like Sandra suggested??

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