I Found Friday

“I found Friday. It was hiding at the end of the week this whole time!” – Clipart & Vector Design

Happy Friday, readers and friends!! Fridays are know as Favorite Things Friday here at Adulting – Second Half. We discuss nothing serious on Fridays, unless it is serious fun. Typically I write about three products or services of websites or songs, etc. that have added spring in my step (please see previous Friday posts), but today, I am going to shake it up a little bit. Below are just a few of my favorite occurrences. I hope that this list of some of my favorites, will jog you into thinking about some your favorites, which can only serve to raise your spirits! Add to all of our high spirits, and tell us some of your favorites, in the Comments section, please.

Happy Friday, again, my friends. 🙂

These are a few of my favorite things:

When you get the best advice from the least likely source.

When sometimes all it takes is unplugging the device and plugging it back in, to fix everything all up.

When you are snuggling with your favorite people and/or your pets, and the fit is just perfect!

When the schedule truly is totally free enough to do whatever you feel like doing right in the moment.

How amazing food tastes when you are really, really hungry.

My car’s seat heaters, even in warm weather.

A totally still, large body of water.

Everything going as planned.

Seinfeld re-runs.

Pleasant surprises.

Laughing uncontrollably.

Unusual combinations of colors that really are a “feast for the eyes.”

Actually liking a photograph of yourself.


“If I had one wish, it would be to remove Monday and replace it with a second Friday. Happy Friday!”

Have a great weekend, my friends! See you tomorrow!!