Wonderful and Enough

Did you know that a baby puffin is called a puffling? And they’re adorable! I was just getting caught up on Nature’s Lovers on Twitter, one of my favorite all-time Twitter feeds. Honestly, I went to Twitter this morning hoping to glean some amazing nugget of wisdom that I could write about on my blog, but instead I just savored the cuteness of a variety of baby animals and took in some pictures of nature that were so beautiful, they took my breath away. Sometimes, that’s the wisdom, isn’t it? Don’t analyze, don’t pontificate, don’t puzzle over and try to explain. Just be. Just enjoy. Just breathe. Breathe it all in.

This has been a week of a lot of simple chores for me. Pedicure. Car wash. Salon appointment. Lots of laundry. Doctor’s appointment for a stuffed up ear. Taxiing my daughter to and from tennis try-outs. It sounds boring and it is kind of boring and methodical, but sometimes the most mundane tasks bring the most satisfaction when they are completed. Checking things off of the list, gives us a sense of order and accomplishment, in a world that otherwise, often seems complicated and chaotic.

β€œHere’s to the moments when you realize the simple things are wonderful and enough.” – Jill Badonsky

2 thoughts on “Wonderful and Enough”

  1. I get great joy from making lists and checking the items off when completed. It is the small things! πŸ™‚

    1. You were like that since college, Betsey! I always admired your organization skills. πŸ™‚

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