It’s a Dog’s Thanksgiving

My friend has a whole houseful of family and friends staying with her this Thanksgiving week.  A lot of them brought their dogs along.  Apparently, things have gotten a little spicy with the dogs.

One of the dogs staying with my friend is very yappy and just doesn’t shut up.  Another dog just isn’t well-behaved and apparently never really learned good doggy manners.  The younger dogs are full of energy and they are feeding off of each others’ energy, creating quite a frenzy.  One of the dogs appears to be in heat and is being inappropriately affectionate with anything that breathes, or doesn’t breathe, for that matter.  My friend’s older male dog, the dog of the house, has never been particularly fond of other dogs to begin with, and he is quick to snap and put the other dogs into their place.  There have been squabbles over food, toys and sleeping arrangements.

All things being said, individually, these pups are all sweet, lovable mutts.  It’s just they are not used to being together in close quarters and in unfamiliar territory.  Her dog is not used to sharing his stuff.  The anxiety the dogs are feeling, brings out the worst in them.  My friend did text a cute picture of the dogs, at the end of the day, all cuddled up in a pile of fur.  Her dog even appears to be giving another dog a good, sweet lick.  Honestly, I think that they’ll make it through the week, just fine.

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