Water Spiritual

Having seen many incredibly majestic waterfalls this past week, I have decided to post this beautiful poem by Anne Wilson Schaef. I hope that it moves you, the way that it touched me.

Water Spiritual

A waterfall’s

A lovely place

To sit awhile

And know God’s grace

Plunging home

To the sea

Oblivious to you

Unseeing of me

The water knows which way to go

Returning to the sea

It must be so

It’s not too complex

This water song

It just keeps moving

Right along

No care for this

For that, no thought

Life is so simple

We’d almost forgot

I sometimes wonder

What point did we

Forget to notice

Life could be free

To move like water

T’ward our home

Is an easy task

Not done alone

The Creator’s grace

Accompanies us

We’re not forgotten

This, we can trust

To worry is only

As we all know

A lack of faith

In what is so

To move like water

Powerful yet weak

Will bring us to

The peace we seek