Anticipating workers being here all day to work on our pool cage while attempting to calm and corral our three boisterous dogs, means that I will need some big laughs today. Luckily, I found them. I can’t stop watching and laughing at the video below. “Sag-Who-Tarrius! That’s MY sign! YESSS! Look at me! I’m Fire! Sagittarius #1!”
If there were ever a time in the year that I feel completely scattered, it is during the holiday season. My energy is all over the place. There are unfinished projects, piled all around. I had to do a few things before I started writing today, and that has me all messed up. I’m terribly unfocused. I know from talking to others, that this is not just a me-phenomenon. Does this scattered energy happen because we all have added a lot of extra fa-la-la-la-las to the to-da-do-do-dos? I feel foggy all of the time and even the extra bright LED Christmas lights have hard time breaking through to me. Staying “in the now” is incredibly hard during the holidays. I am always careening from expectations of what needs to happen and get done in the future (not to mention my future goals for 2022), to the hard-hitting nostalgia of Christmases past. (on an aside, I was reading an old interview with Pierre Bergé, who was the partner of the fashion designer Yves St. Laurent, and Pierre said in that interview, that he emphatically hates nostalgia and I was so happy to read that because I hate nostalgia, too. I don’t think I ever heard anyone admit to that before. It made me feel relieved and less alone and less ashamed to read his admission of truth.) While I say that I hate nostalgia, that doesn’t mean that I don’t still be-bop back there from time to time. It is like pushing on a bruise or a sore spot on your back. It’s oddly irresistible, sometimes.
Getting back on track to what I guess I am trying to say with today’s post: while never really fully being in the now-moment, it often means that I lose things and then have to spend gobs of time finding said items, which just makes me more stressed about the to-da-do-do-dos. This edgy, stressed out state-of-being does not fulfill my self-expected requirement to be “in the holiday spirit.” This whole blog post could easily be summed in the meme below. No wonder why we love memes. They get right to the point.
Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.
I had dinner with friends last night. While walking through the town to get to the restaurant where we were meeting, I noticed Christmas lights everywhere. They were adorning shop windows, street lights, and there were even a few animated Santa Clauses. One building had already changed its spotlights, to bright red and green. (and keep in mind, here in our town, it’s still 85 degrees outside)
My eldest son, who lives outside of New York City, texted a picture of the interior of a NYC German restaurant where he had met his friends for dinner, this past weekend. I’ve attached the picture above. The decorations are decidedly amazingly beautiful. But how long do decadent holiday decorations need to be displayed before “amazingly beautiful” turns into “claustrophobic-ally repellent”? Is it the subconscious Grinch in me, or even more so than ever before, are we going to skip right over Thanksgiving this year, into Christmas-on-steroids?