
I’m having a distracting morning. Usually I am better at protecting my early morning hours for just me and for my writing, but today I let myself get distracted – by wanting to sleep, by taking a phone call, by getting caught up on “click bait” on the internet, by getting caught up in “click bait”, in my mind, and in my imagination, and in the riling of my emotions. It happens. I like the phrase “It happens,” as long as I don’t use it too often as an excuse. “It happens” is a reminder that none of us are perfect. Life is often messy and so are we. Here are two quotes/passages I came across in my readings, which I like a lot. I think that you will, too.

“Thoughts are like taxis. You get in, they take you for a ride and you are left with the bill to pay. Instead, why not let them drive by?” – Gelong Thubten

“Singing – It calms us-the vibration in the body, the resonance rumbling through-there’s a reason lullabies put babies to sleep. To sing is to pray, to meditate, to speak the unspeakable, to let go of what has been kept silent. To sing in harmony is to share those things, to wrap one voice around another and fall in love in some way, to become alchemists of notes and create mixtures of soundwaves that magically put feelings in order, even if it has to rile them first.” – Allison Moorer

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.