Monday – Funday

credit: @woofknight, Twitter

Perhaps you have read about the brouhaha over salad dressing with Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wilde. Apparently, when their relationship was falling apart, Jason was extremely upset that Olivia was bringing a salad with her “special” dressing, to her now boyfriend, Harry Styles. It has now come out that the “special” dressing is an easy, three ingredient dressing that came from Heartburn, the book by Nora Ephron which was about Ephron’s own divorce from Carl Bernstein. (My husband was a tad concerned when I made this dressing for us yesterday.) I adore my husband, but I will never pass up the opportunity to try an easy, delicious recipe. Here’s the recipe for topping tonight’s salad, friends. (You’re welcome.): “Mix 2 tablespoons Grey Poupon mustard with 2 tablespoons good red wine vinegar. Then, whisking constantly with a fork, slowly add 6 tablespoons olive oil until the vinaigrette is thick and creamy.” Supposedly this makes a good marinade for meat, too.

When my kids were living here at home, and they would ask what we were having for dinner, on any given day, with fear and trepidation in their eyes, I would always answer (curtly and confidently), “Yum! We are having “yum.” I don’t know why they ever even bothered asking the question, because the answer was always, always the same: “Yum.” We had “Yum” every single night for dinner.

Have a great, yummy week!! See you tomorrow.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.