Soul Sunday

Good morning. Sundays are poetry day on the blog. I experienced an incident recently that inspired the poem that I wrote below. Pick a recent event in your life that sticks with you, and commemorate and honor it with a poem. This is what poets do. And all of us are poets in our own way.

You showed up with tact and grace.

I showed up with “in your face.”

Luckily, I took the pause.

I kept the words between my jaws.

I watched you communicate what I wanted to say,

But peppered with kindness and love was your way.

It’s great to be an old dog learning new tricks.

From the other old dogs, who are in the mix.

What is the purpose of the friends in your life?

Besides entertainment and support for your strife?

Friends help you to learn to be a better you.

They often see the better you, before you even do.

Friends are mirrors, travel companions, and vessels of love,

Friends are gifts you give to yourself, with help from above.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Soul Sunday

My husband and I attended a wedding last night. It’s the first wedding that we have attended in a while. Young love is so poetic and inspiring and hopeful and pure. Sundays are devoted to poetry on the blog. Here are some poems that I found online that reminded me of our experience last night, and about other lovely unions, including our own:

“True love comes
when you lose
where you end
and they begin
and the atoms
in your souls
forget where they belong
and slowly you become
pieces of each other
too close now
to ever be apart”
― Atticus Poetry, Love Her Wild

“When I saw you first, it took
every ounce of me not to kiss you.
When I saw you laugh, it took
every ounce of me not to love you.
And when I saw your soul, it took every ounce of me.”
― Atticus Poetry, Love Her Wild

“Put your hand on your heart,’
the old man said.
‘Inside you, there is a power,
there are ideas,
thoughts that no one has ever thought of,
there is the strength to love,
purely and intensely,
and to have someone love you back –
there is the power to make people happy,
and to make people laugh –
it’s full of compliments,
and the power to change lives and futures.
Don’t forget that power,
and don’t ever give up on it.”
― Atticus Poetry

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Soul Sunday

Are you passing on love or passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Sundays are for poetry on the blog. Poetry comes from your deepest wells of feelings. Explore your own depths. Explore every nook and cranny. This is what was appeared from my own depths today:

The light of the soul

Shines particularly bright

Through the windows of the eyes

When it is closer to seeing

The beautiful Source

from Where it Came.

The windows of the soul,

Reflect everlasting life.

The light never goes out.

Soul Sunday

Sundays are devoted to poetry on the blog. Poems are mysteriously personal. As the poet Zaynab writes: “Everyone goes to the same poem, at the same time, same point, same verb, the difference is the feeling”. I choose not to share the backstory of this poem that I have just written. Bring your own story to it. That’s what makes poetry so intimate and flexible. And write yourself a poem. It’s a beautiful thing to be vulnerable with yourself.

I thought by your absence,

That you were long gone.

No longer tethered to the past.

Fully free and ensconced in a life

Foreign to any of us.

But now I see that by you following her,

So quickly into the unknown, that

You were more attached to her,

than any of us.

The cords were never cut.

Such a brave front you both liked to carry,

to shelter your bruised and vulnerable and wounded hearts.

When you soon meet again,

the bravados will have fallen,

and the healed hearts will be as One,

with all of the other healed hearts,

that beat soundly and steadily,

for the whole of us,

beyond the veil.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Soul Sunday

Good morning. Welcome to Sunday on the blog, a day devoted to poetry. Poetry is everywhere. It’s in our songs, in our descriptions of things, and in the cadence of our movements. And the biggest misnomer that people have about poetry is that it is SO SERIOUS. Haven’t we all read several of Dr. Seuss’ books?! Below is one of my favorite actresses reciting a poem. Enjoy! And write yourself a silly poem today or speak out loud one of your favorite songs in a serious, poetical tone. Make yourself and your loved ones laugh. What could be better for your soul?

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Soul Sunday

“We live on a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire next to a moon that moves the sea, and you don’t believe in miracles?” – Unknown

Sundays are devoted to poetry on the blog. Poetry often speaks to the parts of you that you keep hidden, even from yourself. I recently discovered a young, modern poet who is taking the poetry world by storm. Her poems are stirring, moving, sometimes disturbing and uncomfortable, and at the very least, make you think. Here are a couple of poems by Kate Baer seen below. If you are like me, you will find her words intriguing enough to seek out more.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Soul Sunday

Good morning. Happy New Year!! I read a word yesterday that I think fits: “Resipiscence” It means “the return to a better state of mind.” This is what a wish for all of us and for our collective mind this year: a return to a better, sounder, more peaceful, loving state of mind. May 2023 be the year of resipiscence for all of us.

Sundays are devoted to poetry on the blog. Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass” is the perfect poem which speaks to a sound mind and how to have one. It is a good poem to be inspired to start off the year just right.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Soul Sunday

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Sundays are devoted to poetry on the blog. Robert Frost says it best:

My emotion has found my thought, and my thought has found my words in the poem which I wrote this morning (see below). What are the thoughts and the words of your own emotions today? Write a poem in order to find out. You will most likely be surprised.


Who are you?

Are you what your friends say? Which friend?

And does it really matter what they say, in the end?

Who are you? Are you young, or are you old?

That answer is more about the judger’s age, I’m told.

Who are you?

Do you know? Do you rely on others’ to tell you who you may be?

Or do you sit with yourself, and learn about yourself organically?

Who are you?

The answer to this question is only for you to know.

The rest is all conjecture, projection, and changes as the wind does blow.

Who are you?

Who are you?

You are who . . . .

Soul Sunday

This morning on our way to visit our loved one at the hospital, we passed by something that was the perfect image of an “inside family joke”. If I tried to explain it, you wouldn’t get it. It wouldn’t be funny to you at all. But I took a picture of it, and I texted it to our family chat, and I got a lot of feedback and “hahas”. I love inside jokes. I think they are some of the best forms of intimacy. There is nothing like an inside joke that makes you feel like you belong to a group of people, whether they be family or friends.

Sundays are devoted to poetry on the blog. I decided to scour the internet for a good poem about “inside jokes” and my favorite poem which I found was written by a child and it was published on a website called Inside jokes are a universal form of love and belonging, no matter what your age.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Soul Sunday

Sundays are devoted to poetry on the blog. Normally I write a poem or share a poem by another poet. However, we have another planned brunch coming up for our parents’ weekend with our youngest two children at their university. Therefore I don’t have time to whip up a poem today, or even to scour the internet for a different poem. I like this quote from the Dead Poet Society film. That’s a good question to ponder. From this day forward, “What will your verse be?”

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.