Soul Sunday

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Good morning. What I love about most of my weekends these days, (now that my children are mostly grown and independent) is that I can live these weekend days through my most spontaneous nature. I feel free to live moment-by-moment, following my whims and my fancies and my curiosities more than I have been able to do (or more honestly, allowed myself to do), for most of my adult life. So much of today can be unstudied and unplanned. I can let my most inner impulses and inclinations lead the way. This is why Sunday is devoted to poetry on my blog. Poetry is a more spontaneous form of writing than other forms of communication. Poetry reminds me of those mystery grab bags you buy for a set amount of money with “???” written all over them. The delight in these bags is the excited, anticipation of what may be inside. There is no expectation of what could be in the bags, so curiosity and a sense of fun are the main emotions of the experience. In Japan, many stores offer these mystery bags at the beginning of each year. These “lucky bags” are called fukubukuro. Poetry is the fukubukuro (even this word rhymes!) of our written communication! Indulge in poetry today. Delight in the ways that you discover yourself more fully, by seeing what comes out of your heart, in written form! Here’s my poem for today:

This day is your painting,

your poem,

your living NFT.

It is uniquely yours.

The emotions, the observations, the experiences, the prayers, the meditations, the creations, the relations, the rest, the activity, the obsessions, the possessions, the delicacies, the piquancies, and the frequencies that you tune into today, are all of yours.

This day is your poem.

Your living, breathing poem.

What does it say?

What does it mean?

What will it bring to tomorrow’s on-going poetry in motion?