That’s All

I was perusing a store that had these hilarious, just black and white, greeting cards. These cards are from a line called “That’s all.” Their tagline is “Say it like it is.” All of the the cards have “That’s all.” printed on their insides. The outsides say things like “Cancer sucks.” and “Grow up, Get a Job and Get Out.” and “Congratulations on your divorce. We hated him.” and “The empty nest thing is way beyond traumatic.”

I love these cards. I love to get a good chuckle from greeting cards. I like the short and sweet, to the point, direct, wry humor of these cards. I think I am going to try out the theme of these greeting cards today, with my blog post:

Image result for maye musk quotes

“Why hide my age when I have so much to show for it?” – Maye Musk, age 71

That’s all.