Herd It’s Friday

Oh yeah its friday quotes friday happy friday friday quotes hello friday |  Its friday quotes, Hello friday, Happy friday

Good morning! Welcome to the lightest, airiest, “okay, now you can breathe out” day of the week! I LOVE Fridays! On Fridays, I list one, or sometimes even a few, of my favorite things. The things in life are what make life interesting, and material, and a tactile, sensory experience. Before I get to my favorite thing for today, I have a little personal story about sea anemone earrings. A while ago, I purchased perhaps the least expensive thing you could ever buy from Scully & Scully, a longstanding, staid, high-end store in New York City, that’s been around since 1934. I think I purchased probably a small set of coasters, or perhaps maybe even just one coaster, but ever since then, I get their catalogs and their online store pops up on my feed. For instance today, some offerings popped up on my Google, showing me a beautiful Meissen tureen for the bargain price of $125,000. (but does it come with free shipping?) Anyway, it’s a fun store to “window shop.” (If you like Herend figurines, they carry the entire line, and some.) The other day, as I was perusing the internet, and Scully & Scully popped up once again, suggesting that I might be interested in a pair of lovely $12,000 sea anemone earrings. They were gorgeous! And so unique! But sea anemone earrings are not what you call everyday wear, and I have two kids in college, and “good earrings” make me nervous because if I lose one, I’ll be sick about it for months, and I am not Kris Kardashian – I don’t have $12,000 to blow on sea anemone earrings, nor would I ever spend $12,000 on sea anemone earrings, because even if I were filthy rich, my ingrained midwestern sensibilities, practicalities and self judgments would intercede firmly and fiercely. But, man oh man, did I want me a pair of sea anemone earrings!! So guess what? I went to eBay, and Mercari, and the like, and I started feverously scrolling for sea anemone earrings and I found a really cute lime green pair made by Betsey Johnson for around $20, and I love them! And if I only wear them three times in my whole life before I lose one, I can live with that fact. And the point of my long winded story?! Go after what you want. Don’t get fixated on “THE one and only particular solution” to anything in life (i.e. job, person, house, college, vacation spot etc.) There are all sorts of “sea anemone earrings” out there, that will please you, and that will suit your particular needs and wants. Be open to what the Universe has to serve! Explore and enjoy!

On that note, I even have another bonus favorite for today, before I get to my real favorite. This is a favorite household tip. (insert my husband and children guffawing – housekeeping has never been my strong suit). If you have a clothes washer that tends to get smelly (ours is one of those. Years of washing six active, sweaty people’s clothes on a daily basis lends to pure stanky smelliness), pour a bottle of Listerine in it and run a cycle. The Listerine kills the bacteria that makes the washer smelly and the smell goes away instantly and you have a fresh, clean washer. I bought a drugstore brand version of mouthwash for $4, ran it in my washer, and it did the trick, after years of wasting money on “magic formulas” made specifically to clean washers which never worked. I found this household tip on one of my days of getting a little lost in clickbait (instead of doing laundry), and it turns out, the tip is a gamechanger. Enjoy!

Finally, here’s my real favorite of the day. I am fortunate to have a wonderful herd of elephants in my life. Actually, I am fortunate enough to have a few herds whom I rely on, when I lose my way. Do you? This is from the website that describes what these beautiful elephant ornaments really mean:

In the wild, female elephants are known as fierce protectors. They literally form a circle around sisters who are hurting or grieving. And often, they will kick dirt up around her to mask the scent of suffering…in turn, keeping her safe from predators.

And yet, we are the same. This is what we do. This is who we are. And this is who we are meant to be for each other. We all have elephants in our lives. Sometimes we are the ones in the middle, and sometimes we’re on the outside kicking up dirt with fierce, fierce love. But the circle remains.

The ornaments are as lovely as their sentiments. You can buy your herds some here as a way of letting them know how much you love and appreciate them:

Stainless "Friendship/Sisterhood" Elephant Ornament

And that is it for this Friday! Thank you for being one of my herds, dear readers! I hope that I have helped you in times that I have not been hurting and grieving, but feeling strong and positive. You have always surrounded me in times that I need it, and for that I am forever grateful. Have a wonderful weekend!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Keep Calm and Friday On

Welcome to the best day of the week!  We made it!  Woop!  Woop!  New readers, every Friday I talk about some of my favorite things, products, services, etc. that have made a difference in my day-to-day life.  (please check out my previous Favorite Things Friday posts for other ideas of what to treat yourself with on this lovely Friday)  That being said, I have a confession to make.  In my first half of adulting, people in my life may have accused me of being a tad “impulsive”.  I’m working on getting better at that in my second half of adulting.  I feel like I need to add a disclaimer (kind of like the pharmacological advertisements) for fellow impulsive people like me before we get started today.  Here are a few things that impulsive people should be wary of:   

Amazon 1-Click;  maybe Amazon in general;  maybe-online shopping in general;  competitive bidding on eBay;  promo codes;  anything on sale;  cute shoes;  gifts with purchase;  long waits at the check-out counter;  potato chips and the like;  plates of cookies;  fad diets;  full pots of coffee;  anything with “miracle anti-aging” in its description;  buffets;  bookstores;  BOGO happy hours;  day trading;  sports betting;  casinos;  gym membership tours;  vacation clubs;  grab bags;  TJ Maxx;  animal shelters and/or pet stores or just anything furry with a cute face;  botox and fillers;  another lipstick/lipgloss;  and my single friends said that I should add, “right swiping”

Consider yourself warned, here we go:

Sunglasses w/Gradient Lenses:  This is more of just a great “favorite tip.”  Sunglasses are a personal thing.  What looks good on me may not look good on you.  It has a lot to do with face shape.  There are a lot of great sunglasses brands out there and for the record, I have read that most sunglasses, no matter what the brand, are manufactured by the same company. (true or not, I do not know)  I live in the Sunshine State, so I have about 75 pairs of sunglasses.  Seriously, I’m impulsive.  I think sunglasses are the ultimate accessory, right up there with shoes and handbags.  However, I started noticing when I poured over fashion mags and celebrity rags, that a particular type of sunglasses were especially attractive, alluring, sexy and magnetic.  What they all had in common were strongly gradient lenses.  These are the lenses that are dark on the top and get to almost clear at the bottom.  Celebrities like Brad Pitt and Jennifer Lopez almost always wear these types of sunglasses.  J-Lo is known to wear the Dita brand of sunglasses.  (now these are pricey, but almost all of their lenses are these gorgeous gradient types)  I picked out a great pair of Ray-Bans for my husband with these gradient lenses and while I have always been in love with him, every time that he wears these sunglasses, I fall “in lust” with him all over again.  If you want to feel like a rock star/movie star, I promise that these types of sunglasses will do the trick.

Moroccan Oil Beach Wave Mousse – I’m a sucker for anything that smells great.  This stuff smells so great, I could eat it.  And it works great, too.  It’s pricey, but a little bit goes a long way.  There are times that I have gotten a little too heavy handed with it and I have ended up back in the 80s with the “wet look.”  I have a head full of thin hair and this really helps pump up the volume and keeps things in place.  I love it!

Listerine Breath Strips – I love these!  I keep these little packets of “high impact” dissoluble strips in a cute leather pouch in my purse.  They are quick and discreet and perfect for using after eating meals like Philly Cheesesteaks.  Unlike mints, they have no sugar, no calories, and most kids don’t like them, so you don’t have to share.  They are strong, so if you have sinus problems, they might help in that area, as well?!?

Let’s end with a love letter to Friday, as seen on an internet post:

“Dear Friday, I’m so glad that we are back together.  I’m sorry that you had to see me with Monday-Thursday, but I swear I was thinking of you the whole time.”

Have a great weekend!  Thank you for reading my blog!