
I have an extroverted weekend coming up that I am already starting to dread. People often don’t believe me when I say that I am an introvert. I present like an extrovert when I am out in public, but it takes a lot of energy for me to psych myself up for big parties, events, gatherings, etc. I usually have a wonderful time at these functions. I am usually pleasantly surprised about how nice of time I have had, but typically, I am mostly more pleased to have the function (and the dread leading up to it) completed, and checked off, and no longer on my anticipating mind.

wcraider responded to this tweet with this:

“It’s like a light switch that has to be turned off so I can decompress and recharge.”

Anyone can present like an extrovert. The difference is that an extrovert gets their energy recharged being with people, while an introvert gets their energy recharged in solitude. Even still, I think it is important for both extroverts and introverts to get a mix of both social time and solitude. It’s good to get out of our comfort zones sometimes.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

558. If you could read minds, whose would you read first?


Happy Monday Y'all - Here Are The Best Memes to Start Off the Week With |  Morning quotes funny, Monday humor, Funny quotes

I saw this quote over the weekend and it kind of made me giggle:

“Introverts technically don’t make new friends, they just get adopted by extroverts.” – WiseConnector (Twitter)

It’s true isn’t, it? From grade school on, in every group of friends which I have belonged to, there is always one or two extremely extroverted ring leaders, with a posse of adoring introverts whom they have collected along the way. For a group of friends to work out the best, you definitely need a mix of both extroverted and introverted people.

May this week bring out your most fun, excited extroverted side and your most thoughtful, introspective introverted side. If you get your energy stores from being around a lot of activity and people, may your week be full of plans and crowds and invitations. If you get your energy stores from quiet time by yourself, may your week be full of peace, quiet and solitude. No matter what, may this week be a perfect fit for you!!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Listen Up

I don’t remember the exact quote, but on Twitter the other day, someone tweeted something along these lines:

“The problem with being a good listener is that people don’t know when to STFU.”

There were many, many likes to this statement. I, myself, am just an average listener. It is something that I have had to work on over the years. I have a tendency to get excited and to interrupt. That being said, I’ve always tried to be cognizant of not holding people as my captive audiences. Nobody wants to be talked AT. People want you to show genuine, reciprocal interest in their lives, as well.

People who are really good listeners are probably among the most used and abused people in this world. They are so rare, that once we have one in our realm, we all tend to assume that they like being our sounding boards, and we lap up their rapt attention to our own showboating. Recently, I’ve been trying to engage the best listeners in my own life, to talk more about themselves. Because honestly, in my experience, the people who don’t talk that much, when they finally do say something, it tends to be profound. Also, the problem with excellent listeners is that they are usually the more “quiet” people in our lives. And when the quiet people get fed up with the rest of us more flamboyant ones, they tend to exit quietly. They don’t slam doors. They don’t demand equal attention. The good listeners just silently and slowly pull back and slide away. And their loss in our lives is a great one, because they are such rare gems. What best listener in your own life deserves more of your attention? Can you ask them questions without interjecting stories about your own life? You don’t have to “charm” an excellent listener. They are already charmed by you. They have shown it to you, again and again and again. Give their ears a break. This action will be the best thing that you have done for both of you, in a long, long time. There is no better way to show appreciation to the good listeners in your life, than to actively and earnestly listen to them.

404页面 | Listening quotes, Good listener, Mindfulness quotes

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.