
We got a new oven the other day. Our previous old oven was stuck on one temperature, “Lukewarm”, and we had already had it repaired once. I didn’t bother to read the instructions for the new oven, of course. I’ve never been a great one for reading instruction books. But even still, it did strike me as interesting that I really didn’t need to read the instruction book in order to understand how to use the oven, and to set the time. It was all really intuitive. I got to thinking about all of the times that we have stayed in various rentals over the years, and how it was always pretty easy to figure out how to use the various appliances in every single place. Most appliances and machines are pretty standard, even with the extra bells and whistles and the societal insistence on every one of your appliances now being able to reach you, and interact with you on your cell phone. Sigh.

I’ve always marveled at how engineers figure out how to make things work. My brain just doesn’t work that way. And I imagine, when companies are coming up with new designs for ovens and the like, they probably start out initial meetings with statements like, “Okay everyone, we have to make this really, really simple to use, you know, for those “creative” types who refuse to read instruction books.”

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.