Porca Vacca!


This is a delightful video of an Italian little girl who is telling her mother the story about her friend who told this little girl in the video, that she shouldn’t have worn a miniskirt, and so the little girl in the video told her friend, to mind her own business. Her mother says, “Brava!” I so agree. Brava! The little girl uses lots of emphasis and hand gestures when telling her story. She’s a girl after my own heart. I am not Italian (as much as I wish I were), but I do talk a lot with my hands. People have called me out on it. I once caused a bruise near the eye of my friend’s fiance (now ex-husband) when while telling a story, my ring on my dramatic, story telling hand, smashed him in the face. (I guess now I would do it on purpose – kidding.)

My daughter is currently taking a public speaking class in college and she said that one woman suggested that she not use so many hand gestures while speaking. (My daughter kind of looked like an older version of the little girl above, when she told me this story. I hope that the girl who offered the perhaps helpful, constructive criticism did not receive any extra hand gestures from my proud, indignant daughter.)

I like passionate people. I like people with flair. I like people who are interesting to watch when they tell their animated stories. I imagine that this little girl in the video above will be known as an excellent storyteller for the rest of her life.

Speaking of “dramatic”, could this lunar eclipse, full moon be any more suspenseful and electrifying??? Election day, delayed powerball numbers for the biggest jackpot in history, another possible hurricane in the mix . . . . Porca vacca!!! (written with my hands escaping the keyboard and flying into the air above my head, with dramatic flair like you’ve never seen)

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.