Monday – Funday

Actually, I slept really well last night. We went to bed quite early after enjoying a full weekend of just plain, good ol’ fun. We went out of town, which helps anyone to stay in “the just fun” mode. When your house projects, and your home office, and your laundry room are not in walking distance, or staring you in the face, your only option is to relax and to enjoy. Changes of scenery are wonderful.

Yesterday morning, when we were packing to leave our hotel, a funny thing happened that nearly jump-started my heart. My husband and I were staying at an artsy, modern, boutique hotel that had minimalist decor. Our headboardless bed was sitting on a low platform, giving the whole room an Asian feel. When I was packing to leave, I did my usual “Let’s check underneath the bed to make sure that we didn’t drop anything”. I had to get way down on my haunches because the bed was low, low, low. It was then that I almost emitted out a loud, guttural scream and this was not because of the pain that I was feeling from going low, low, low. I almost screamed because I saw a limp hand lying underneath the bed. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was my own hand (I recognized the wedding rings). It turns out that the platform that the bed was sitting on was made of mirrored chrome.

If you like the picture above, check out this Russian fisherman’s Instagram below. He takes pictures of the ugliest catches he has ever brought out of the ocean. These creatures make the World’s Ugliest Dogs look like show dogs.

Have a great week, friends! (if you want to)

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.