Fried Egg Friday

credit: @CooksterandBoog, Twitter

Happy Friday!!! Happy Best Day of the Week!!! Typically, on Fridays (when I am in a good, happy mood) I share three favorites of mine: movies, songs, websites, products, books, pet stuff, etc. Today I am in a good mood. I choose to be in a good mood. I choose to pick the thoughts that support my good mood. From experience, I can tell you that my mood is usually a choice. Today, I choose to feel good. Now in reality, my regular readers know that I am a big proponent of feeling your feelings. I am a big proponent of being real and authentic. I also understand that sometimes, our dark emotions are caused by messed up chemicals in our bodies, which is out of our control, and may need some serious intervention. And of course, we all know that repressed feelings are not good for our bodies or for our psyches. Still, in my experience, in many cases, you can choose to move past your darkness. I’ve earned the right to say this. We’ve been going through hell with my youngest son’s epilepsy the last few months and I have definitely let myself feel the pain, but I have also crawled back to the light. It feels better in the light. Today, I choose to bask in the light.

In a text chat earlier this morning, a friend reminded us of another matter-of-fact, practical friend’s wise words of advice, “It’s only a big deal, if you make it a big deal.” Be choosy about what you make to be the big deals in your life, friends. Not everything has to be a big wave. Help yourself to give yourself some smooth sailing.

My favorites today, are all in video form. I was introduced to two new songs this week, which really moved me. They went into my playlist. See if they speak to your ears. My final favorite for this week, is a link to a video series by a young man who is a travel vlogger, named Drew Binksy. Drew has visited all 197 countries in the world, in the span of ten years and he has made some amazing videos about his adventures. In his latest video, he talks about his eight biggest “takeaways” from this experience. Here are my favorite two insights of his:

+ “The world is safer than you think and 99.9% of people are good people.”

+ “Food is the ultimate connector because everyone needs to eat.”

Choose to have a great day today friends. It’s a precious day in your life. Feel the feels, but then let them go. Here are the links to my favorites for today:

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

The Subtle Art of Friday

Friday Quotes On Pinterest. QuotesGram

Happy Friday, readers! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! What a great Friday we have here, with anticipating Thanksgiving right around the corner. Fortunately, our two older sons will be coming home, so all six of us will be enjoying our holiday together. This makes me feel extremely grateful. In other good news, Ralphie, our Labrador-who-is-quite-unhappily-and-totally-against-his-will-on-a-diet lost 11 pounds in two months. (much better than I did) His diet is clearly working! Ralphie still has about 10 pounds to go, and he still tries sneaking the other fur babies’ food every chance that he gets, but he is looking healthier and trimmer every single day. We are so proud of our Ralphie! While not trimming much off of any of my own body fat, I did trim 17,000 emails out of my inbox yesterday (and that is honestly, an understatement). I never bothered to delete emails for quite some time and then I started getting warnings from Google that I was running out of storage. I hemmed and I hawed but I finally just hit the delete button and I trashed 17,000 emails. Honestly, once I got past my nervousness, it felt incredible liberating and freeing. If only cleaning out my closets and drawers could be this easy!

Yes, I notice that I am quite chatty today. What can I say? It’s my favorite day of the week. Here is what you really came for, my three favorites for this Friday. Please check out more favorites in my previous Friday posts and please share some of your own favorites in my Comments section:

LitezAll COB LED magnifier – I’ve reached the age where magnifiers are easily in my top ten favorite things category, all of the time, and this is the best magnifying glass which I have ever owned. Why is this one so great, you ask? Because it is huge, lightweight, and because it has three bright LED lights that shine on whatever you are trying to see. And what’s even better, it’s cheap. I got mine at Ace Hardware but you can order one from Walmart or Amazon, as well.

n:p beautiful volumizing dry shampoo – Even when my hair is perfectly clean, I use this stuff. I love how full it makes my (honestly, kind of thin and fine) hair seem to be. In the words of my mentee (5th grader), “I want fluffy hair, like yours.” (What can I say? I grew up in the eighties.) Seriously, when you apply this dry shampoo, it sounds like you are taking a blow torch to your head, but the results are terrific (if you like fluffy hair, like mine). And even better, it doesn’t flake, like a lot of dry shampoos have the tendency to do.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson – This book is really good, but it is not for the person who blanches at the f-word. The f-bomb is used in this book, as often as the word “the” is used in my blog. It’s a fun, light read with the key message “to lighten the F%ck up!”. The book was honestly recommended to me by my 17-year-old daughter, who had the book recommended to her, by one of her best friends, who was given the book to read, from her own father. (We love this friend and her family. I think that my daughter’s friend’s father knows that our girls are a tad high-strung and a little over-achieving at times, to the point that it crosses over to slightly unhealthy. At first when my daughter told me about this, I was like, WTF?!?, but after starting to read the book, I was like, “F@ck yeah!”) Here is an excerpt:

“Then, as we grow older and enter middle age, something else begins to change. Our energy level drops. Our identity solidifies. We know who we are and we accept ourselves, including some of the parts we aren’t thrilled about. And in a strange way this is liberating. We no longer need to give a f@ck about everything.”

Happy Friday Friends!! Only give a f@ck about the stuff that matters! Thanksgiving is great time to ponder what really matters to you. See you tomorrow!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Friday Dance!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Good Morning Happy Friday Fun Stuff Pinterest #nLQ3GY - Clipart Suggest

Happy Friday! Happy Best Day of the Week! Happy Favorite Things Friday! On Fridays, I try to “keep it in on the surface.” On Fridays, I try to list three favorite things, or websites, or books, or movies, etc. that have made my life’s experience just a little more enticing. Please add your favorites to my Comments. Especially around the holidays, we are all in need of other people’s favorites to become favorites of our own and favorites to gift to our favorite people. Sharing is caring! Here are my favorites for this week:

Blue Tree boutique – Would you like to go window shopping at a fancy, unique boutique in NYC, right from wherever you are sitting? This is not a meditation experience. Go to Blue Tree’s website and peruse all sorts of interesting and unusual items – the types of things typically only found in big city emporiums. Blue Tree is owned by the movie star, Phoebe Cates (who is also the long-time wife of actor, Kevin Kline). This is how Phoebe describes her shop:  “to have it be like a general store but according to me.” 🙂 A surprise around every turn . . . “ I absolutely love shops like these. After looking at the cute and curious items for sale, watch the funny video Phoebe and Kevin made together, in the shop (in the “For Fun” link) The website can be found here:

TL;DR – I love this acronym. It means “Too Long, Didn’t Read”. Sometimes we all get a little long-winded and mired in the details, correct? If you write a really long email or another correspondence to people who are pushed for time, add a TL;DR. It means “here’s the bottom line” or “here’s the gist of the story”. It gives people a general idea of what you are saying or requesting, and if they need more details, they can get to the meat of the story, in the paragraphs above. Sometimes it feels good to get out on paper everything that we need to say, for the benefit of ourselves in order to better collect our own thoughts and feelings, but in reality, most everyone else just needs “the point” of the story. TL;DR – an explanation about an acronym that indicates a summary.

ComfortingKeepsakes1 – I had the serious misfortune of having to find a sympathy gift appropriate for two little girls who had suddenly lost their mother (my cousin’s daughters, ages six and nine). ComfortingKeepsakes1, on Etsy, sells a lovely personalized memory box package, so that children have somewhere to put things that remind them of their loved one whom they have lost. It’s like a treasure box for love. The package also includes a book about memory boxes, and stuffed animals, and a special little uplifting card from a special little girl, who also lost her father when she was very young (the owner of the shop’s daughter). If this isn’t an example of making something lovely out of one of the worst pains imaginable, I don’t know what would be. The owner of the shop is incredibly communicative, accommodating, kind, and empathetic.

Bad Situation Quotes: top 66 famous quotes about Bad Situation

TL;DR“a general blog, but according to ME. A surprise at every turn . . . ” The gist – Love is everywhere, if you look for it.

Have a great weekend!!! Thank you for supporting me and my blog!! Love you!!

Favorite Things Friday

➕➕Miriam➕➕ on Instagram: “Endlich Wochenende... #schöneswochenende #freitag  #friday #cozy” | Its friday quotes, Weekend quotes, Happy friday quotes

Many times my friends and family who read my blog, tell me that they really like my “Friday Favorites” posts the best. This tells me that people like to stay on the light side of things. It is fun to be in the frivolity of life. Life can be just too damn serious, at times. I like the light side, too. It’s just that lately, I have been in a simplify mode. I haven’t been wrapped up in my usual, lustful consumerism. The older I get, the more I know myself, thus, my favorites stay pretty steady. I know what fits, what tastes good, who my favorite singers and authors are, and I stick with them. It’s hard to find new favorites all of the time. So on that note, I am going to write about an article I read this morning that mentions our collective, favorite, “un-cancellable” celebrities. These are celebrities that have very few, if any, detractors. These celebrities are considered to be greatly loved by the masses. These celebrities are among our favorites of all celebrities. Here are some of the celebrities on the list:

Betty White, Dolly Parton, Mister Rogers, Julie Andrews, Alex Trebek, Tom Hanks, Keanu Reeves, LeVar Burton, Jim Henson, Jack Black, Dev Patel, Chadwick Boseman, Hugh Jackman

I look at this list of celebrities, and I think to myself, “It’s true, I’ve never met any of these people, but I do feel a fondness for all of them.” I have never heard anything hateful about any of them. And I ask myself, “Why are these particular people so well-liked?” Universally, on this list, I see people who appear (or who appeared to be, when they were alive) to be kind, true to themselves, in love with what they do in life, generous, full of purpose, self-deprecating, warm, gracious and grateful.

Considering some of the celebrities who are our collective favorites in life, I imagine we could all add a few more to the list, with smiles and appreciation. Sometimes the noisier, more outrageous, opinionated, brash, attention hound, “trainwrecked” celebrities get more of our attention, but our true favorites in life are not the people whom we “love to hate”, but more so, the people who personify love. They unassumingly love their lives, love their crafts, and they are grateful to have the support of the Universe to carry out their purposes. There is a wholesome goodness about these people that seems to emanate from their true cores – well beyond their images. What makes anyone or anything “a favorite”? Who are your favorite people and why? Remember that the traits that you really like about other people, are traits that you secretly like about yourself, too. A favorite person, place, or thing, is something that makes us feel deeply good, in the truest, non-fleeting sense of the word. A favorite anything, is consistently good, and true, and authentically and unapologetically himself, herself or itself. We love our favorites because they vividly bring out our favorite parts and attributes and inclinations, of our very own selves.

Favorite People, Favorite Places, Favorite Memories of the past... |  Picture Quotes

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Friday Nightbirde

Happy Friday Everyone friday happy friday tgif friday quotes friday quote  funny friday quotes quotes about f… | Its friday quotes, Funny quotes,  Friday quotes funny

Hi friends! Welcome to Favorite Things Friday. On Fridays, I typically keep things “light” and I list three favorite things or songs or TV shows or books, etc. that have added sparkle and excitement to my world. Please check out previous Friday postings for loads of my favorite things. Today, however, I only have one favorite to share. Lately, while trying to get my son’s epileptic seizures under control, and yet also trying to keep things as “normal” and as “sane” as they can be at this time for myself and for my family, my mind hasn’t been focused on the fluff and stuff of life. We are keeping a simple, quiet, uncluttered routine here in my realm, lately. We are taking things ODAT here (One Day at a Time, Sweet Jesus). ODAT is what always works for me best in any crisis period.

So without further adieu, my favorite for today, comes from a post on Nightbirde’s Instagram. I have listed Nightbirde on a previous Friday Favorites blog post. Nightbirde is the insanely gifted and inspirational singer who is currently struggling to survive her third bout with cancer. While Nightbirde is a wonderful and talented singer and songwriter, I believe that her prose writing skills are devastatingly good. This post of hers is one of my most favorite pieces of writing that I have read in a long time. Enjoy:

A journalism professor in a long gray sweater taught me the difference between a story worth writing and a public relations stunt. A real story still has meaning even if no one ever hears it; a PR stunt only matters if people are watching.

And that became a new item on the list of promises to myself: That I would never let my life become a public relations stunt. My life would have meaning, even if no one ever knew it. I wanted to write a story I was proud of, even if nobody read it.

I used to dream that I’d grow up and dazzle the world. But time and disappointment chipped away at me until only the real stuff was left, and it wasn’t very dazzling. I just had some sad stories and a sack of regrets, and a new reverence for the pieces of me that survived.

All of these shipwrecks have stranded me in desolate places where I stared at my hands and realized that I couldn’t offer the world what I had hoped to. Dreams shatter, and eyelashes fall out, and lungs aren’t big enough to carry the song sometimes.

But I still wake up in the morning and draw my hopes on the sidewalk. And every time so far, they’ve been trampled over, or hosed off, or the rain rolled all of it over the curb.

But I pick more flowers, write more stories, dream more dreams. After all that’s been destroyed, maybe it’s foolish to still be speaking this way, but at least I’m a fool with a soul alive. I swing open the doors on my chest and I offer to the world the only thing that I can: myself. I get it now.

We are not all we wish we were, but we are here, and we are trying, and we are awake. We are not public relations stunts. We are stories worth hearing, even with no crowd in the stands for us. We are the heroes. We are the poem, we are the song, we are the gift.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Carpe Friday

Hi friends and readers! On Fridays, I try to keep things surfacey on the blog. On Fridays, I list three favorite things, or songs, or books, or shows, etc. that make life something to be curious about. I call it Favorite Things Friday. (Fridays will always be one of my favorite “things”.) Please check out previous Friday posts, for more favorites and please add some of your own favorites to my Comments section.

Here are my favorites for today:

ME Medichoice Antiperspirant I was given this antiperspirant at one of my hospital stays with my son last month. (see, even the worst circumstances can bear small gifts) Anyway, this is some of the best working antiperspirant I have ever used. I noticed that you can buy it on Amazon in bulk and it is relatively inexpensive, too. If you are like me and you have to switch up your underarm protection frequently, try this stuff out! You won’t be disappointed.

MAID – I just binge-watched this series on Netflix in the span of about 2 and half days. (It’s that good!) The series is based on a best-selling memoir of a poverty-stricken single mother, named Stephanie Land, who worked as a maid for six years while eventually earning a college degree. MAID was an eye-opening, heart-wrenching experience, and the acting is superb. Andie MacDowell plays the mother to her real-life daughter, in the series. She is a tremendous actress. This series has many timely themes for today’s world and it will give you lots of food for thought. (which is honestly, my favorite kind of food, although truthfully some of it was hard to swallow)

NspiredMpressions (Etsy) – I recently perused a local craft show and I purchased some amazing block printed, embossed and etched bookmarks from the artist who owns this Etsy store, Judy Bales. Judy is a print maker, who is quite talented and passionate about her work. I don’t see bookmarks available at her Etsy shop right now, but I imagine if you messaged her, she would be able to show you what all she has available to purchase. Here is a picture of my lovely purchases:

I hope that you have a lovely weekend! See you tomorrow!

“After living in poverty for the previous decade, struggling to pay bills by cleaning poop off toilets, it jarred me to be treated as an equal by people who previously could have been my clients” – Stephanie Land

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Friday People

26 Creativity Quotes and Inspiration ideas in 2021 | creativity quotes,  quotes, inspirational quotes

Geesh, it seems like it has been a long time since I have gotten the time, mojo, and peace to write one of my normal Favorite Things Friday posts. It feels good to be here, in a normal place, mentally and emotionally and physically, at least for this moment. Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! On Fridays, I try to keep things on the light side. On Fridays, I list three favorite things, or websites, or books, or songs, or foodstuff, etc. that make my heart sing. Here are my favorites for today:

Husbands – Yes, my husband is one of my favorites, for sure. In fact, he is my all-around favorite everything, but the thing is, recently I got a new husband. He holds me, he’s comfy, and he’s covered in a divine, soft, furry leopard print material. I bought myself a husband pillow for the first time since college (where I also found the original human husband 😉 ), and I am really enjoying my husband. If you are like me, and you love to read and/or scroll on your phone in bed, get yourself a husband pillow. They are divine!

Keva Style bracelets – I love these jazzy leather band bracelets. They add a bit of funkiness to any outfit and Keva has so many designs to choose from. I bought a big wide, chunky, off-white bracelet from them, and I feel so chic/hipster when I wear it. Keva also sells leather earrings and watch bands for your Apple watches. Check them out here and get yourself a little treat for some weekend pizazz:

Spartina Bitty Beads Earrings – Any time that I wear these earrings, I get compliments. They are dangling earrings, that look like beaded shades, or perhaps like tapestries. The earrings are eye-catching, yet tasteful all at the same time. And Spartina makes quality, long lasting items, so I suspect that I will be wearing my Bitty Beads for years to come. Find some that speak to you, and let the compliments come rolling in.

Thanks for stopping by today. As my regular readers know, my family is going through a tough chapter involving my son’s epilepsy. Thank you for your love and for your prayers. I feel them. I am so grateful for you, and for your support. To be honest, I find my inner judge coming out a lot these days. She masquerades as “people”. She says things like this to me: “People will think you shouldn’t write frivolity in times like these.” “People are tired of your sad posts. Write something happy.” “People will think you are so self-absorbed and sitting in your victim chair.” My inner judge never likes to own her own “stuff”. She pushes her own harsh criticisms on to “people.” Honestly though, in my experience, people are mostly good. People are mostly kind. People just want the best for all of us. The people who read my blog, are my kind of people. I think that I’ll try to ignore my own inner disparager this weekend, and I’ll rest in the comfort of my real “people” who love me, and support me and my family. Thank you for being some of these “people” in my life. I love you people very much.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Scarce Asset Friday

Less Monday More Friday: 2018 Daily/Weekly/Monthly Engagement Planner  Datebook Bright Day Calendars Publishing (2018 Monthly Planner) (Volume 1):  Plan, Daily: 9781978440531: Books

Hi friends! Welcome to the best day of the week. Fridays are awesome!! Fridays are hopeful, full of anticipation and relaxation. On Fridays, I typically list three favorite things, or songs, or websites, or books that have captured my attention. This has been a rough week for me. My singular focus, all week, has been on my son’s health and well-being. (he has epilepsy) So, I’m just catching my breath on this lovely Friday. I don’t have my typical list of three favorite things. What I do have, is some incredible quotes from a recent article in Adweek, from an interview with Jennifer Lopez. Jennifer Lopez is almost other-worldly in her beauty, and in her abilities, and in her talents and ambitions, but her quotes, from this interview are such good reminders for all of us to remember that we are all “scarce assets“, which Jennifer describes this way:

“For me, what I realize is … no, there’s only one me. There’s only one that person. There’s only one that person. There’s only one that person. And what they each have to offer is uniquely different than everybody else.

I have a small circle and I like it that way. I’m not the person who gets a hundred texts a day or whose phone rings constantly. That’s not who I am. I have a very small group of very close people I trust and that I love who I know have my best interests at heart and who understand me as a public person but also as a private person.

I don’t think you start thinking about a personal brand. You become it because of what you create, what you do, how you live and who you are. Ultimately, I think it’s about what you reflect and what people see because in the end, you represent something. I’ve been incredibly fortunate in my life, and I live out loud through my artistry and my creativity and try to stay as authentic to myself as I can. I’m real. That was important to me—to stay connected to my roots and not ever change or make what people said or thought about me influence who I really was inside. It’s about being limitless and never allowing anybody to put me—and limit me—within a box.

Remember that you are a precious, scarce asset in this world. Treat yourself as such. Have a great weekend.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Kick It, Cookieless Friday

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Happy Friday!! TGIF!!! I love Fridays. I am so happy to be here at a Friday this week. Thank you for being so loving and supportive and understanding, readers. It’s been a tough week for me, but we are here, at the light at the end of the tunnel: Friday. On Favorite Things Friday, I usually try to keep it light, and I discuss products, or websites, or songs, or books, etc. that make my life fun. I strongly encourage you to add your favorites in my Comments section. Please also check out previous Friday blog posts for more good stuff to try!

Here are today’s favorites:

Cell Phone Kickstand – This is an awesome little gadget to stick on the back of your phone or phone case (as long as it is a flat phone case). I have noticed that I have gotten sore wrists from holding my phone too long. This is a quick and easy tool to safely position and hold your phone at so many different angles (lengthwise and widthwise!) And when you don’t need to use it, it folds right back into a simple silver bar at the end of your phone case. I got mine for $11 from Amazon. I think that I will consider this a standard necessary phone accessory from here on out! Treat yourself to this useful, and inexpensive gadget.

Cookieless Cookies – This is my new favorite dessert. I made it up recently, all by myself. Essentially Cookieless Cookies are a giant bowl of chocolate chips mixed up with chopped up walnuts. My current Cookieless Cookie holds butterscotch chips, peanut butter chips, white chocolate chips and Ghirardelli chocolate chips, with a dash of the walnuts, of course. (tough weeks call for a higher ratio of chips to walnuts) I figure that a Cookieless Cookie is “healthier” than eating cookies because it doesn’t have any extra butter or sugar. I also like to think of Cookieless Cookies as a form of trail mix without the icky raisins, and with a guarantee of always getting some chocolate chips when you throw a handful of it into your mouth. Happy Trails! Happy “Baking”! It doesn’t take long to mix up, nor does it require an oven – my kind of cooking.

Favorite Picture of the Week

My middle son was driving up the East Coast of Florida earlier this week, and he sent us this picture of what he saw. It is not a UFO. It’s not ET going home. It is the Space X shuttle being launched. How cool is this? What amazing and interesting times we live in!

Bonus favorite: I saw this quote earlier this week on Twitter:

“No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.” – Uncle Duke

I think that this goes both ways. We often think that what we do or what we don’t do, doesn’t really matter, but it does. It’s the individual snowflakes that create an avalanche, but it’s also the individual water droplets that make up a beautiful lake. What we do, good or bad, kind or unkind, thoughtful or thoughtless, does make a difference. It always does. Have a great weekend! Be a good flake!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Favorite Things Friday

Best Good Morning Friday Images! Always Updated Images! | Good morning  friday, Good morning happy friday, Good morning friday images

Good morning, friends and readers. Welcome to the best day of the week!! My regular readers know that I typically keep it light and fun on Fridays. On Fridays, I list three favorite things, or songs, or websites or books, or life hacks that make my life more interesting and engaging. You, my readers, really like Fridays, at the blog. Interestingly, usually the most popular days on the blog are on Fridays, and on Sundays (the day that I devote to poetry. You never knew that one of your favorite things is poetry, did you? I caught you. ;)) So this tells me that you, my readers, are my favorite kind of people, a delicious mix of fun and frivolous, yet deep and soulful. It’s good to be well-rounded. Bravo!

As many of you know, we suffered another setback with my son’s epilepsy, this week. His new medications aren’t working out, which is deeply disappointing because the side effects of these medications were much more tolerable, than his last medications. We coaxed our baby to come home for the weekend, so I had the best sleep of my week last night, knowing that he was home safe with me, in my safely feathered nest. (I love sleep. It’s definitely one of my favorites.) My youngest son (the son with epilepsy) is obviously one of my favorite people in the world, and it is not just because he is my son. It is also because my son is funny, and smart, and ethical – almost to a fault; he is insightfully (and sometimes brutally) truthful – like no other person I have ever met, and so, so resilient. I admire him greatly. I love him beyond reason.

I’m drained, friends. These setbacks with epilepsy are hard on our family. These disappointments bring all of our fears and uncertainties, back up to the surface. People who live with serious disorders, know better than anyone, just how fragile life is, and how quickly it can be taken. After experiencing a major health setback, and once you calm down from the anxiety, and you let your shoulders drop, you can sometimes find the gift that comes from these painful realities of living with a disease, or a disability that can take your life, at any moment. It brings clarity and beauty and gratefulness for every simple moment of living a life. I can’t tell you how much my heart sang last night, to listen to my husband and my son yell, in unison, at the football game last night, as they have done so many times in the past. I savored that sound like it came from Heaven above. Because it did. Heaven is all around us, if we open up our eyes and connect our watchful eyes to our hearts.

I’m sorry to get so deep on a Friday. You readers don’t like that, I know. You might be thinking, “Lighten up, lady!”, but it’s my blog, and I’ll cry if I want to . . . .

Please always remember that when you are considering your favorite things in life, it’s never really “the thing”. It’s always the feeling that you get from “the thing.” If you think of one of your favorite things, or people, or places right now, you will get those wonderful feelings that those things give to you, seeping into your consciousness right away. Try it. Do it often. Your favorites are really your favorite feelings, and you are capable of dosing yourself with your favorite feelings regularly. They are just a thought away. Stay aware. That’s the only way to live.

Happy weekend, my favorite readers of my favorite blog! See you tomorrow.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.