Artsy Fartsy Friday

Good morning!! Happy Birthday to my second eldest baby, whose amazing curiosity and intellect and talent is only overshadowed by his huge, caring heart. I love you, G.

Friday is here!! It’s my favorite day of the week. I only discuss superfluous stuff on the blog on Fridays. We all need just one day of the week to just “Let it all be and just have some fun!” On Fridays, I mention one of my favorite things or songs or products or books or websites, etc. and I ask you to share your favorites in my Comments. (You guys tend to be a little stingy with your favorites. What gives? 😉 )

When I was in college, my sorority would hold a yearly event called Destination Unknown. I loved it. It was one of my favorite events of the year. We would all get into a travel bus and head out to an event, not knowing where we were going to end up. The social chairs were excellent at keeping the destinations top secret. My husband and I are going on a road trip, starting tomorrow. Completely against our typical Type-A style of going about things, we haven’t even made hotel arrangements. Where we end up landing, will be up to our divine intuitions (hopefully our intuitions will be in sync). I can’t wait for the adventure! Try to do a Destination Unknown sometime soon. (even if it is just for a day trip). Destination Unknowns actually tend to help you to get to know your own self, a whole lot better. The seat of your pants is stronger and more interesting than you ever thought to explore. Trust me on this.

My favorite, for this Friday morning, gave me the lovely image posted above. I follow Gregorio Catarino on Twitter, and he posts absolutely beautiful and fanciful artwork from all sorts of artists every single day. He makes my Twitter feed look like an Art Gallery. I highly recommend that you check him out. Interspersed with so much interesting, thought-provoking fodder and written brilliance that work as writing prompts for me, I also make sure that my Twitter feed has plenty of artwork and animal videos to keep me even, and mystified, and full of awe.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend, friends!!!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Dog, It’s Friday

As you all read this, I am likely on my way to taking my youngest baby (out of four) to college. This Friday’s vibe is honestly probably filled with a lot more anxiety and angst than I typically allow myself to feel on a Friday. What is my usual Friday vibe? Life is fun. Life is good. What material things in life add to the good and the fun? On Fridays, I discuss my favorite “stuff”, versus anything deep and yearning. Please check out previous Friday listings for good discoveries under the heading of “Stuff” and please share your own “good stuff” in my Comments section.

Here is my favorite for this Friday:

Rhoback Golf Shirts – I bought three of these golf shirts for my incredibly finicky, picky husband for Father’s Day. And do you know what? He loves them. And so do I. They look so good on him, that all three of my sons decided that they each wanted a Rhoback golf polo as well. Rhoback has created “performance polos” to match the modern man’s need to be active and versatile, in a moment’s notice. These polos are made of high quality, stretchy, cooling material, and they are cut at the perfect length, in order to make them look good both tucked and untucked. Further, Rhoback shirts offer a plethora of patterns, from conservative, to fun and wild. Rhoback shirts all have stripes on the back of the necks to replicate the Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs which these shirts were inspired by – Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs are always active! The men in your life will love these wonderful shirts!

Have a great weekend friends. Stay active! See you tomorrow.

“Deepwater Giant” by Kefan Weng

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Easy Friday

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Discover and share the most beautiful images from around the world | Friday  quotes funny, Its friday quotes, Happy friday quotes

Good morning! You have landed on Friday! What a wonderful place to be! On Fridays, I keep it light and airy and on the surface. On Fridays, here at the blog, I call it “Favorite Thing Friday” and I list a thing or two (songs, books, products, foodstuff, etc.) that has made my life more interesting and fun. Please check out more favorites from previous Friday posts and please share some of your own favorites in my Comments section.

I’m feeling really good and lighter this morning. Last night was the high school tennis banquet, and as the de facto team mom, I was mostly in charge of planning and executing. It went really well. It was a warm, special night for my daughter and her coach and her teammates and their parents and we all enjoyed it a lot, and now, it is off my plate and out of my mind. Phew! One of my most favorite feelings in life is that of satisfaction and relief! And I have been cycling through those feelings a lot lately, as my daughter’s senior year in high school is quickly coming to its close. It’s exhilarating and exhausting. Emotional fatigue is real. Thank you, weekend, for arriving just in time!!!

One of my favorite accounts on Twitter is wise connector (@wiseconnector). Today he asked his followers to list instantly recognizable lines from movies. If you don’t think that writing is all that important nor makes much of an impact, that thought will change when you see some of these iconic lines that have become part of our everyday vernacular. Wouldn’t you love to be the writer who whenever he or she hears one of these lines, smiles knowingly to themselves, and say, “Yep, I wrote that line! That was me.” Here are some of these famous movie lines. I am sure that you can come up with plenty more:

“I’ll be back.”

“I’ll have what she’s having.”

“Show me the money!”

“I’ll be your huckleberry.”

“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”

“You had me at hello.”

“You can’t handle the truth!”

“Life is like a box of chocolates . . . .you’ll never know what you’re going to get.”

“I’ll give you an offer that you can’t refuse.”

“Things you own, end up owning you.”

“Here’s looking at you, kid.”

And here is my favorite material thing of the day. I was in one of my favorite Ace Hardware stores. By the way, I love Ace Hardware stores. They make me feel like I am stepping back in time a little bit. From the people in red jackets that pop out of everywhere and who make you feel like they actually do want to help you, to their beautiful flower selections, and on to their giant, kitschy, impulse item section right by their registers (that area was created for people like me), I just love Ace Hardware stores. Anyway, speaking of the impulse buy section, the other day, they had a whole stand of really adorable, stylish, yet sturdy readers. These readers are made by a company called Optimum Optical. My favorite pair that I purchased (yes, I purchased more than one) is a chunky blue pair of readers that reminds me of the glasses Oprah Winfrey seems to wear a lot. The style of the blue pair is called “Metropolitan.” They also come with a really nice pouch that doubles as a lens cleaner and they were only $16.99 each.

And I’ll end today’s post with this:

” Good Morning, and if I don’t see ya, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night!” (The Truman Show)

Herd It’s Friday

Oh yeah its friday quotes friday happy friday friday quotes hello friday |  Its friday quotes, Hello friday, Happy friday

Good morning! Welcome to the lightest, airiest, “okay, now you can breathe out” day of the week! I LOVE Fridays! On Fridays, I list one, or sometimes even a few, of my favorite things. The things in life are what make life interesting, and material, and a tactile, sensory experience. Before I get to my favorite thing for today, I have a little personal story about sea anemone earrings. A while ago, I purchased perhaps the least expensive thing you could ever buy from Scully & Scully, a longstanding, staid, high-end store in New York City, that’s been around since 1934. I think I purchased probably a small set of coasters, or perhaps maybe even just one coaster, but ever since then, I get their catalogs and their online store pops up on my feed. For instance today, some offerings popped up on my Google, showing me a beautiful Meissen tureen for the bargain price of $125,000. (but does it come with free shipping?) Anyway, it’s a fun store to “window shop.” (If you like Herend figurines, they carry the entire line, and some.) The other day, as I was perusing the internet, and Scully & Scully popped up once again, suggesting that I might be interested in a pair of lovely $12,000 sea anemone earrings. They were gorgeous! And so unique! But sea anemone earrings are not what you call everyday wear, and I have two kids in college, and “good earrings” make me nervous because if I lose one, I’ll be sick about it for months, and I am not Kris Kardashian – I don’t have $12,000 to blow on sea anemone earrings, nor would I ever spend $12,000 on sea anemone earrings, because even if I were filthy rich, my ingrained midwestern sensibilities, practicalities and self judgments would intercede firmly and fiercely. But, man oh man, did I want me a pair of sea anemone earrings!! So guess what? I went to eBay, and Mercari, and the like, and I started feverously scrolling for sea anemone earrings and I found a really cute lime green pair made by Betsey Johnson for around $20, and I love them! And if I only wear them three times in my whole life before I lose one, I can live with that fact. And the point of my long winded story?! Go after what you want. Don’t get fixated on “THE one and only particular solution” to anything in life (i.e. job, person, house, college, vacation spot etc.) There are all sorts of “sea anemone earrings” out there, that will please you, and that will suit your particular needs and wants. Be open to what the Universe has to serve! Explore and enjoy!

On that note, I even have another bonus favorite for today, before I get to my real favorite. This is a favorite household tip. (insert my husband and children guffawing – housekeeping has never been my strong suit). If you have a clothes washer that tends to get smelly (ours is one of those. Years of washing six active, sweaty people’s clothes on a daily basis lends to pure stanky smelliness), pour a bottle of Listerine in it and run a cycle. The Listerine kills the bacteria that makes the washer smelly and the smell goes away instantly and you have a fresh, clean washer. I bought a drugstore brand version of mouthwash for $4, ran it in my washer, and it did the trick, after years of wasting money on “magic formulas” made specifically to clean washers which never worked. I found this household tip on one of my days of getting a little lost in clickbait (instead of doing laundry), and it turns out, the tip is a gamechanger. Enjoy!

Finally, here’s my real favorite of the day. I am fortunate to have a wonderful herd of elephants in my life. Actually, I am fortunate enough to have a few herds whom I rely on, when I lose my way. Do you? This is from the website that describes what these beautiful elephant ornaments really mean:

In the wild, female elephants are known as fierce protectors. They literally form a circle around sisters who are hurting or grieving. And often, they will kick dirt up around her to mask the scent of suffering…in turn, keeping her safe from predators.

And yet, we are the same. This is what we do. This is who we are. And this is who we are meant to be for each other. We all have elephants in our lives. Sometimes we are the ones in the middle, and sometimes we’re on the outside kicking up dirt with fierce, fierce love. But the circle remains.

The ornaments are as lovely as their sentiments. You can buy your herds some here as a way of letting them know how much you love and appreciate them:

Stainless "Friendship/Sisterhood" Elephant Ornament

And that is it for this Friday! Thank you for being one of my herds, dear readers! I hope that I have helped you in times that I have not been hurting and grieving, but feeling strong and positive. You have always surrounded me in times that I need it, and for that I am forever grateful. Have a wonderful weekend!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Favorite Things Friday

Best Good Morning Friday Images! Always Updated Images! | Good morning  friday, Good morning happy friday, Good morning friday images

Good morning, friends and readers. Welcome to the best day of the week!! My regular readers know that I typically keep it light and fun on Fridays. On Fridays, I list three favorite things, or songs, or websites or books, or life hacks that make my life more interesting and engaging. You, my readers, really like Fridays, at the blog. Interestingly, usually the most popular days on the blog are on Fridays, and on Sundays (the day that I devote to poetry. You never knew that one of your favorite things is poetry, did you? I caught you. ;)) So this tells me that you, my readers, are my favorite kind of people, a delicious mix of fun and frivolous, yet deep and soulful. It’s good to be well-rounded. Bravo!

As many of you know, we suffered another setback with my son’s epilepsy, this week. His new medications aren’t working out, which is deeply disappointing because the side effects of these medications were much more tolerable, than his last medications. We coaxed our baby to come home for the weekend, so I had the best sleep of my week last night, knowing that he was home safe with me, in my safely feathered nest. (I love sleep. It’s definitely one of my favorites.) My youngest son (the son with epilepsy) is obviously one of my favorite people in the world, and it is not just because he is my son. It is also because my son is funny, and smart, and ethical – almost to a fault; he is insightfully (and sometimes brutally) truthful – like no other person I have ever met, and so, so resilient. I admire him greatly. I love him beyond reason.

I’m drained, friends. These setbacks with epilepsy are hard on our family. These disappointments bring all of our fears and uncertainties, back up to the surface. People who live with serious disorders, know better than anyone, just how fragile life is, and how quickly it can be taken. After experiencing a major health setback, and once you calm down from the anxiety, and you let your shoulders drop, you can sometimes find the gift that comes from these painful realities of living with a disease, or a disability that can take your life, at any moment. It brings clarity and beauty and gratefulness for every simple moment of living a life. I can’t tell you how much my heart sang last night, to listen to my husband and my son yell, in unison, at the football game last night, as they have done so many times in the past. I savored that sound like it came from Heaven above. Because it did. Heaven is all around us, if we open up our eyes and connect our watchful eyes to our hearts.

I’m sorry to get so deep on a Friday. You readers don’t like that, I know. You might be thinking, “Lighten up, lady!”, but it’s my blog, and I’ll cry if I want to . . . .

Please always remember that when you are considering your favorite things in life, it’s never really “the thing”. It’s always the feeling that you get from “the thing.” If you think of one of your favorite things, or people, or places right now, you will get those wonderful feelings that those things give to you, seeping into your consciousness right away. Try it. Do it often. Your favorites are really your favorite feelings, and you are capable of dosing yourself with your favorite feelings regularly. They are just a thought away. Stay aware. That’s the only way to live.

Happy weekend, my favorite readers of my favorite blog! See you tomorrow.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Friday, It’s Time to Sparkle

In the summertime, we tend to get a least one hour of rain almost daily, here in Florida, but we also get a ton of sunshine, hence the nickname, ” The Sunshine State.” Last night we got a heavy, soaking rain and this morning the sun is shining through all of the raindrops covering my plants. My plants are sparkling! It’s a beautiful sight to behold.

Fridays are wonderful. Here at the blog, I don’t dig deep on Fridays. On Fridays, I stay at the surface level and I describe things, or books, or websites, or songs, that have made my own life more fun and interesting to experience. Please check out previous Friday posts for more favorites and please add your own favorites to my Comments section.

Here are my favorites for today:

Guerlain Aqua Allegoria line of perfumes – I’ve mentioned Herba Fresca here at the blog before because it is one of my favorite, all-time, refreshing, uplifting perfumes, but lately I have purchased a few other samples from this line (ebay) and I am blown away. They are lovely and clean and unique scents, everyone of them. One of the most unique, delicious scents from this line, utterly titillates me. It is easily a great Friday scent to wear. This scent from the divine Aqua Allegoria line is called “Ginger Piccante.” It’s not going to be for everyone, and it’s not an everyday scent, but for an essence of intrigue and daring and distinctiveness, give it a try!

Kim’s Pointy Earrings – Kim Wexler, from “Better Call Saul” is one of my favorite fictional characters from a television series, of all time. She wears a signature pair of earrings throughout the whole series, that I fell in love with, almost as much as her character. I think that these earrings subtly say, “I’m attractive, but don’t ever underestimate me. I will cut you, if provoked.” I bought a pair from Etsy (they came from Israel and are well made and reasonable priced) but you can get replicas of these earrings, at every price level. Alexis Bittar makes a similar pair of earrings. On an aside, I admire those of you, who wear the same signature things all of the time: a conversation piece of jewelry, or unique, colorful glasses or a signature scent that you wear every single day. I’m not that girl. I get bored easily, and I change it up all of the time, with my jewelry and perfumes, but I do find a lot of comfort in those of you who find your signature stamps, and stay loyal to these items, throughout your lives. I think that trait shows a lot of confidence in what you like.

Kim Wexler (Better Call Saul), Actress TV series

Mrs. Bridge by Evan S. Connell – “Oh Cecilia, you’re breaking my heart, you’re shaking my confidence daily!” (song by Simon and Garfunkel) (Cecilia, how many times have people sung this song to you, while you had a plastered smile on your face, while wondering how long you would have to endure it, as if it were the first time you had ever heard someone sing it to you? I have a very unusual maiden name. I can completely empathize.) Cecilia is one of my awesome readers (I LOVE and appreciate all of my readers, so so much!) who recommended this book for me to read. And I just finished it, and it was heartbreakingly excellent. It is an easy read, and a hard read, all at the same time, because if you are a middle-aged woman, in the middle of facing your own existential crises, you will cringe with self awareness, more than a few times, when reading this book. Mrs. Bridge is considered to be a classic, that never quite gets the attention that it deserves, much like its heroine. If you recall, the movie, “Mr. and Mrs. Bridge” featuring Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward, the movie is partially based on this book. I kept finding myself reflecting on Ordinary People and The Stepford Wives, while reading this thought-provoking, and also feeling-evoking, sparse novel. Thank you for recommending it to me, Cecilia.

Okay, let’s have a fabulous weekend, shall we?? See you tomorrow!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

I Remember Every Friday

Good morning, friends. Friday is here! The best day of the week is here! On Fridays, I keep it light. On Fridays, I discuss stuff – products, TV shows, movies, books, songs, etc. I typically discuss three things that have made my own life’s journey, a little more interesting and fun. I strongly encourage you to add your favorites to my Comments section, so that we all have some delectable, new choices to try out this weekend. Here are my favorites for today:

Tarpon Tervis Tumbler – We all know that Tervis Tumblers are amazing quality and come in a huge variety of patterns and sizes. I purchased this Tarpon Tervis as one of my Valentine treats, for my husband. It looks like it is a baby tarpon. The “scales” on the tumbler are beautiful. This is a perfect gift for the fisher-people in your life. It is great for them to use on the days that they are fishing, and also to use on the days that they wish that they were fishing. Check out the Redfish Tumbler, as well. Both of these quality, beautiful tumblers are available on Amazon.

I Care A Lot (Netflix) – This movie is an attention-keeping (even comical, at times) thriller and refreshingly different than most movies that I have watched lately. Most of the characters in I Care A Lot are deplorable and evil, but the twists and turns in the plotline, are amazing. The main character is a complete sociopath, the kind you love to hate. Warning: Don’t turn the movie off until the very end, or you may not be able to sleep at night. (On an aside, the main character is a woman with a severely cut, perfect, razor sharp, bobbed hair style. She wears it with a perfectly symmetrical, middle part. I recently read that if you are a woman who wants to look young and hip, wear a middle part in your hair. I have never worn a middle part in my hair, in my entire life, so that is a non-starter for me, but if you can pull it off, it is something to consider.)

John Prine – I read something that said that John Prine’s music is the perfect music to play in the background when you are doing your daily chores like cooking or folding laundry. John Prine’s music is acoustic, mellow, quietly sentimental, and just plain lovely. It was a wonderful recommendation. Start with his “I Remember Everything.” (and make this weekend a memorable one!!! See you tomorrow.)

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Friday Ride

90 Friday Memes That Will Supplement Your Friday Feels

Hi friends and readers!! Welcome to the best day of the week!! Do whatever you need to do to get into that Friday feeling. We had our weekly family Zoom chat last night, and my youngest son, a student, away at college, said that recently he had to remind himself to have some fun. We are supposed to have some fun in life. Actually, we are probably supposed to have a lot of fun, in life. For some sad reason, it is easier to forget to have fun during these strange times which we are living in. So, here’s your reminder. It’s Friday. It’s a great day to start having fun! Have a lot of fun!!

My regular readers know that Fridays are rarely deep and intellectual and thoughtful, here at Adulting – Second Half. On Fridays, I list three favorite anythings – products, songs, food stuff, etc. and I strongly encourage you to add your favorites to my Comments section. Please check out previous Friday posts for more fun things to add to you living experience. Here are my favorites for today:

Whimsical Alley Mermaid Tail Pen with Feathers – Here’s a link to buy one of these for yourself:

You want one. You know that you do. I don’t even remember where or when I purchased my mermaid tail pen, but I am guessing that it was on a Friday when I was probably desperately seeking some fun. I get that this pen is probably more marketed towards little girls and tweens, but it makes my inner child sing. Also, it is one the smoothest writing pens which I have ever used and I am addicted to pens. I have thousands of pens, yet this has become my “go-to pen”, on daily basis since the beginning of the year.

Revlon So Fierce Big Bad Lash mascara – This is my new holy grail mascara. I was reading some article about some celebrity who can’t live without this mascara, so I thought it was worth a nine dollar try. Ummm, I am now going to throw away all 20 of the other mascaras sitting in my makeup drawer. I looked in my car mirror yesterday and I was so enamored with my lashes that I didn’t even zero in on my dark under-eye bags and crows feet. That’s called magic in a bottle, ladies. Give yourself an inexpensive lift this weekend. Show those peepers off, in the best way possible!!

Manslipping – Supposedly, “manslipping” is now an official word, used in newspapers and magazines all around the world. It refers to the tendency for men to let their masks fall below their noses. I love new words. I think that there was definitely a word needed to describe this enormous phenomenon. Manslipping is my new favorite word.

It’s Friday. Get in. Get into your life. Get into something that feels fun and interesting to you. Get into yourself. Explore what makes “you” tick, like you would explore a new place or a new relationship. Leave judgment on the curb, and embrace curiosity and wonder and delight, in the back of the limo of your own life! Have a great weekend!!!

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love. 

Fuzzy Friday

I was going to share this picture with you, my readers, yesterday, but instead there was a fiasco in Washington DC that sorely needed to be addressed. I needed to get my feelings out about everything, in written form. That’s how I best process my inner emotional world – by writing. Anyway, welcome to Favorite Things Friday! On Fridays (in honor of my favorite day of the week), I typically list three favorite things, or songs, or books, or ideas, or websites, which have made my life a little more colorful and interesting and I strongly encourage you to add your favorites to my Comments section. Check out my previous Friday posts for more favorites. They can provide ideas for what to spend your holiday gift cards on. I usually use up my holiday gift cards almost immediately, every year. I tell myself that I am afraid of losing the gift cards, plus the sales are great, so I go all in. I am always amazed when people have gift cards left over from the previous decade. I am in awe of people who still have gift cards to places that already have new logos.

A few Fridays ago, I mentioned a favorite new app for my phone, called Marco Polo. In posting a video with a group of my friends, I caught the giggles and I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. I thought to myself, what a wonderful thing to have in my back pocket – a video of me, laughing. So on days, when it is hard to find something to laugh about it, I can watch myself laugh, as a reminder of brighter days. On to my favorites for today:

Chia Pets – My husband got the Bob Ross Chia Pet pictured above, for my daughter for Christmas (among other things). It has brought a lot of smiles to our family (and now hopefully to you, too). Bring back the wonderment of your childhood and buy yourself a chia pet. They grow really fast (obviously) and the chia pet will help you to make your own video of yourself, giggling, as you watch your pet grow.

S.O.A.R. – I read about this mindfulness technique recently and it has really helped me to deal with everything that is going on in our world these days. When you feel a turbulence of feelings, use this technique.

S.Stop and breathe deeply. (deep enough to make your belly rise and fall)

O. – Stay detached and observe what your feeling feels like, in a physical sense. Where does anger land in your body? What is the physical sensation of sad or bewildered?

A. – Accept your feelings. What we resist, persists. What we try to disown in us, doesn’t go away, it just often shows up in other ways, like in the form of sickness, or in sleep disturbances, or in short fuses, etc. Feelings are just feelings. It is okay to feel whatever you feel. Just accept your feelings.

R.Release and let go of that feeling. You will be surprised by how easily a feeling that has been observed and accepted, will pass on by. We experience thousands of different thoughts and a wide range of feelings every day. I always remind myself and my family, that our true essence is that of the steady blue sky. Clouds come, and they go. The clouds always, always pass on through.

Addison Weeks Jewelry – I have probably shared this designer with you before, but I keep going back for more pieces of this jewelry. (My husband bought me my first piece of Addison Weeks jewelry, as a gift, a few years ago. He probably rues the day.) This year, I have fallen in love with Addison Weeks’ chains and charms that are interchangeable and look so lovely, layered together. My favorite thing about Addison Weeks jewelry is that it always incorporates natural crystals and stones. I love to wear nature. It calms me. It grounds me. Wearing a piece of what has come from the earth, feels right and Addison Weeks allows me to do this, is a fashionable, eye-catching way.

Happy Friday, my dear friends and readers!! Have a lovely weekend! See you tomorrow.

Pink Perfect Friday

154 Best Friday images in 2020 | Its friday quotes, Friday humor, Funny  quotes

Hi friends!!! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! Happy Favorite Things Friday! On Friday, I stay at the surface. There’s nothing serious about Fridays, except for fun. On Fridays, I list three favorite things, songs, books, websites, videos, health products, etc. of mine, and I strongly encourage my readers to list some of your favorites in the Comments section. Please check out previous Friday listings for more fabulous, fun, fantastic things to enjoy on your flashy, and fearless Friday!

The video below is my first favorite. I just adore this little girl. I can completely empathize and commiserate with her. My friend sent this adorably cute clip to our text chat earlier this week and I was cry-laughing, while watching it. When I was in kindergarten, someone stole my Little Bo Peep birthday hat, at a birthday party and I got stuck with the Humpty Dumpty one. I can still feel the outrage and the injustice of it all. (and you are saying, Wow, this lady sure knows how to hold a grudge!) Apparently, I had one of the biggest temper tantrums of my life at that party. Here’s the video:

Blue Diamond Wasabi Soy Almonds – Oh my, are these yummies yummy!! It’s a standing joke in my house, when my kids look dubious about what I am cooking, and they ask “So, what’s for dinner?”, I always answer, pertly, calmly, succinctly and definitively, with one word, “Yum.” We have “Yum” almost every single night. These almonds are really and truly Yum. No they are YUM (in caps, they are that good.) I know that it is gross and terribly poor manners to lick your fingers (doubly so during a pandemic), but I still sneak and lick my fingers after eating these almonds, when I am sure that no one is looking. Yum. Yum. Yum.

Neutrogena Hydro Boost products – Walgreens is one the few stores that I still go into regularly these days. Sometimes I just wander around it aimlessly for lack of anything better to do, until I get spooked by anyone coughing. These Neutrogena brand skincare products were under a BOGO promotion there a few weeks ago, so I went all in. And I am so happy that I did! I like all of the products in this line, but I am particularly enamored with the Bright Boost Resurfacing Micro Polish. I keep the tube of it in my shower and I exfoliate my facial skin while showering, being the multi-tasker that most of us women are, in this world. The product is not harsh but pretty effective. I like the simplicity and the reasonableness in price of the Neutrogena line.

Have a great weekend!!!! - Memes - Admit it! We all had a pencil like this in our school  time