Funky Friday

credit: Sandy Costa, Pinterest

Happy Friday!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!!! On Fridays on the blog, I’m all about the stuff in life – the literal “stuff” that makes life more interesting to live. Please see previous Friday posts for more of my favorite stuff, and please feel free to add any of your own goodies to my Comments section.

This past spring when we were in Belgium, we stopped in a store that I would say was a great deal like our Five Below chain of stores. It had rows and rows of cheap, everyday stuff, and even a whole section of party products. (It also had this truly obscene section, right out in the open, for all eyes of all ages to see, that let’s just say would have been the right place to purchase stuff for a really vulgar bachelor or bachelorette party. I’m always intrigued by the different standards, different societies have about all sorts of things, but I’m sure that we “prudes with machine guns” Americans, raise a lot of foreign eyebrows, too.)

In the store I bought a dish brush that looks like a goth woman. She had a tag on her that said “Funky Lady” and I still smile when “Funky Lady” and I do the dishes. I also purchased today’s favorite of mine, in that store. It looks like a teeny, flexible plastic rake, for a teeny doll. It is meant to clean hair brushes, and it does a fabulous job of it. I looked on Amazon and you can purchase similar hair brush cleaners there, but I was surprised to see that they are not highly rated in the reviews. Mine is wonderful. It works splendidly! These little rakes are not expensive, so you may want to give one of them a try, especially if your hair brush is looking a tad woolly.

Have an amazing start to your weekend, friends!! See you tomorrow!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

2313. What makes a physically attractive person less attractive?

Crabby Friday

Picture credit: Meme Droid

(My right ear is still all clogged up and muffled. I am annoyed to the point that I am seriously considering holding a crab up to my ear and hoping for the best.)

Good morning!! Happy Friday!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! On Fridays, I get out of my head and into my senses. Today’s focus is on the sense of taste. Today’s favorite of mine is so good, I bought an entire tray of Krab (yes, Krab with a “K”) which my husband doesn’t like at all and I only half-like, just because it was the only way to buy a tub of Sau-Sea Seafood Mustard Sauce at my local grocery store. This sauce is so tasty, I would drink it. I have eaten almost an entire tray of Krab for lunch this week, only for another delectable taste of Sau-Sea Seafood Mustard Sauce. Hopefully, you can find a tub of the sauce without the Krab, but either way, you won’t regret your purchase.

Have a wonderful weekend, friends. Hopefully no overheating, overeating, overdoing or being threatened by tornadoes, are in the cards for any of us this weekend!! Let’s try to get back to “easing” into summer.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

2991. If you were a member of the Spice Girls, what would your spice handle be?

Fairly Friday

Hi! Happy Friday!! Happy Best Day of the Week!! On Fridays on the blog, I discuss the stuff that makes my practical life more fun and magical. I call it “Favorite Things Friday”. Not too long ago, I recommended on the blog, a book written by one of Princess Margaret’s ladies-in-waiting, Anne Tennant. In the book, Anne mentions that she cleaned Princess Margaret’s vast shell collection with the princess, every single year. She said that they used Fairy Liquid to do this. Naturally, I was curious, so I looked up Fairy Liquid and it turns out that I could buy it on Amazon. I figured that if Fairy Liquid was good enough for a princess, it’s good enough for me. Fairy Liquid, appears to be ordinary green liquid soap, much like Palmolive, but it is honestly, much better. Fairy Liquid is highly concentrated and it cuts grease like no liquid soap that I have ever used before. There is no instant gratification like a really clean surface which just before the cleaning, had been a greasy mess. Buy yourself some magical, instant gratification in a bottle. You won’t regret it. (It really is about the everyday little things, friends. They all add up.)

Have a marvelous Memorial Day Weekend!!! The entrance to summer has arrived!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

1385. Describe your mood right now, using one word.

Friday’s Stacked Up


Good morning! Happy Friday!! Happy Best Day of the Week!! On Fridays, I keep things light and syrupy. On Fridays, I discuss things that make life, the art which we live. I like this quote that I read this morning:

I know artists whose medium is life itself, and who express the inexpressible without brush, pencil, chisel, or guitar. They neither paint nor dance. Their medium is Being. Whatever their hand touches has increased life. They are the artists of being alive.” – Frederick Franck

In my mind, Fridays are an especially good day to focus on the art of being alive. On Fridays, I discuss my favorite things in life, and today, my favorite is frozen pancakes by De Wafelbakkers. These are easy, convenient, delicious, medallion sized pancakes that come in all different flavors. They are wrapped in small stacks and all you have to do is zap them in the microwave for a few seconds and they are ready to be served. If you just need a little sweetness in your morning, one chocolate chip or blueberry De Wafelbakker pancake is all you need to satisfy your morning sweet-tooth. De Wafelbakker pancakes are found in 2 pound bags in the freezer section of your local grocery store.

Have a fabulous Friday! See you tomorrow!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

272. Would you prefer to receive bad news sugarcoated or bluntly?

Who Loves Friday?

I love owls, don’t you? Owls are definitely one of my all-time favorites. We have a noisy one who lives nearby, and hearing “our owl” always makes me happy. Happy Friday!!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!!!

We arrived home from Belgium in the wee hours of Saturday morning. We were exhausted and ready for bed by late afternoon, but we kept trudging on with unpacking and reacclimating. Our youngest son has epilepsy, but it is thankfully usually controlled with his medications. He texts us every morning and every evening to let us know that he took his meds, as a safety measure to make sure that he is on top of taking them. Well, Saturday he had an all-day work event, playing volleyball on the beach, and then he fell asleep when he got home to his apartment with his phone ringer turned off. When we didn’t get his text Saturday evening, and then we couldn’t reach him (despite me calling him 100 times), I was hysterical (exacerbated by my own lack of sleep). Anyway, I won’t get into the fact that I embarrassed him greatly with a police wellness check (all three of our sons had a field day with that one) but all of that hoopla could have been averted with a tip that I just learned from my daughter. iPhone users:

“When you tap on edit, go to the individual’s ringtone and tap there. Scroll to the top of that page and there is a setting for Emergency Bypass. With that switch on, you will receive sounds from that caller even if the phone is on Mute or Do Not Disturb is on.”

This excellent emergency tip is my favorite for this Friday. I’m sorry, I don’t know if other cell phones offer this feature, but it is certainly something to look into for your own peace of mind.

Have a wonderful, safe and easy-going weekend!! See you tomorrow!!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

1849. Have you ever slipped on a banana peel?

Friday’s Tea

*****Happy Birthday, Big Red!! You were the one who made us want to keep on going!! You are one of the most self-actualized people I have ever known. I love you.*****

My friend recently came back from a business trip in the midwest and she said that she had tried the most fabulous tea she ever had tasted while she was out there. Naturally, I had to order some for myself. Today’s favorite is Fraser Tea, their Hot Spicy Cinnamon tea, in particular. It is delightfully flavorful tea that tastes slightly sweet despite having no added sugar or sweetener. When my order arrived, someone from the Fraser family wrote a lovely handwritten thank you note welcoming me to the Fraser Tea family. It was a delightful surprise!! You can order some Fraser Tea here, at their well-done website:

It is also our spicy little brown dog’s birthday today (Trip is a Boykin spaniel). Trip turns four today and our eldest son said that means, that today, they are both turning 28! Have a fun and fabulous Friday, friends. See you tomorrow!!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

861. Are you a lover or a fighter?

Favorite Color Friday

Credit: EmilyMichaelDesigns, Etsy

Happy Friday!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! Happy “Chasing the Sunshine Springtime!!” On Fridays, I don’t discuss anything particularly insightful. On Fridays, I look to the material things which makes life interesting and delightful. On Fridays, I give myself a break from Myself. (does that even make sense?)

The best compliment that I can give to my three sons is that they make me wish that I had a brother, in a big way. Our three sons are really good brothers to our only daughter and I appreciate this so much. Her brothers and her father, have made my daughter love and respect men, and yet also expect a lot from the men in her life. (Thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.) I bring this up today, on Favorite Things Friday because today’s favorite comes from a birthday present that one of my sons got for his sister for her upcoming birthday. Apparently this stuff is all of the rage, mostly because it smells so good! (and I love me a good scent for sure! The sense of smell might be my favorite of all of our senses.) Sol de Janeiro products supposedly smell like heaven. I, of course, decided that I needed to order some fragrance mists for myself from this line, to match the birthday girl. My daughter recommended number 62 and number 68 for starters. There is nothing like a smell that reminds you of your favorite beach vacation.

Have a wonderful weekend, friends!!

“Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles and all the years you have lived.” – Helen Keller.

“Perfume is a story in odor, sometimes poetry in memory.” – Jean-Claude Ellena

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

1150. How can you live with more intention?

Wellness Friday

credit: @BethFratesMD

Happy Friday!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!!! On Fridays, I discuss the stuff of life that makes it fun to live. Today’s favorite is for those of you out there, who sadly, like my husband, are down with a nasty cold. Did you know that Starbucks makes a “Medicine Ball” drink, sometimes shown on the menu as “Honey Citrus Mint Tea”? However, if you order a “medicine ball” the baristas will know what you are talking about. It’s a popular drink at Starbucks, particularly in the winter months. If you prefer not to get spendy on trendy drinks, you can make this delicious, soothing, comforting drink at home using these ingredients:

  • Jade Citrus Mint Tea
  • Peach Tranquility Tea
  • Steamed Lemonade
  • Hot Water
  • Honey

I’ve made a couple of variations at home myself, using creative substitutions of kombucha, real lemon and different flavors of tea. Stirred with love and care, you and your loved ones will be on your way to feeling better in no time!

Get well! Stay well! Be well! See you tomorrow!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

1775. Who do you feel is your kindred spirit?

All Around Friday

Good morning!! Happy Friday!!! Happy Best Day of the Week!!! I saw this posted on X and I decided that our dogs, Ralph, Josie and Trip will definitely want to send a snail mail Valentine card to these adorable children. I know that I have some fellow “snail mail” lovers who read the blog. Will you join me? Don’t our precious children need to know that “Love Makes the World Go Round“?

I got pretty deep on the blog this week, but on Fridays, I don’t go deep. On Fridays, I go fun. Maybe life is really just one big giant amusement park, right? There is so much good stuff out there to experience, enjoy, utilize . . . .So today’s “favorite thing” on Favorite Things Friday are these hilarious, over-the-top, “I really shouldn’t be laughing at this, but these are so damn funny, I’m almost peeing my pants” cocktail napkins. I stood in front of the DRINKS ON ME display in a local gift boutique, making a fool of myself cry-laughing at their snarky, colorful napkins, coasters and cards. If you want to start your weekend off with some belly laughs, go to their website, stat!

Here is one of their tamer coasters:

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

1523. Describe your “poker face.”

Furry Friday

Today we are going to a wedding. I always scour a couple’s wedding registry for something that I believe that the couple will have for a long, long time. I look for an endurable item. I think that it bodes well for the marriage, to use an item, or to see an item, and to remember your special day every time that particular item meets your eye. My parents’ friends bought us this large, unusual, beautiful salad bowl for our wedding and to this day, it sits out on our kitchen counter, holding apples and oranges. We’ll be happily married for 30 years in October.

I only bring this up about “special items” because on Fridays on the blog, I discuss the “special items” in life which make life more interesting. Favorite Things Friday is here! This Friday’s favorite I learned about from our dog groomer. She groomed Josie, our rough collie, the other day in about half of the time that it usually takes. (Josie is probably related to wookies. Her hair is similar to Chewbacca’s. Josie has A LOT of hair.) Anyway, our groomer said that she started using a new brush that has become a game changer for her business. It was invented by a Doodle breeder. The brush is called The Doodle Brush. You can buy The Doodle Brush on Amazon. I purchased one and haven’t used it much yet because the dogs were just groomed, but I trust my groomer. She knows her stuff. At $55, the brush is not inexpensive, but my groomer insisted it’s worth every penny. If you live with a furry critter (or two), this is a brush that you must check out.

Have a delightful weekend, friends! See you tomorrow!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

520. How modern are you?