Mysterious Friday

“Their hotel-worker guide explains to them that it’s called a Testa di Moro. He explains, ‘The story is a Moor came here a long time ago and seduced a local girl. But then she found out that he had a wife and children back home. So because he lied to her, she cut his head off.’

Rocco doesn’t tell them the rest of the legend, or the other interpretations of the Testa di Moro’s origins. According to Visit Sicily, after the girl removed the man’s head, she used it as a vase to grow basil. The scent attracted her neighbors, who loved the vase and had copies of it commissioned.

But Visit Sicily also gives another backstory for the statues. In a different version of the legend, the girl and the Moor fell in love. When her parents found out, they beheaded both of them and hung their heads as a warning. That’s why the heads are usually shown in pairs, though “White Lotus” mostly shows the man’s head alone, referencing the other version of the story.” – Pop Sugar, describing the meaning behind a statue of a man’s head in an episode of The White Lotus, Season 2

Happy Friday!! Happy Best Day of the Week!! I don’t mean to make this a macabre Friday post, but I got absolutely entranced with this interesting pottery after watching The White Lotus, Season 2 this fall. My regular readers know that Fridays on the blog are devoted to my favorite things. I get out of my head and I fully engage with my consumer side on Fridays. Things that I love to consume are just a product of other people’s incredible creativity. Think about it. Everything that you use in your life arrived first from someone’s creativity and imagination before it landed on your back, in your house, in your mouth, sparked your interest, or touched your heart. This is how we are all connected.

Back to today’s favorite: I love pottery. I love keeping my plants in interesting containers. I often love the containers almost as much as I love my plants. Italian pottery is wonderful. So, I started on a quest to find a Testa di Moro of my own. However, reality is, the last thing that I need to take care of, is more plants. Ask my gardener. (also known as my husband) So instead, I found a website that sells wonderful Testa di Moros that I can wear. (which if I am being painfully truthful with myself, I even need more jewelry, less than I need more plants). But c’est la vie, it’s Friday and I LOVE plants and jewelry!

This Etsy website called EtnaBijoux, based in Sicily, Italy, has the most divine Testa di Moro earrings. I purchased two pairs and I adore them. They arrived surprisingly fast from Italy and they are even prettier than their pictures. I can feel the maker’s passion for them, by looking at their intricate quality. Go here for a little piece of Sicily to wear whenever you want to feel exotic and divine and you want to keep life interesting and mysterious:

Salute!!! The weekend is almost here!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Free Friday

As a woman from a family who has many members who have served in our military branches, and who has married into a family of many members who have served in our military branches, I couldn’t be prouder. There is no greater sacrificial service, than to be willing to put your life on the line for something bigger and more important than yourself. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We honor you. Veterans will always, always be a favorite of mine.

Happy Friday, friends!!! Friday is the best day of the week, in my opinion. Therefore I keep it light on Fridays and I only discuss the frivolous – essentially material stuff that I like. On Fridays, I offer up one of my favorites, whether it be a book, a movie, a product, a website, etc. and I ask you to add your own favorites to my Comments section. Please also check out previous Friday posts for more favorites.

Today’s favorites are hilarious plant stakes that I purchased at a local plant shop, but it turns out that you find all sorts of these sticks of cute-funness, on Etsy. (With that in mind, before you know it, every one of our own dozens of plants will soon have their own stake.) These plant stakes make me smile and giggle to myself every time that I look at them, so besides the delicious clean oxygen my plants offer up to me, now they make me giggle and smile on the daily, too. How great is that?! What a simple, easy, inexpensive way to add delight into your own life.

Have a wonderful weekend! See you tomorrow.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Carpe Friday

Hi friends and readers! On Fridays, I try to keep things surfacey on the blog. On Fridays, I list three favorite things, or songs, or books, or shows, etc. that make life something to be curious about. I call it Favorite Things Friday. (Fridays will always be one of my favorite “things”.) Please check out previous Friday posts, for more favorites and please add some of your own favorites to my Comments section.

Here are my favorites for today:

ME Medichoice Antiperspirant I was given this antiperspirant at one of my hospital stays with my son last month. (see, even the worst circumstances can bear small gifts) Anyway, this is some of the best working antiperspirant I have ever used. I noticed that you can buy it on Amazon in bulk and it is relatively inexpensive, too. If you are like me and you have to switch up your underarm protection frequently, try this stuff out! You won’t be disappointed.

MAID – I just binge-watched this series on Netflix in the span of about 2 and half days. (It’s that good!) The series is based on a best-selling memoir of a poverty-stricken single mother, named Stephanie Land, who worked as a maid for six years while eventually earning a college degree. MAID was an eye-opening, heart-wrenching experience, and the acting is superb. Andie MacDowell plays the mother to her real-life daughter, in the series. She is a tremendous actress. This series has many timely themes for today’s world and it will give you lots of food for thought. (which is honestly, my favorite kind of food, although truthfully some of it was hard to swallow)

NspiredMpressions (Etsy) – I recently perused a local craft show and I purchased some amazing block printed, embossed and etched bookmarks from the artist who owns this Etsy store, Judy Bales. Judy is a print maker, who is quite talented and passionate about her work. I don’t see bookmarks available at her Etsy shop right now, but I imagine if you messaged her, she would be able to show you what all she has available to purchase. Here is a picture of my lovely purchases:

I hope that you have a lovely weekend! See you tomorrow!

“After living in poverty for the previous decade, struggling to pay bills by cleaning poop off toilets, it jarred me to be treated as an equal by people who previously could have been my clients” – Stephanie Land

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Face Melting Friday

Pin on funny memes

Hello, my little crabcakes!! (there is a long story behind that one, but that’s for another blog some day. Just roll with it. 😉 ) Today is Friday and Fridays are the bomb. On Fridays here at Adulting – Second Half, we call it Favorite Things Friday. On Fridays, I list three favorite things, songs, websites, brands, etc. and I strongly encourage my little crabcakes to indulge us, with some of your favorites, in my Comments section. Thanks in advance and please check out previous Friday listings for more of my favorites! Without further ado, here are today’s favorites:

OPI Show Us Your Tips nail polish – This polish is what I imagine a mermaid’s tail color might look like. It is a beautiful, light, silvery violet color with an unusual glimmer to it. My nail technician once said that nail polish with glitter or sheen typically lasts the longest. It doesn’t show chips and cracks like solid polish shows on the toes. Considering, I’m mostly doing my own nails these days, this has become my new summer regular go-to color. It’s hard to screw up homegrown mani/pedis, with this versatile color.

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CallThatArt – This is my new favorite Etsy store. I recently purchased one of Jan Smart’s (the proprietor of CallThatArt) painted rocks at a local pond store and I loved it so much that I looked her up on Etsy and I purchased some more. I have seen a lot of painted rocks in my life (I have even attempted to paint a few myself), but I don’t think that I have ever seen painted rocks as pretty as Jan’s works of art. Her paintings literally come to life. These are the types of little whimsical, knick-knacky things which bring a lot of joy to my life. If you are of the same ilk, check this Etsy store out for yourself and get yourself a lucky stone.

Disney’s Creative Innovations – Disney World is slated to open up this weekend. I do not want to use this forum to debate whether this is a wise idea or not. I am just relaying the facts. I did read that all of Disney employees and visitors will be required to wear face masks. What I love about Disney though, is that they always seem to have a creative, happy solution for everything. When they open, the Disney employees will be walking around with wooden sticks supporting either Mickey’s smile, or Donald’s smile or Goofy’s smile, to cover the employees’ masks, thus making themselves a little less scary and a little more magical for the children visiting the parks.

“Laughter is America’s most important export.” – Walt Disney

Let’s try to laugh a lot this weekend, friends! A smile is the easiest gift to give and to spread, even if it’s a cardboard smile held up by a wooden stick. Have a very happy Friday!!!!

Human – Kind Friday

Good Morning Happy Friday Have A Happy Day friday happy friday tgif good morning…

Happy Friday, friends!! On Fridays, we keep it very light and on the surface, here at Adulting – Second Half. I call it “Favorite Things Friday” and I typically list three favorite items, books, songs, websites, etc. that make the material girl in me, just a little giddy. Please check out previous Friday postings for more favorites. I strongly encourage you to list your favorites in the Comments section. We could all use a few little pick me uppers during these tough times, and good ideas are appreciated by all.

My first favorite for today is what is going to be happening in the Sunday papers, this very Sunday. Make a point of buying the Sunday paper, if you don’t already get it. Over 70 syndicated cartoons are going to put six hidden symbols in their columns to honor our teachers, medical workers, delivery people, grocery store personnel, medical researchers and food service workers. What fun! Read about this cool little hunt, here:

My second favorite was brought to my attention yesterday by a friend who plans to buy this shirt. You can find all variations of them on Etsy. This way, by wearing this shirt, you can say how you feel, without having to always “say what you feel.” Here is one example:

Human Kind Be Both Tee Shirt image 0

And my third favorite is this dumb little joke that I saw earlier this week, on the internet. My family all thinks that this is a very stupid joke, but I think that the joke is so stupid, that it’s hilariously funny. Plus, it’s short and those are the only kinds of jokes which I can tell to people, with any kind of success. Here’s the joke:

Two ducks were swimming along. One duck said, “Quack!” The other duck said, “OMG! I was just going to say that!”

Groan! I know. Have a great weekend friends!! Remember, the best is yet to come!!!! A little birdie told me to tell you that, so I repeat, “The best is yet to come!!!”

Friday 13

I’m not really in a bad mood at all. It’s Friday, for goodness’ sake! I just thought that the meme was hilarious. The minions will always be a “favorite” of mine. Happy Friday!!! Happy Friday, the 13th!! (extra lucky) Happy Favorite Things Friday! New readers, Fridays are all about the material world. We keep it light and on the surface on Fridays. I typically list three favorite songs, downloads, gift items, gadgets, whatevers and I strongly encourage you to list your favorites, as well. Please check out previous Friday listings for more favorites. Favorites never go out of style. Here are today’s favorites:

Wsky Laptop Cooler – My laptop computer runs really hot. I need an oven mitt to move the laptop to a different location on my desk. This laptop cooling stand is quiet, only comes on when the computer is on, and is unobtrusive. I ordered it on Amazon and I truly believe that it is adding years to the life of my computer. I wish that they would make a person sized one, as it would be a wonderful way, to lay out in the sun. (shhh, I admit that I still do that, but I do wear sunscreen)

Derin Collection Coin Purses – I love small little bags to put all of my little minutia in. My friend once emptied out one of my colossal purses and counted 15 different bags, inside of the bag. (wallets, eyeglass cases, checkbook holders, makeup bags, you get the gist) No exaggeration. Hey, I own my idiosyncrasies. I love bags of every shape, size and color. I just found these Derin coin purses and I am in love. They look like tiny little Persian rugs for your purse. They are wonderful and the bottoms expand to hold all of our lucky pennies. Every purse needs a Persian carpet, right?!

Jillatay Etsy Store – I decided to add to my nativity scene collection this year. I typically like simple nativities that are only one piece (like Mary and baby Jesus) or a few simple pieces. (The larger sets are beautiful, but do not fare well in a chaotic household of six active people and two large dogs with long, wagging tails that tend to take these elaborate nativities out, in one full sweep) Anyway, I found some adorable nativity additions at this store and I fell in love with this ceramic artist’s complete whimsy and spiritually artistic viewpoint. (she makes art from many religious/spiritual/natural viewpoints) Check her site out. Eye candy! See an example below.

Have a great weekend, friends!!!! Happy Friday!!!

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Friday Appearances

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But for today, Stephen King, since it’s Friday, let’s be content and celebrate our illusion!!! Happy Friday, friends and readers!! This was an interesting week. Being a short week and coming back from travel, I never felt like I got my groove back completely. But no worries, “the same old shit” will start back up on Monday for all of us. New readers, Fridays are just fun here at Adulting – Second Half. We do no analyzing of ourselves or of life on Fridays. On Fridays, I typically list three favorite things, websites, products, videos, songs, etc. of mine and I ask you to share your Favorites in the Comments section. Please see previous Fridays for more favorites.

As a special bonus, I learned a new word today and I wanted to gift it to you. This is from an article in the Washington Post, reviewing Amazon Prime’s new show called Modern Love:

“Orson Welles said: “I hate television. I hate it as much as peanuts. But I can’t stop eating peanuts.”

“hate-watch” – watching shows for the sole purpose of loathing them”

I have to question whether it is actually hating the show, or just mindlessly watching the TV show without really giving it much thought or emotion at all, but I don’t know. Anyway, I’m just trying to keep us all hip to the times. 😉 You’re welcome.

Today’s Favorites:

McDonald’s McRib Sandwich – Yep, it’s back. Need I say more? Go get your car keys and ask for extra napkins. Dr. Pepper is optional. You might need one late tonight, too, depending on your Friday plans. And then maybe one, tomorrow morning . . . .

String Jewelry – I have bought expensive string jewelry in fancy boutiques, but I have also found Etsy to have excellent, affordable options for buying string bracelets and necklaces. I have teeny wrists, so as much as I love big bangles, they are usually a no-go for me because I talk a lot with my hands and thus, the big bangles on my skinny wrists, have a tendency to fly off of my hand and hit other people in the head. String jewelry is dainty and lovely and fun to layer. Usually the string has small beads or charms and clasps, to upgrade it from what is just a piece of string lying in your junk drawer. Check out EmMaLoveCompany and tiedupmemories (stores on Etsy) for wonderful, customizable, affordable string jewelry options.

Vita-Pos – Earlier this year, some of you may remember that I managed to give myself a corneal abrasion on a girls’ weekend in Nashville. I was nobody’s favorite that weekend (including myself). My husband was working on giving himself a corneal abrasion lite this morning. (you contact lens wearers understand the plight) I pulled out my handy dandy little tube of comforting, soothing Vita-Pos and handed it to him, with the reassuring air of a Florence Nightingale-type mom, in a flu commercial . Vita-pos is like vaseline for the eyes and it works really well for dry-eyes, as well. Just use it before you put your contact lenses in your eyes, and let it soak up before you put your eye makeup on. (you’re welcome) I get mine on Amazon Prime.

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Have fun making appearances all weekend long, guys!!! I appreciate you!

Oui! Vendredi!

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I’m jealous of people who have distinctively wonderful voices. Morgan Freeman’s voice would definitely make my list of Friday favorites. James Earl Jones and Sam Elliott would probably round out my top three actors with best, most interesting voices.

Happy Friday, readers and friends!! New readers, Fridays are light and airy here at Adulting – Second Half. On “Favorite Things Friday”, in my happiest voice (and non distinctive and a little bit higher than I would like it to be), I list three of my favorite anythings, whether it be books, makeup, songs, products, foods, etc. Please check out previous Friday blog posts for more favorites and please share your own favorites in my Comments section. Okay (clearing my throat), here are today’s favs:

Oui Yogurt – Yoplait outdid themselves with this one. This French-style yogurt is so light and airy and delicious. However, the best part about it, is that it is served in these little, adorable glass jars. I feel like such a sophisticated grown-up eating it! I mix some Cascadian Farms granola in mine every morning, and it is like having dessert for breakfast. Magnifique!! artworks – I just bought a few inexpensive pieces of Canadian Janet Hill’s art from her Etsy store. I love her artwork. It’s just so fanciful and feminine, like being in another perfect time, that doesn’t quite exist, but maybe it does, inside of us? She sells greeting cards, books, and notebooks, too, so you don’t have to buy a print if you don’t have anymore room on your walls. Peruse her art to get you back to your most feminine, glamorous, exquisite self.

Jeff & Aimy UPF 50 Safari Sunhat – The paparazzi photographed Lori Loughlin trying to stay incognito when out shopping this summer, wearing this hat. (or at least something similar to it) Now, I am not going to get into the whole Lori Loughlin scandal – that would take a whole other blog post. I just remember seeing the picture and going, “Wow. I live in Florida. I need that hat.” I bought mine on Amazon. There are all different colors available. It is the perfect soft, fold-able, pack-able, washable sun (and rain) hat, and it actually looks attractive, too. It sort of has a southern belle flair to it, with its wide brim and long flounces and bow in the back, and at the same time, it protects everything on your head, including your hair.

I end Favorite Things Friday with this thought:

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