Monday – Funday

The best funny New Year's memes to share on social media

Why is it that when I’m sick, all that I want to do is to eat, in order to feel better? It’s like if I can just find the right breakfast combination of leftover chicken salad, crackers, a banana and a couple of Ghirardelli peppermint snowmen, and wash it down with a shot of Dayquil, I will be instantly done with my lingering cough from COVID. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll stick my head in the ‘fridge and I’ll try a new combination of wonder foods.

I wish that I were one of those people who loses my appetite when I am sick, but that is rarely the case. Unless I have a stomach bug, my body tends to scream, “Feed me! Feed me NOW! Food is the only thing that will make us feel better.” And what’s worse, it’s not like I have the mojo to walk off the extra calories. Sigh.

Money or Health? You can't enjoy your money if you're sick • Save. Spend.  Splurge.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Time for a Lettuce Cleanse

This past weekend I got a reminder of how much I love certain gastro-perfections that I had retired due to over-gorging in the past. On our Saturday night date night, my husband and I stopped at a frozen yogurt spot for dessert. I covered my dollop of yogurt with the equivalence of probably about three Reese’s peanut butter cups and a bag of almonds. The overall concoction was divine. We hadn’t been out for fro-yo all summer and I had forgotten what I was missing. I’m sure I’ll be headed back there . . . . later this afternoon.

Yesterday, we drove my daughter to a summer tennis camp several hours away, and she brought along microwave popcorn. I think I retired microwave popcorn after spending hours scouring my microwave and burning a hole in my stomach with Aleve, afterwards. I was trying to get rid of the soreness in my muscles that happened as I tried to remove the burnt popcorn smell from the permanent built-in fixture that our microwave is, in our kitchen. However, all it took was just one handful of the perfectly salted fluffy delight, for me to realize that microwave popcorn is going right back on to our snack menu. Immediately. Stat.

At lunch yesterday, I ordered boom-boom sweet chili shrimp. I used to get that concoction about bi-weekly from a local restaurant, for lunch. I ate so much of it, that eventually just a waft of its smell, would make me physically sick. I haven’t had boom-boom shrimp in years. After yesterday’s lunch, I think I will be getting back to my bi-weekly schedule. I had forgotten what a food-gasm, boom-boom shrimp is for me.

Am I the only one who gorges on food that I love until I hate it? I probably have eaten enough Chicken Parmesan for three lifetimes and I rarely give it a time-out. But every once in a while, I do put it on a menu choice hiatus. I believe in the statement “all things in moderation”, but in practice, with foods that I love, moderation gets thrown out the window, until gluttony sets in, and I take a lettuce cleanse. I eat so much of something that I love, that I swear I’ll never eat it again, but then I have a weekend, like this past weekend, full of delicious reminders and the cycle starts all over again.

“There is no sincerer love than the love of food.” -George Bernard Shaw

“The secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.” -Mark Twain

“My weaknesses have always been food and men — in that order.” – Dolly Parton

“The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.” -Julia Child