This Is A Good One

I remember many years ago my uncle relaying a story of sitting next to “The Boss” (Bruce Springsteen) on an airplane heading to New Jersey, and my uncle said that Bruce was an incredibly nice, gracious, down-to-earth man. Since the theme of the blog this week seems to be trending towards “good, kind-hearted people”, I thought that I would share this video. Good people are everywhere. Make it a point to look for them. They usually don’t make a show of it, but they are everywhere. If you make a point of looking out for something, you will be surprised about how often you find it. Sometimes you will feel inundated. Try it. Pick anything – a red rose, a butterfly, a dolphin, an orange car, etc. and marvel at how many times in a small amount of time you see this particular thing or an image or representation of this item, as you are going about doing your daily life. ( “The Baader–Meinhof phenomenon is an example of such biased attention. What is it called when you learn something and then see it everywhere? This phenomenon is called the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon or the frequency illusion.” – Scribbr) Why not add kind, wonderful, thoughtful people to your list of things that you want to see on a daily basis? Wouldn’t that be a great uplift to your every day?

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

What’s Left?

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Sometimes I come to this blog and I think, what is there left to say? Haven’t I already written it all down? Aren’t I just constantly saying the same thing, just in different ways? And who am I saying it to – myself, my readers, the Universe?? Why do I have such an urgent need to write my thoughts down, constantly and everywhere? Then I look at one of my treasure troves of quotes from my readings, in one of my many inspirational notebooks and I think to myself, “Wow, everything that moves me generally falls into the same themes.” And then the quote that comes to my mind, from “The Boss” himself, in the words of Bruce Springsteen, “I’m just so tired and bored with myself.”

Besides the blog, (Okay here’s an interjection. I had to look up whether it is “beside” or “besides” and The Grammar Guru said this: “People sometimes confuse the correct usage of “beside” and “besides.” “Beside” is a preposition that means “close to” or “next to.” “Besides” is also a preposition that means “in addition to” or “apart from.” It’s can also serve as an adverb that means “furthermore” or “another thing.” I am so grateful for Google and the Internet. I rely on it so much. I think that is why I didn’t seriously start writing a lot until middle age. I needed the instant gratification of Dr. Siri, the English professor, to keep me on track. I also use the online thesaurus a lot, as a writer. Other writers, are there any online tools which I’m missing out on??) I also write a brief daily journal which I have kept for years, and last night I purchased yet another journal. (this is starting to make me seem narcissistic. I just can’t get enough of myself. Puke.) The journal I purchased last night is called Mom’s Bedtime Journal. The daily prompts are this: Today’s Highs and Lows. We used to do this at the dinner table when my kids were younger. We called it High Point/Low Point. Sometimes this exercise was funny and interesting. Sometimes it was boring and long and drawn out. Sometimes it was dramatic and ridiculous. It was always amusing, and we always tried to end on a “High Point.” The next prompt in Mom’s Bedtime Journal is One Thing I Did For Myself Today. That’s a good one. It works as a good reminder. Yesterday, I went on a nice, long, refreshing bike ride. And I wrote it down on the lines after this prompt. Next prompt: Something Funny or Cute My Kids Did/Said. Hmmmm. This is something that I wish I had done when my kids were little. Write the cuteness down! We have a few family favorite cute stories that we recycle and rehash constantly in our family lore, but I wish I could remember all of them. I’ll try to do more of this recording of cuteness when I have grandchildren who do and say cute things, before they grow up and get snarky and less adorable. Final prompt: Today’s Small Wins. I like that focus. A bunch of small wins add up to the big wins in life, right? Somedays, even taking a shower can be a small win. The journal pages end each night with “. . . Sweet Dreams“. Awww. That’s so nice.

One time a friend of mine said that my blog reminds her of having a daily phone call with a good friend. And if this were a phone call, this is about the time that you have listened enough to my ridiculous, meandering, “where is she going with this?” thoughts. This is the time for you to say, “Oh no! Someone’s at the door! I’m going to have to say good-bye. Why don’t you go take a shower?”


Quotidian – ordinary, every day, common, conventional, unexceptional, commonplace, mainstream, nondescript, characterless, colorless, pedestrian, uninspiring, garden variety.

Due to the coronavirus (and my chosen response to the coronavirus), my every day life, perhaps, could be described as quotidian. I have tried to spice things up by bringing a third dog into the raucous mix. I have invited drama into our lives by allowing our sons to go back to college. I’ve conjured up old, barnacled ghosts, by bringing the thrills and perils of boating back into my life. I have read many new books, and I have spent much time walking and thinking and ruminating on life’s mysteries. Still, I am honestly at a point of restlessness in the ho-hum doldrums and tedious mundanity, of my every day life. Thus, I have created a road trip for myself, to a destination unknown to me, and to my family. I always get jittery and excited before trips, and I am fortunate enough to have explored some truly fabulous places in this world, but the level of excitement that I feel right now is unexplainable. You know that you need a change of scenery, when the idea of another day in your own company, makes you want to throw up, and to make excuses to not meet up at the mirror. In the words of “The Boss”, Bruce Springsteen, “I’m just tired and bored with myself.” I need a revived version of myself to keep me interested. Trips have a way of waking up my creativity, and of reminding me about the dusty corners of myself that I had long forgotten existed. Of course, the trip planned is to a remote place of limited habitation (thanks again to the coronavirus), but still, places of limited habitation are typically full of rare and beautiful and wild species rarely seen in quotidian life. I plan to fully immerse in the delightful, untamed energy of it all and to report back to you daily, hopefully in a more lively, un-quotidian style.

253 Inspirational Travel Quotes From REAL Travellers To Fuel Your  Wanderlust | Bel Around The World